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Wondering how to progress

Hey y'all,

So I've got experience with the game, played in the past, however decided to roll with a new account. Since a tamer is the archetype I've played the least I decided to give it a go.

Made a bard/tamer with taming/lore/vet/magery/music/peace debating what the 7th skill should be. I've GMd all of them and am kind of wondering what to do in order to gain more power.

Got a selection of pets but I can't train them since apparently the taming requirement goes past 100 after you do it. I can't really afford buying a PS either and with the prices on those it's a bit unfeasible saving enough money to buy one ( can reliably farm tsuki wolves ).

Maybe get a lower skill pet ( boura, saw someone mention imps in a thread... ) and get that to 5 slots - the control skill surely won't be pushed past 100 will it? And then do slightly harder content like doing loops in Blood or idk what else, that's the best I can come up with.

Very open to any ideas or criticism towards what I'm overlooking/doing wrong.
On Europa btw.

edit: archetype I've played THE LEAST haha
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Stratics Veteran
Farm Miasma for the chests, sell the maps and loot the gold. Tame a Cu and farm Navrey and pray u get a decent drop rate for Tangle.....I've never gotten one, but i know ppl that have gotten a cpl in a day. Join a guild, do champ runs to get your scrolls, if ur guild is up to it, run Roof and sell cameos or other items to get the scrolls u need. I play Atlantic, prices r alot higher, but that also means ppl pay more for whatever ur able to loot so it balances out.
Farm Miasma for the chests, sell the maps and loot the gold. Tame a Cu and farm Navrey and pray u get a decent drop rate for Tangle.....I've never gotten one, but i know ppl that have gotten a cpl in a day. Join a guild, do champ runs to get your scrolls, if ur guild is up to it, run Roof and sell cameos or other items to get the scrolls u need. I play Atlantic, prices r alot higher, but that also means ppl pay more for whatever ur able to loot so it balances out.
Cus require over 100 taming don't they?
And how do you open paragon chests, find a lockpick to do it for me or is there an alternative?


Stratics Veteran
Cus require over 100 taming don't they?
And how do you open paragon chests, find a lockpick to do it for me or is there an alternative?
do u have soul stones? if not, u'll need someone to unlock them. yeah, a cu requires 101. a 105 ps shouldn't be expensive though. if u were on atlantic i'd give ya a +10


if u were on atlantic i'd give ya a +10
How does a newbie on ATL go about getting one of those free scrolls? >.>

Also, do you have any advice on guilds? I haven't played in around 15 years on Baja, and would like to find a new group to explore with. Main playtime would be during the day in USA timezone.


Stratics Veteran
Atlantic is a very populated shard with lots of guilds willing to take on new and returning players. I am part of the guild Bonk,and we r extreme new/returner friendly. +10 scrolls r usually just given away. unless u have some kind of emotional connection to a diff shard, Atlantic is the place to be. There is the usual trash talking garbage on chat, fel does have pks, champ spawns r raided on a pretty regular basis.....basically its just like it was 15+ years ago. Making money is easy. if u come to Atlantic, i highlly recommend getting on general chat and ask for a Bonk guild emissary


Atlantic is a very populated shard with lots of guilds willing to take on new and returning players. I am part of the guild Bonk,and we r extreme new/returner friendly. +10 scrolls r usually just given away. unless u have some kind of emotional connection to a diff shard, Atlantic is the place to be. There is the usual trash talking garbage on chat, fel does have pks, champ spawns r raided on a pretty regular basis.....basically its just like it was 15+ years ago. Making money is easy. if u come to Atlantic, i highlly recommend getting on general chat and ask for a Bonk guild emissary
I've created a new character on Atlantic, he is 5x GM right now with other skills in the 90's and 80's. Trying to finish off those skills before I start really playing the game, making money, and killing things. Will see if I can find Bonk the next time I log in.