With the account bound nature of codes from gametimecodes, I'm annoyed by the limit.
I wish it were ONLY the non-account-bound code purchased content that had limits.
Zodia - I prefer gametime codes.
Having a fluctuating number of accounts open at the same time over the ages - it's the best option for me.
I can 'stock up' on codes when I have the money to spare in my budget.
[For me, i've found its $5 to reload, and $6 for a monthly fee for a reloadable debit card.]
I have found the phone support to be hit or miss depending on the tech that answers.
I also prefer to have instant purchase gratification and dont like to wait an hour+ on the phone
( or sometimes up to a week for EA open support ticket response ).
I'm curious to know (as I don't currently use the monthly credit card charge) -
If someone were to be paying by credit/debit card for the monthly fee for account time ~
are they still unable to make any 'extra' purchases (a soulstone for example) in any given month
( due to having already reached the limit by having already 'purchased', gametime, that month).