Some rewards, especially the zoo ones, are much easier done by earning the gold itself by hunting, and then just buying the rewards outright. The rest are usually done by scripters because the devs back then ignored all advice on how to do it, and have ignored all advice since to fix it.
So you can either do what everyone else does to actually get something in their lifetime, bot, or just buy the items, or use gold to buy the items.
Come on LOL look at the T-map turnins, you think ANYONE ever turned in enough maps to get a high end reward? of course not, it would take years. A lot easier to just hunt and earn 10 mil gold.
Ok, I tried the musician with drums (8 pts each). It took me about 18 secs to click enough times to turn in 8 drums. The glasses will run you 100,000 drums x 2.125 secs per drum = 60 hours of
just clicking. This doesn't count a) buying drums; or b) tink'ing drums. 60 hours of you should use gold. Okay, 1 pt / 15 gold. That's 12 million. I don't care who you are, earning 12 million in game is a long time, particularly when they changed the bags of sending. Now, consider that the point of this isn't to reward dedicated players, since the time involved is astronomical to do this by legitimate means. The point is actually to add a drain on the overall economic wealth that will flow faster than the associated faucets that pour wealth into the game. In fact, this drain was, for a time, incredibly effective, particularly among script monkeys. A drain on cheater wealth that offers artifacts that are marginally useful (you can achieve similar resists, etc. by other arti's or really good enhanced monster loot). This seems like something the devs would view as a good thing.