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Why did I even bother?



Hello All,

After a 4 year break from UO I got an urge to see what was new and/or different since I left. I also blame plain ol' boredom and curiosity that brought me to this frustrated state, next time I ever am bored I need to remind myself there are better things to do with my time than deal with EA.

Anyway let me get to the point, I reactivated my account paid for one month on the official UO.com 'Modify Account' feature. After a successful payment was recieved from my CC I logged onto latest edition of "Samurai Empire" patch and after placing valid Username and Password credentials I found the system stuck on 'Verifying Account' Page. Okay fine maybe it was my password so changed that abd got the same experience, again changed on the UO.com site and same BS...

Next step was to look for support, haha. Well anyone who has tried to request support from EA will undoubtably have a familiar experience. I decided to go with a live person call (during valid working PST hours) and after search found this message at the support page " If you do in fact need to contact Electronic Arts for one of the above issues, you will need to call one of the numbers below, depending on your location:

* Inside the United States: 1-866-543-5435"

I called the above number and successfuly spear headed my way through the VRU (Voice Response Unit) where I was being redirected to speak to I'm sure a qualified representative. One hour and half lazily drags on my speak phone and I finally heard a number dial so thought "This is it I got will have my voice and concern heard by a real person who may be of some help" Well no the number redricted and auto hung up where I recived the dial tone of death beeep if you want to make a call hang up and dial again said the recording AHHHHHH!

I don't give up easy. During the wait on the phone I did send a Tech Support email that promises to have a response to my query. If they can't resolve I will get my money back and never to let a thought about UO good ol' days entice me to shell out anymore money for UO again. One good thing any idea of boredom was replaced by sheer anxious angst, must be some more interesting EA support stories out there that exceed my frustration. I will keep anyone here interested in the results of the email support where I provied the dxdiag logs for review. I just think to myself good thing I have a chance to speak witj a technology expert for some sage advice to solve my UO logging issues. More to come...


Hard to believe they're just not helpful.. wait...no I do believe it.


I have had similar experiences over the years; how i put up with it is beyond me.

Regarding UO; clearly all EA is concerned out these days is sqeeezzzing as much money out of this game as they possibly can before the cancer they have caused finally kills this once great game.
Make no mistake about it - They dont really care about all the loyal customers, the customers investment into the game, the state of the game, or the future of the game anymore.

Im hoping that EA will sell the game off to a private buyer that acually understands it. Maybe then the game could undergo a long series of repairs and cures; one being customer support.

Lazarus Cain


sorry you didnt come back DeathBytes
while there is almost no customer support these days and all sorts of stupidity afoot from ea and mythic, i still love the living sh$t out of uo
i guess i always will
still some of us left