Nobody will use SA, sad but true. Why not improve 2D? Simply add some new UI elements to make it more user friendly...
- Hotbars: The best thing about KR, no more clicking little spell icons that always move and are accidently right clicked and closed all the time.
- Health Bar Revamp: Make grabbing health bars way easier, improve the graphics, improve it overall.
- Speed: It needs to be super fast, this is the reason KR fails epically in PvP
- Same artwork: Yes, you heard me. Leave the paperdoll graphics and world graphics. People like them and are used to them. The KR ones are blinding make it very hard to see whats what.
- Revamp the options and macro menu: Make it more intuitive, easier to use
- Implement the old 3D bags: Those were the best. The grid system is annoying, but the 2D bags lack organization space. Resizable 2D bags is the best.
First of all, you might be surprised by the number of people using the KR client now. With the BBE mod, it is extremely useful and improved! I admit, it took a while to get used to the changes, but now I do not want to go back to 2D.
Hotbars.. check! KR already has it. OOOOO... wait until you download the BBE mod and get timers on your hot bars that show how much time is left on a buff or spell effect. Are you poisoned? How much time before it wears off shows below your health bar. Gift of Life about to expire? You will know when to renew the spell. Hot bars keep everything organized in KR and are so much more informative with the BBE mod.
Health bar revamp.... check! the BBE mod for KR works well and includes nice little numbers on top of the bars. Want it to look different? Make a friendly request of the modders and see if they will change it for you or make the change yourself.
Speed... There are several things you can do for your computer and KR to make it run faster. Some of those, like the frames refresh rate, have been added to the newest KR mod. Now KR runs faster on my computer than 2D ever did! I admit, we should not have to make all these tweaks, but it is worth it.
Umm... you lost me on the graphics part about how KR is blinding. That statement makes no sense and I have no problem distinguishing what's what in KR. Many things look different than in the 2D client, and some don't like change... is that what you mean? It did take a while to get used to, didn't like the change at all at first, but I like it now. I DON'T want the old 2D artwork back!!!
Macros... okay. They are NOT intuitive in KR, but not any worse than 2D. Macros in 2D are NOT intuitive either. What does "IncreaseUpdateRange" or "MaxUpdateRange" mean anyway? Those are 2D macro commands that I scratch my head at. And the secondary commands in 2D are sometimes hard to select, have to grab them off to the right edge. I would like to see some improvement in the KR macros, but they have some really nifty commands right now. Mining or chopping trees for boards - no comparison that KR wins hands down!
AHH.... inventory bags! That is one of my favorite things in KR, looting corpses in KR. With the Modders UI showing property intensities by color, I can quickly mouse over objects and see whether it is worth a second glance just by the color of the property. High intensity has a dark blue or gold color for max intensity - I only look at the numbers if they jump out at me via color. Looting in the grid systems is awesome. No need to move anything, and you just right click to pick it up. I do NOT like KR for stocking vendors, only because other people use 2D and I can't get things to look the same on a vendor between the two clients. Resizable bags would be very nice, but not the jumbled mess that 2D bags are.
My question for you is, when was the lat time you tried KR? Are you one of those who've tried it in Beta and said never again and still complain about it? Have you tried it lately and tried the BBE mod? have your tried some of the performance tweaks that are posted in the KR forums here on Stratics? If you have tried it lately, and it doesn't work for you then your gripes are legitimate. If you haven't give it a try, and ask about anything that isn't working for you. Most people who say, "KR sux" haven't tried it since the beta version. Try the BBE mod and you might be very very surprised.
After playing KR exclusively since October, I wish they would just concentrate on the KR client, aka the NEW SA client, and not continue to maintain and old and outdated 2D client. KR is not perfect, and I don't claim that. But the modders have made tremendous improvements with the BBE mod. I hated KR when I first tried it, and thought the graphics were awful too. But now, the KR client is so much faster and more useful that 2D ever was, I do not want to go back.
And you know, I kinda like the graphics now.