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[Discussion] Why I don't collect rares..... TMap


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yep, kinda demoralizing. A small price to pay for collecting I suppose. we can only hope they rename the cards or remove them all together.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Stratics Legend
Yeah, it has happened to most of us with one item or another over the years. The price we pay. On a good note... those who have cards other than those graphics may see a rise in value? I know, not much of a silver lining.

Be aware that maps marked Ilshenar might always be made not rare as I mentioned in a previous topic. It is the test center, so hopefully they'll switch out a few things before they publish it.

Nastia Cross

I've always wanted a set of playing cards but could never justify spending the gold for them. I would totally be ok with a name change though so the rare ones stay rare and hold their value.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
perhaps they will get renamed, as they did with the moulding board (became floured bread board on release in SA)

I've never had one of the old Ilshenar maps, but I was thinking... was surprised the other nite to click one of our treasure maps and see the new version of the map, I had thought that they would all stay in the old style until the whole thing went live to shards, and that's what got me thinking... wouldn't it be nice for the old Ilshenar maps if they kept the old map line-drawing style on them? seems to me there could be an easy way to identify them right now, before release

then again, maybe not.... one of our old maps *became* an Ilshenar t-map, and you know there's no way we grabbed one of those as loot last year


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still remember when I had saved up enough money to buy my first neon hair dye bottle way back 10 years ago or so. I bought it for around 3M and got my awesome neon purple hair and then about a week later they announced that you would be able to buy neon hair from NPCs for 500k.



Just bought Ilsh Tmaps earlier this year.. nice to see them ruined already.. NOT :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a feeling there (the devs) still doing what i thought they were back when they introduced replicas. Scanning accounts and looking at what "rare" items there seem to be wayyy to many of (i.e been duped) and releasing those same graphics or items in ways they are easy to obtain, thus making all the dupers stock piles or rares there selling for RL $$ worthless or next to worthless.

I keep a rule 1. dont hold onto it for long or 2. dont buy it if "you" think its possible they got there hands on it to dupe or ask people if its likely they did.



Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
It's always a little nail biting for me to see if I'll escape the hatchet when they decided to re-release old graphics. I managed to duck it this time, I don't own that type of cards. And they may decide to change the name, they've done it before with other graphic re-releases.

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Yas see what they are doing to old ish maps? going to add a tag to em. Artifact rarity 0 tag gonna be on old ish maps!