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[Discussion] Wonder where these types of items went..


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
The Easter Eggs and Quest Diamonds have been rendered far less rare by their indistinguishable counterparts, vorpal bunny easter eggs and duped Valek Diamonds, respectively. I've seen a Dungeon Keeper Gem and one of the roleplaying lesson books in the past 1-2 years. I'm fairly certain I've seen the Pirate Book around relatively recently, as well. And I personally own a bottle of the SCT vintage.

Salya Sin

Wow! Thanks for this post... I didn't know that section on Stratics existed. It was neat to look through!

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
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I know most of the Baja rares still remain on Baja. I once owned the mace of Skyfire, sold it to Gwydion long ago. I also seem to remember an item on Chessy known as "Staff of Light" that was pretty nifty. I miss these old EM items...so well thought out, and it was about the quest, not the item. Don't get me wrong, I love some rare eye candy, but man, what good times.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At least most of the LS stuff is still in the same palce as that page lists... though honestly, nobody seems to know what happened to the LS Syrem's Razor...


i remember seeing someone wearing the obsidian wisp necklace on chessy years ago.


Slightly Crazed
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I still have a Dungeon Keeper Gem on Great Lakes.

It's on display at the FCB rares Museum--second floor. There are free runes to the Museum at the Rares Festival House on the vendor Honey Rares.