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Why Can't Mesanna STOP the Dupes????

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Luc of Legends

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Seriously, Why? I bought a Pumpkin rowboat along with some of the other pumpkin items from Halloween.
I did not do the event as my Mother was dying and I CHOSE time with her over UO. So I bought the goodies off a vendor on Atlantic.
I notice when I bought my pumpkin rowboat it just said rowboat. I tested it after purchase it was a pumpkin rowboat.
Fast forward to tonight I went to use my pumpkin rowboat and its now a plain rowboat.
It must have been a dupe. 23 years and the dupes continue.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
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Pumpkin rowboats deed is a different hue to the normal rowboat it’s more orange where as the normal one is a plain deed hue. On EC client with Pinco’s but I assume 2D is the same . Are you 100% sure you are not mixing up deeds ?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Seriously, Why? I bought a Pumpkin rowboat along with some of the other pumpkin items from Halloween.
I did not do the event as my Mother was dying and I CHOSE time with her over UO. So I bought the goodies off a vendor on Atlantic.
I notice when I bought my pumpkin rowboat it just said rowboat. I tested it after purchase it was a pumpkin rowboat.
Fast forward to tonight I went to use my pumpkin rowboat and its now a plain rowboat.
It must have been a dupe. 23 years and the dupes continue.
To my knowledge duped stuff cannot be put on a vendor (at least not a regular vendor... maybe an auction safe though?). This worked well until things started to average over 175m and items couldn't even be sold on a vendor and had to be traded or auctioned.

Please explain the logic of it "must have been a dupe" if it was just a regular rowboat? If it was a dupe then it would have just been deleted and you would have lost out rather than it being changed to some consolation prize. That's like saying I had a duped cameo and it was changed to a totem of void... doesn't make sense it would happen like that.

While your last sentence is true, 23 years later and the dupes do continue even as per the newsletter, I think everything leading up to it is misguided speculation.


Babbling Loonie
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Last I knew Mesanna hasn't been in charge of UO for the last 23 years so all this post is an unjustified slam on UO
I give a rat's @ss less about Mesanna, but she is our Lead Dev. I think that does give her some responsibility on what goes on in UO.


Lore Master
I give a rat's @ss less about Mesanna, but she is our Lead Dev. I think that does give her some responsibility on what goes on in UO.
WOW How nice of you to only hold the current UO Boss responsible, I guess according to you then all the other UO Basses were great and did a outstanding job. Just another hater, all of them are responsible not just the current one who by the way only has 6 total people working on UO which is far less than any other UO Boss had.
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Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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WOW How nice of you to only hold the current UO Boss responsible, I guess according to you then all the other UO Basses were great and did a outstanding job. Just another hater, all of them are responsible not just the current one who by the way only has 6 total people working on UO which is far less than any other UO Boss had.
The previous bosses performance is irrelevant, Bonnie is in charge and it is her responsibility to handle everything and take the ultimate blame or credit. It is her responsibility to handle all things UO and that includes handling duping. She and the team appear to be working on these issues but they have more to do than fight dupers, While the people they are up against apparently have nothing but time to counter the teams every move. I personally think she is doing a good job, and her superiors must think so too since she still has the lead job. I do not envy her position as it is always damned if you do, damned if you don't with the majority of UO players.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Seriously, Why? I bought a Pumpkin rowboat along with some of the other pumpkin items from Halloween.
I did not do the event as my Mother was dying and I CHOSE time with her over UO. So I bought the goodies off a vendor on Atlantic.
I notice when I bought my pumpkin rowboat it just said rowboat. I tested it after purchase it was a pumpkin rowboat.
Fast forward to tonight I went to use my pumpkin rowboat and its now a plain rowboat.
It must have been a dupe. 23 years and the dupes continue.
wouldn't all dupes turn into plain items why just your rowboat no one else is complaining about having duped items and them turning into a plain item. does a pumpkin rowboat look different than the plain rowboat. could a plain one be made to look like the pumpkin one could it be renamed pumpkin rowboat. once you tested it by putting it the water then pack in your pack it turned back into a plain one. might want to go back to that vendor and see if another one was setup again.

Lindae Lives

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mesanna duped me. there are thousands of me now, on vendors and in bedrooms all over sosaria

Captn Norrington

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A few posts have been removed, please do not attack other Stratics posters with personal grudges going forward. Thanks.


Stratics Veteran
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Stopping the dupes would involve rewriting 1997-era fundamental ****** code. The development team could do that, but then New Legacy would be postponed for months.

Let me catch my breath


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stopping the dupes would involve rewriting 1997-era fundamental ****** code. The development team could do that, but then New Legacy would be postponed for months.

Let me catch my breath
I agree with your base thought regarding the code, but let's not pretend that NL has anything to do with why they aren't fixing bugs. 18 Months into development and we still don't know anything about NL other than conjecture on the Dev's part - it's vaporware.


Slightly Crazed
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Please do not let them touch the source code, we want UO to be here so we can play.
Pretty much this. I seriously doubt they are capable of fixing it. Duping is the kind of exploit that can easily kill a game. So, when one is discovered, in a properly managed MMO, it is given the highest priorities until it's fixed. In a situation were your team is 1.5 developers, this means that you stop all the work on expansions, vaporware shards, hair dyes, etc, and fix the exploit first.

It is possible that the reason it's still here is that the original server code was so badly structured, that fixing duping would mean largely rewriting the server code. To me, that would be worth it, especially since numerous groups of unpaid enthusiasts were able to do this from scratch. But BS obviously has different priorities.


The Enchanter
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A few more posts have been removed.

As it seems clear this thread is going off the rails with discussion of RMT, gold sites, public accusations and other topics that would be more appropriate for Unleashed, this thread does not appear to be contributing to the community in a positive fashion and will be locked so it can fall down the list.
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