Still swinging while casting a chiv/any spell. While I do agree chivalry is very overpowered, both in PvM and PvP I don't see this as a good change. Lowering the cap on FC/FCR for it? All for that, but with mages endless mana pools these days(not hating, I have played a mage almost exclusively since KoC and OiN ran Chessy) it is hard for a dexer to get a swing in. Even though a chivalry character may be hard to kill, when a mage is losing no mana and a dexer can't stop casting or he will eat it, what is he to do?
Which brings me to point #2
No specials while having a spell precasted. This one has limited the play of mages so much. Now you pretty much play a necro mage, an alchy mage, or a scribe mage. I agree with needing tactics for specials, but one or the other would have been nice. Both just killed the tank mage for good.
Still swinging while casting a chiv/any spell. While I do agree chivalry is very overpowered, both in PvM and PvP I don't see this as a good change. Lowering the cap on FC/FCR for it? All for that, but with mages endless mana pools these days(not hating, I have played a mage almost exclusively since KoC and OiN ran Chessy) it is hard for a dexer to get a swing in. Even though a chivalry character may be hard to kill, when a mage is losing no mana and a dexer can't stop casting or he will eat it, what is he to do?
Which brings me to point #2
No specials while having a spell precasted. This one has limited the play of mages so much. Now you pretty much play a necro mage, an alchy mage, or a scribe mage. I agree with needing tactics for specials, but one or the other would have been nice. Both just killed the tank mage for good.