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Why loosing protection on logout now?



Is this something new?
I understand they changed spells like reflect armor or magic reflect so that you need to recast after dying and I'm cool with that - but why the hell do I have to recast protection after every login?
Who came up with that stupid idea and why?

Old Man of UO

EVEN WORSE... I am losing vampire embrace form whenever I log out. I don't remember reading anything about that in the publish notes... did I miss that one too?


Der Rock

Is this something new?
I understand they changed spells like reflect armor or magic reflect so that you need to recast after dying and I'm cool with that - but why the hell do I have to recast protection after every login?
Who came up with that stupid idea and why?
it is soooo stupid :mad:
if we would have 1 char. per account it would not matter, but everytime we login another character we have to check this out now. :mad:
DEV´s change this !

unbeleavable, they do 1 thing good for the game but on the other hand they destroy 2 other things :wall:

(login with your hidden thief,without protection ON,this change is absolutly stupid)

Stupid Miner

Is this something new?
I understand they changed spells like reflect armor or magic reflect so that you need to recast after dying and I'm cool with that - but why the hell do I have to recast protection after every login?
Who came up with that stupid idea and why?
Oooh so that explains it.

Yea, this is pretty annoying.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm.. just noticed that it's happening to my chars too.

Before it was just removed due to deaths, now it's removed upon logoff...


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
Um are we sure that this was not just implimented to fix the -resist problem


UO Forum Moderator
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what I am saying is maybe they did this for a quick fix so people could participate in the event this weekend and maybe there is a more permanent fix coming later?

Pom Pom

There was no quick fix. Everyone of my characters are still messed up. Minus (-) in physical resist. Every last one of them.

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oooh so that explains it.

Yea, this is pretty annoying.
I wondered what happened when I thought my char was in vamp form and was not. Had not noticed the protection, but I know that when they made the change protection did not leave on log-out. Must have been the more recent update.


Well the Protection is leaving my guy ... but not the Vampiric Embrace ...


Pom Pom

A GM came and fixed all my characters with the negative physical resist. I then recast protection and logged the characters out. Upon relogging in, protection WAS still enabled. So I am thinking that you just need to recast protection once the first time you log in - and then after that, only when you die probably (haven't tested the die part yet, but that is how it was before server).


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is this something new?
I understand they changed spells like reflect armor or magic reflect so that you need to recast after dying and I'm cool with that - but why the hell do I have to recast protection after every login?
Who came up with that stupid idea and why?
You all need to start reading the Herald and reading the publish notes and patch notes as they come. Gosh, lol.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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I thought they did it to fix those buffs that refuse to go away. Evil Omen is a notorious offender. My sammy once had that on him for a few months, simply because I didn't use him enough to be bothered to go find him a necromage for the purpose of fixing it.


You all need to start reading the Herald and reading the publish notes and patch notes as they come. Gosh, lol.
None of the notes say anything about the respective buffs going away at logoff, only upon death. On that subject, this is a major pain in the ass.


Something strange here, too.
I know all my pvm chars have protection on - been that for years.

Today I logged in the chars that lost protection - I recasted it yesterday before logout and today they still have it on!
And I logged in an old char not used for many months that should have protection on but did not have it today... *scratches head*

Maybe it's really that all chars are to loose protection once until you recast it.
Oh, and no, this is not documented anywhere in the recent patch notes...

DJ Diddles

This change is BEYOND stupid. I know that a lot of people use magic reflect/armor on NON-MAGE characters, to help their resist. Most people do this when they want to bump up a suit or make it with an excess of physical, or other resists to even it out. Personally I just equip +40 magery worth of items, and cast the spell.

There is no rational reason why this should disappear on DEATH (Even worse than disappearing on login, because seriously, that's just stupid.)

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All this recasting is a pain and compounded by the constant crashes. Always fun crashing in a spawn and relogging to see if within an inch of your life. And now all your buffs are wiped and no protection makes for hard self save. Not to mention if your armor resist set up depends on buffs or another form resist mods.

Seem even worse now with the crashing. Today logged onto mule and recalled to get BODs at Luna and insta crash going back to house.

Old Man of UO

I think there was a server change... my VE is now sticking.

I haven't logged in since yesterday on my other characters so I haven't had a chance to check protection and other buffs... are those working now?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope. After log in and log out, the magic reflect and reactive armor are gone.

Please revert back to pub 57 for this part.

This is getting too damn annoying.

Pom Pom

Nope. After log in and log out, the magic reflect and reactive armor are gone.

Please revert back to pub 57 for this part.

This is getting too damn annoying.
Maybe because my characters were fixed by a GM that they are staying fixed even after logout? Anyway, I found one more character that is -15 physical resist, paged a GM, and this time they sent me to the website, after fixing my other characters yesterday. Wonderful, now my character is stuck with -15 physical and nothing I can do about it.

Oh and another thing that is still broken, the champ spawn at humility. Stays with 5 reds and 4 whites at all times even though it is actually advancing. Its very hard to figure out whats going on at any given time.

Old Man of UO

Oh and another thing that is still broken, the champ spawn at humility. Stays with 5 reds and 4 whites at all times even though it is actually advancing. Its very hard to figure out whats going on at any given time.
LS gets stuck at all red skull candles lit with the 4 white candles, spawn resets after 20 minutes and proceeds like it is supposed to. Fun, huh.


Well im glad the "inscribe" +5 resist bonus is taken away, this is an abuse of the soulstones that shouldn't have been used anyway. Only a 100 inscriber should benefit from +5 elemental resists due to his skills. So that part was good that it disappears.

But like the other posters said, having buff spells disappear upon death and log out are annoying. Also i have noted that when you have your protection icon dragged out to use, many times you can't get protection off by using the icon, you have to delete it, re-drag it from the spellbook, and cast it again, something buggs the icon so it can't be used (or doesn't work). Happens dozen's of times, probably due to death and the current "wiping" of protection when you die buggs the icon also.


UO Forum Moderator
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Well im glad the "inscribe" +5 resist bonus is taken away, this is an abuse of the soulstones that shouldn't have been used anyway. Only a 100 inscriber should benefit from +5 elemental resists due to his skills. So that part was good that it disappears.


Where do you people keep getting that the +5 elemental resists come from the Inscription????

At ZERO Inscription, casting/recasting reactive Armor & Magic Reflect gives you the net gain of +5 to each elemental resist, and a human can cast both at 0 magery, using scrolls.

It's the PHYSICAL PENALTY associated with Magic Reflect that Inscription counters. And, that can be offset about as easily through armor, as anything (about the only ones that would have trouble would be those running with a couple over-clocked elemental resists for purposes of countering corpse skin, vampiric embrace or other necro shapechanges). After all, aren't most luck suits Spined leather, which gives +5 physical to each piece, before factoring in Exceptional and runic bonuses?

And, yeah, I've lost about 50k insurance since the change from protection disappearing on login, and about twice as much from forgetting that death removes it. I'd actually STOPPED using the other two on my tamer the week before, after burning two barbed kits on a suit that gave me all 60s-70s (with protection cast by a person with no inscription) to go out and train in (one does not need to wear a luck suit to tame in - only for hunts where you are looking for loot, not new pets).