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why isnt this working?



I really would like to see why this temp isnt gonna work or find out what Im overlooking?
120 Archery
120 Ninja
120 Bush
100 hide
90 Tact
90 stealth

Now with the 80 skill points left over i wanted to try out spellweaver, but fig I would need atleast 90 for the pixe's. When I asked around on this temp loads of ppl tell me its no good , its not gonna work, etc....

If not spellweaver , then how bout 80 points in Alchy with G-exp pot's and some dart's to boot? The Alchy say's ** If the user of explosion potions has any alchemy skill the damage will be increased by 1 for every 5 points of alchemy skill the user has. The effects of Enhance Potion items are also added to explosion potions. Explosion potions cannot be used if you are [frozen]**.

Well for healing, I would run 50 ep and use Confindence.
Ive got the suit to make from my imbuer, So Im not worried bout that part. I just want to know if I can run this temp or not?


Deathstrike does half damage from ranged weapons.

DEATH STRIKE [30 mana, 85 min skill, 120 skill gives 95.0% success]
NOTE: Damage from Death Strike is halved with bow attacks.

If you hit in combat & pass the check to use deathstrike this 30 mana attack halves the damage of your initial strike and then has one of 2 additional effects:

1) If the target takes less than 5 steps during the next 5 seconds then they will take (Ninjitsu/9)*(.3+.7*(hiding+stealth)/220) + [tracking bonus] DIRECT damage
2) If the target takes more than 5 steps in the next 5 seconds then they will take (Ninjitsu/3)*(.3+.7*(hiding+stealth)/220) + [tracking bonus] DIRECT damage

TRACKING: If you sucessfully track a target before you deathstrike, the next deathstrike attack will do additional damage as follows. Adds up to 10 damage based on the distance between where the target was standing when you tracked them and where they are standing when you deathstrike them. In addition you will do tracking /10 (rounded down bonus damage)
[Tracking bonus is now capped at 10 + 1/10 skill ]

DAMAGE IS CAPPED AT 60 (if they run) & 20 (if they stand still).
If you stack a second deathstrike attack, the caps change to 70 (if they run) & 30 (if they stand still). (IMO the extra 10 damage isnt worth another 30 mana.)

Note: The 5 sec damage is unaffected by choice of weapon or level of tactics/anatomy (you can even use wrestling).

In PvP Death Strike can be used to put your enemy in a dilemma: run and take 40 (up to 60 with tracking) or stay toe to toe with you and take 13 (up to 20 with tracking).

The stealth changes have made the formula for death strike damage a little cumbersome. Here are some examples:

0 hiding and 0 stealth = 12 damage if they run (elf) [not including tracking] (a human does 17 because of the free 20 in hiding and stealth)

100 hiding and 80 stealth = 34 damage if they run [not including tracking]

100 hiding and 120 stealth = 40 damage if they run [not including tracking]

so in short, It will do up to 20 damage?


If I were you I would run:
120 Arch
120 Tactics
120 Bushido
120 Resist
120 Med
120 Fencing

Since warriors hit about 85% of the time, you just have to disarm and spam Light. Strike with one of those bows that fires once every second. LS costs like 2 mana so you wouldn't need much. Just max your dex out at 150 and your HCI and DCI.