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Why are all changes being made to slow scripters really only hurt the honest player?



Lately all the changes that have been made seem to only affect the honest player rather than the targeted scripters.DEVS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! The changes such as bod turn in timers bags of sending and others have done nothing to stop scripters.All your changes have accomplished is griefing the Honest player and make them suffer because of scripters.You need to get out of your narrow minded way of thinking on this topic.The only way to fix the problem is to use brute force activly pursue them and inforce the rules.

Im a known scripter i make no beans about it and why might you ask am i making this post?Becuase of the simple fact that scripters hurt this game.Not all scripters are like me i simply use it for boring task like skill gaining.But gold farming scripts kill this game.If your not sure how scripts work ask me ill help.But the lame attempts such as wait timers wont get it done.And heres why

Say you have ascript and its designed to turn in bods well since you added the timer all one has to do is simply this. Find the GOTO sub add in this (wait 12s) thats wait 12 seconds for those who dont know scripts.And guess what ya done the script in all of 5 seconds has been modifyed to fit the new timers.Congradulations EA?MYTHIC you stoped the scripters for a whole 5 seconds.


Sadly I must say you're right
Not to mention adding annoying or really bad changes such as this, the BOS change and random ressources simply makes a good deal of people either quit or script.



Sadly I must say you're right
Not to mention adding annoying or really bad changes such as this, the BOS change and random ressources simply makes a good deal of people either quit or script.

[/ QUOTE ]

My point exactly.

Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

...Im a known scripter i make no beans about it...

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I agree with the gist of your post. Of course since EA rarely comes out and says why a change was made, all this talk about this change being anti-scripter is speculative.

I find it amusing that a scripter is the one who speaks up for the pain and suffering being endured by the "honest" players. No offense... the honest players should be screaming bloody murder themselves if this change really messes them up. Right?

Safe Travels, Sam



the honest players should be screaming bloody murder themselves

[/ QUOTE ]

We are!


Acctually i dont mind speaking up for folks.And being a scripter kinda gives me a an edge cause i know them quite well and how they work.Its not simply these changes mentioned its every change they have made.Most find them annoying but say nothing in hopes it will work to help kill out the scripting.But the sad fact is its not even slowed them down dont believe me go check heartwood bow shop.recall mining scripts recall lumber jacking scripts leather farming all this still goes on 23 1/2 hours a day yet EA/Mythic does nothing.Or atleast nothing effective.



Lately all the changes that have been made seem to only affect the honest player rather than the targeted scripters.DEVS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! The changes such as bod turn in timers bags of sending and others have done nothing to stop scripters.All your changes have accomplished is griefing the Honest player and make them suffer because of scripters.You need to get out of your narrow minded way of thinking on this topic.The only way to fix the problem is to use brute force activly pursue them and inforce the rules.

Im a known scripter i make no beans about it and why might you ask am i making this post?Becuase of the simple fact that scripters hurt this game.Not all scripters are like me i simply use it for boring task like skill gaining.But gold farming scripts kill this game.If your not sure how scripts work ask me ill help.But the lame attempts such as wait timers wont get it done.And heres why

Say you have ascript and its designed to turn in bods well since you added the timer all one has to do is simply this. Find the GOTO sub add in this (wait 12s) thats wait 12 seconds for those who dont know scripts.And guess what ya done the script in all of 5 seconds has been modifyed to fit the new timers.Congradulations EA?MYTHIC you stoped the scripters for a whole 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats half as much turned in.

Scripting damage is increased with ease of game.
Timers, random resources, decrease the damage scripting can do.

People need to suck it up and not have it both ways.

Sadly. Thats the way it is.


Acctually that havent scripters run 23 1/2 hours a day do you really htink a 10 second delay matters? No way its sad when the people on here have been feed so much of EA's Promises they start to believe it.

(Thanks Chaos)



My GUESS as to what is going on is this...

This is a series of attempts by the devs to get some sort of control over the UO economy. However, they are currently focusing SOLELY on the faucet/front end of the equation.

Mining and Lumberjacking changes slow down the collecting of higher level wood and ore resources.

BoS changes affect the quick sending of ALL resources (most notably gold) to a quick, secure, and centralized location.

The raising of dragons' power level as well as ancient wyrm slow down the acquisition of barbed leather (especially if the solo player has difficulty and considering the area in Destard that is most hunted as well as paragons in Ilsh).

So in theory you have a reduced flow of ALL main resources into the game (while the drops for gold themselves haven't been limited, the BoS changes in effect handle that portion).

The PROBLEM is that they still have done nothing substantial at the sink/back end portion of the economy. There are few engaging sinks that people are using at the moment to help rid the world of all the extra gold.

That's what I see happening, and in THEORY it seems reasonable, but I have to agree that certain portion of it will NOT fulfill the idea behind the theory.

As for the BoS change... if you know what alternative loot to get or places to hunt, the inability to BoS gold is nothing to be worried about anyway. (My disdain for said change is still on the resource side of it more than the gold)


Viper if we had a GM response team that truly responded to calls of scripting, and these teams actually came to check out the report in secret so the scripter didn't know, do you think this would be the best deterrent to scripting if the punishment was severe?

I do, and I think it's a heck of alot better solution than randomizing ore spawns and bod timer extensions.


Wow , are you sure your not a game dev , your post makes ALOT of sense , hopefully that is what they are looking for , now they just need your sink.



Timers, random resources, decrease the damage scripting can do.

[/ QUOTE ]

But in the process damage the honest player far more than any scripter can do.



Viper if we had a GM response team that truly responded to calls of scripting, and these teams actually came to check out the report in secret so the scripter didn't know, do you think this would be the best deterrent to scripting if the punishment was severe?

I do, and I think it's a heck of alot better solution than randomizing ore spawns and bod timer extensions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes having gm's in game will help a great deal but not only that putting in place a way to detect other programs running with uo would help a great deal.If cought scripting NOT UNATTENDED JUST STANDING THERE BUT ACCTUALLY SCRIPTING should be insta banned no questiones asked.


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Thats half as much turned in.

Scripting damage is increased with ease of game.
Timers, random resources, decrease the damage scripting can do.

People need to suck it up and not have it both ways.

Sadly. Thats the way it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly though thats not exactly true. Script runners have one advantage over everyone else, Time. Where I might only get 1-2 hours a day during the week and a few more on weekends, someone running a script has 23 hours a day. Due the the obvious advantage someone with a script possesses, being time, the changes have the exact same effect on them as non-scripting players. Yet! with the time advantage they have it is much less impacting overall because they aren't physically prevented due to time restraints from preforming any thing in game.

Look at it this way...Now I can mine anywhere with resources being random, and Valorite is much harder to get for both me and a script runner, but with the time advantage they can still acquire much more of any resource than I can. Same holds true for Gold Farming, what I can do manually is easily outstripped by a Script due to time restraints. The only real change any of the recent changes that have impacted Scripts has done is make boring monotonous tasks people hated before and made them worse for a non-script runner. Script Runners don't care because their Enjoyment level vs Time hasn't been impacted at all.

Sam the Scribe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

...This is a series of attempts by the devs to get some sort of control over the UO economy....

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember the changes to the send bags were part of this new economic plan... however... did those changes actually work?

Now, MMO economics are far from an exact science, and the system will no doubt require further tweaking, but this is a step in the right direction.

Well... are these changes actually creating the economic change intended?
Is "further tweaking" needed?

Safe Travels, Sam




...This is a series of attempts by the devs to get some sort of control over the UO economy....

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember the changes to the send bags were part of this new economic plan... however... did those changes actually work?

Now, MMO economics are far from an exact science, and the system will no doubt require further tweaking, but this is a step in the right direction.

Well... are these changes actually creating the economic change intended?
Is "further tweaking" needed?

Safe Travels, Sam

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it working ?-NO

More tweaking umm id call it more like a whole new game plan.



Nope, I just work in a chemical lab conserving coins recovered from shipwrecks (I swear this is 100% the honest to God truth).

Which seems really funny when you understand that my first main character became well known as an early GM Alchemist on LS and that I've been a big fan/proponent of fishing and shipwreck loot ingame.

Nope... not a dev, just starting to see a pattern of changes being made.

But yes, the changes DO cause a lot of problems for entry level players compared to veteran players and to ALL honest players compared to scriptors.


Ok heres some more info for you guys a as well.3 major sites for scripters (no names so i dont get put int he corner

1.has 60k Members now for the sake of argueing lets say only 1/3 of them are active players so 20k people there.

2.Site two who i know for sure all most all of them play actively has 43k members

3.Site three now this site is special it not only has scripts but step by step instructions on how to dupe items too! another 50k members atleast prolly more.

Thats 113,000 people playing UO that are members of these sites.granted some accounts maybe the same people so again we will cut that down to say 50k people.50,000 scripters in this game 23 1/2 hours a day.Still think Ea is doing a good job?




Thats half as much turned in.

Scripting damage is increased with ease of game.
Timers, random resources, decrease the damage scripting can do.

People need to suck it up and not have it both ways.

Sadly. Thats the way it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly though thats not exactly true. Script runners have one advantage over everyone else, Time. Where I might only get 1-2 hours a day during the week and a few more on weekends, someone running a script has 23 hours a day. Due the the obvious advantage someone with a script possesses, being time, the changes have the exact same effect on them as non-scripting players. Yet! with the time advantage they have it is much less impacting overall because they aren't physically prevented due to time restraints from preforming any thing in game.

Look at it this way...Now I can mine anywhere with resources being random, and Valorite is much harder to get for both me and a script runner, but with the time advantage they can still acquire much more of any resource than I can. Same holds true for Gold Farming, what I can do manually is easily outstripped by a Script due to time restraints. The only real change any of the recent changes that have impacted Scripts has done is make boring monotonous tasks people hated before and made them worse for a non-script runner. Script Runners don't care because their Enjoyment level vs Time hasn't been impacted at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I see your point.
Id add its not the perfect solution.

Remember if the scripter has 24 hours. And uses the 24 hours. Then he loses.

But if the scripter only use 5 hours and now has to run 10 hours. Yeah he still gains.

IM not saying i agree with timers.
But Ive not seen any significant changes that really hurt the honest player.
In fact I think it helps the game. A big dif between 12 second and 10 minutes. There are extremes.

B of S are silly.

I used them. But they were silly. I stealthed away 100's of pieces of rubble because of them. Did i cheat no. Did i hurt the casual player. Id say yes. Having to leave only when my bank box was filled was silly.

Static resources are silly. It really made sense to change them. I know it pisses off players but that made sense. Static resources of frostwood and valorite single handedly ruin library turn ins.

Slowly change will happen.
We have to be willing to accept it.

A skilled scripter that writes will never be stopped.
Yelling about catching them all is just never going to happen. They need to make logically changes, enforce rules, toss newb accounts, and yes definately yes figure out how to catch them.

BUT BUT not wait and do nothing till the perfect script catching program has come around.


I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.



For me, I'm trying to see if there is a bigger picture being formed by all of the "puzzle pieces".

So how close am I?



I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

No its not just the bods matter of fact i dont do bods there boring lol.Least to me anyways dont wanna trample anyones play style but its all the rediculous changes added together than just dont work.



I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not getting it then. Yes, the outrage *is* about the time, you're completely forgetting the whole annoyance factor of having to break up turning in BODs and wait, it makes the game a whole lot less fun

Sure turning in 30K BODs is bad, but that could have been fixed by either enforcing the rules or hardcapping the turn-in.



We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

The timer is basically a cap - 6 bod turn-ins per minute, 360 a hour, 8640 per day. However, 100% of honest players will be affected.

Remove the timer. Limit the number of BOD turn-ins to 50 a day. Less than 0.1% honest players will be affected. 100% of scripters will be nerfed.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

This quote right here says that you KNOW of accounts doing this. Why aren't you dealing directly with those accounts? Those of us who know the major scripters on our shards, know for a fact that they aren't even getting a slap on the wrist.


btw youre statement of I only script for boring tasks...

I am sure others find collecting a few bods a day boring versus 30k a day.
I am sure some people find losing in pvp boring...
I am sure some people find losing a idoc to another placer boring.
I am sure people find scouting champ spawns for activity boring..
I am sure people find running a vendor house bye actauly shopping in Luna to price comparision shop is boring.

You can try and justify you cheating all you want bye comparing it to other misdeeds you find more insidouse but there all scripts and they all suck and I dont care what argument you come up with so just putt the other lamer excuse of well everyone else is doing it back in youre pocket.

You are not special and youre time is not more important then mine and either stop scripting or shut up and accept you cheat. There is no grey area to this arguement.



btw youre statement of I only script for boring tasks...

I am sure others find collecting a few bods a day boring versus 30k a day.
I am sure some people find losing in pvp boring...
I am sure some people find losing a idoc to another placer boring.
I am sure people find scouting champ spawns for activity boring..
I am sure people find running a vendor house bye actauly shopping in Luna to price comparision shop is boring.

You can try and justify you cheating all you want bye comparing it to other misdeeds you find more insidouse but there all scripts and they all suck and I dont care what argument you come up with so just putt the other lamer excuse of well everyone else is doing it back in youre pocket.

You are not special and youre time is not more important then mine and either stop scripting or shut up and accept you cheat. There is no grey area to this arguement.

[/ QUOTE ]

I beg to differ there are plenty of grey areas to this some scripts dont effect anyone or the game some do.I dont deny i cheat but talking trash to some one offering to help stop the scripting really isnt solving anything.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
YOu know what bothers me viper, you can script all day and night if you want to. But if I made a posting openly saying I did it, I would have already been banned from the boards on this account. I know that as well as I know my own name, so enjoy your Teflon Don Persona.....


Sorry but I have a hard time beleive youre helping anyone.

To me I see it as you being a tough guy and bragging the devs are doing nothing to solve things and just really thumbing youre nose at there efforts they are making to stop scripting.

I also dont see how someone has such a depth of knowledge on a subject but they have there hands clean.

But I already see you also have being a board warrior down as well so you attempt to flag my post as a flame right out the gate because you dont like being called out. I am not really even calling you out and what I am saying is nothing new from me at all. all scripts are against the roc and are cheating period.



YOu know what bothers me viper, you can script all day and night if you want to. But if I made a posting openly saying I did it, I would have already been banned from the boards on this account. I know that as well as I know my own name, so enjoy your Teflon Don Persona.....

[/ QUOTE ]

You see you need to check the rules a bit more im not accusing anyone by saying ima scripter other than myself that is.



Sorry but I have a hard time beleive youre helping anyone.

To me I see it as you being a tough guy and bragging the devs are doing nothing to solve things and just really thumbing youre nose at there efforts they are making to stop scripting.

I also dont see how someone has such a depth of knowledge on a subject but they have there hands clean.

But I already see you also have being a board warrior down as well so you attempt to flag my post as a flame right out the gate because you dont like being called out. I am not really even calling you out and what I am saying is nothing new from me at all. all scripts are against the roc and are cheating period.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dont get me wrong i could be a multimillionaire on this game but i choose not too.And i agree cheating is against the rules and yes its bad but more and more people are driven to cheating in this game due to failed development and game mechanics.Im simply offering insight in to how the scripts work and ways to stop them.I believe in honesty in a way such as i cheat yeah i dont like to have to cheat to compete with others in UO but sadly its a fact in this time and day.I know a great deal about the scripts and programs now any knowledge i can offer the devs its up to them to put it to good use.



If it's boring, don't do it. Problem solved. Next?

[/ QUOTE ]

If that were the case you would have even less people in uo than we do now.Lack of events mindless skill building endless point and clicking i call that boring.



I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep thats what im trying to say. Thanks.




We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

The timer is basically a cap - 6 bod turn-ins per minute, 360 a hour, 8640 per day. However, 100% of honest players will be affected.

Remove the timer. Limit the number of BOD turn-ins to 50 a day. Less than 0.1% honest players will be affected. 100% of scripters will be nerfed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to play devils ad
Youd have the honest player that only does bod and they do 500 a day that would cry.

Everyone is honest.


{And i agree cheating is against the rules and yes its bad but more and more people are driven to cheating in this game due to failed development and game mechanics}

I always love this arguement of blaming others or the system for there own misdeeds. This to me is the same as saying well she was asking for it officer.

Please how about some personel accountiblity and admit its you at fault and not the system.

I also said the well everyone else doing it argument doesnt fly. Also just because I cant be as uber be scripting to compete with the uberleet scripters that pwn all the Luna houses I feel I have some integrety and feel my personel ethics have not been compromised.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Lately all the changes that have been made seem to only affect the honest player rather than the targeted scripters.DEVS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! The changes such as bod turn in timers bags of sending and others have done nothing to stop scripters.All your changes have accomplished is griefing the Honest player and make them suffer because of scripters.You need to get out of your narrow minded way of thinking on this topic.The only way to fix the problem is to use brute force activly pursue them and inforce the rules.

Im a known scripter i make no beans about it and why might you ask am i making this post?Becuase of the simple fact that scripters hurt this game.Not all scripters are like me i simply use it for boring task like skill gaining.But gold farming scripts kill this game.If your not sure how scripts work ask me ill help.But the lame attempts such as wait timers wont get it done.And heres why

Say you have ascript and its designed to turn in bods well since you added the timer all one has to do is simply this. Find the GOTO sub add in this (wait 12s) thats wait 12 seconds for those who dont know scripts.And guess what ya done the script in all of 5 seconds has been modifyed to fit the new timers.Congradulations EA?MYTHIC you stoped the scripters for a whole 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok , thats it. Im sick of it, You admitted that you are a scripter. You even had it in your siggy for a while . I was threated with a ban becuase of the comments I made to you.

So now you come here. complaining ABOUT scripters but the ironic part is :


Whats worse, Jeremy even bothered to respond to you. Draconi posted how much they hate you guys yet here we are, the devs and the community leader actually responding to your post.

I quite honestly dont care if I get banned from stratics, Im sick of people like you getting away with destroying the game.


"Less than 0.1% honest players will be affected."

Mind linking the official press release that contains the demographic information used to base this percentage on?

Didn't think so.

Please don't pull numbers out of thin air and try to pawn them off as fact. I know several people that do more than 50 Bods at a time when they work Bods. just because YOU don't, doesn't mean there aren't plenty that do.



Remove the timer. Limit the number of BOD turn-ins to 50 a day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't care about the number.

Perfect idea though.




Lately all the changes that have been made seem to only affect the honest player rather than the targeted scripters.DEVS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! The changes such as bod turn in timers bags of sending and others have done nothing to stop scripters.All your changes have accomplished is griefing the Honest player and make them suffer because of scripters.You need to get out of your narrow minded way of thinking on this topic.The only way to fix the problem is to use brute force activly pursue them and inforce the rules.

Im a known scripter i make no beans about it and why might you ask am i making this post?Becuase of the simple fact that scripters hurt this game.Not all scripters are like me i simply use it for boring task like skill gaining.But gold farming scripts kill this game.If your not sure how scripts work ask me ill help.But the lame attempts such as wait timers wont get it done.And heres why

Say you have ascript and its designed to turn in bods well since you added the timer all one has to do is simply this. Find the GOTO sub add in this (wait 12s) thats wait 12 seconds for those who dont know scripts.And guess what ya done the script in all of 5 seconds has been modifyed to fit the new timers.Congradulations EA?MYTHIC you stoped the scripters for a whole 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok , thats it. Im sick of it, You admitted that you are a scripter. You even had it in your siggy for a while . I was threated with a ban becuase of the comments I made to you.

So now you come here. complaining ABOUT scripters but the ironic part is :


Whats worse, Jeremy even bothered to respond to you. Draconi posted how much they hate you guys yet here we are, the devs and the community leader actually responding to your post.

I quite honestly dont care if I get banned from stratics, Im sick of people like you getting away with destroying the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Scripting ie magery doesn't hurt anyone.
Scripting gold hurts the economy.

There is a difference.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend



Lately all the changes that have been made seem to only affect the honest player rather than the targeted scripters.DEVS PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! The changes such as bod turn in timers bags of sending and others have done nothing to stop scripters.All your changes have accomplished is griefing the Honest player and make them suffer because of scripters.You need to get out of your narrow minded way of thinking on this topic.The only way to fix the problem is to use brute force activly pursue them and inforce the rules.

Im a known scripter i make no beans about it and why might you ask am i making this post?Becuase of the simple fact that scripters hurt this game.Not all scripters are like me i simply use it for boring task like skill gaining.But gold farming scripts kill this game.If your not sure how scripts work ask me ill help.But the lame attempts such as wait timers wont get it done.And heres why

Say you have ascript and its designed to turn in bods well since you added the timer all one has to do is simply this. Find the GOTO sub add in this (wait 12s) thats wait 12 seconds for those who dont know scripts.And guess what ya done the script in all of 5 seconds has been modifyed to fit the new timers.Congradulations EA?MYTHIC you stoped the scripters for a whole 5 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok , thats it. Im sick of it, You admitted that you are a scripter. You even had it in your siggy for a while . I was threated with a ban becuase of the comments I made to you.

So now you come here. complaining ABOUT scripters but the ironic part is :


Whats worse, Jeremy even bothered to respond to you. Draconi posted how much they hate you guys yet here we are, the devs and the community leader actually responding to your post.

I quite honestly dont care if I get banned from stratics, Im sick of people like you getting away with destroying the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Scripting ie magery doesn't hurt anyone.
Scripting gold hurts the economy.

There is a difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whatever...keep thinking that and enjoy the game that continies to spira into the toilet becuase you and your buddy viper think cheating is "a - ok".



As much as I agree with the disdain for someone to come on here and basically brag about cheating, there's not a whole lot that the Devs can do as long as our Stratics accounts are not directly tied to our UO accounts.

As for the mods, I guess it's their call.



"Less than 0.1% honest players will be affected."

Mind linking the official press release that contains the demographic information used to base this percentage on?

Didn't think so.

Please don't pull numbers out of thin air and try to pawn them off as fact. I know several people that do more than 50 Bods at a time when they work Bods. just because YOU don't, doesn't mean there aren't plenty that do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, then make the limit 500, 1000 or maybe 8640, which is exactly the limit this puts on scripts that run 24/7. Any of those numbers should be fine for legit players.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm actually suspecting that most of this outrage is not about the BOD turnin timer - while, yes, ten seconds is annoying, and 5 would be more bearable, this is one change that does disproportionately affect scripters. We're talking about people turning in 30k BODs a day- 5 seconds per hits them pretty hard, whereas your average player, even doing a set of 100 at once, is set back less than ten minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am thrilled you are talking about this. Honestly the topic of cheating, specifically scripting resources, has been a hobby of mine for years. I am so interested in why folks do it. A curious way to kill some free time I guess.

I do think the only way to combat scripting is game mechanics. Active "seek and destroy" tactics are great PR. But it is too costly in resources and subscription dollars. But in this respect - in Draconi I trust - I think he would have a blast nuking a large scale bots' resource stash while still collecting their monthly fee. I know I would...a great way to let off some steam.

I see your logic about the timer. The thing about that is the annoyance factor. And when honest folks get annoyed with such a simple task in game...well it's easy to go to the site that shall not be named and download an automation that wil do it for them. And a casual scriptor is born. And this can lead to harder "drugs" in the form of bigger and nastier scripts. Maybe even writing scripts of their own. In the end, the above mentioned will either end up banned or quiting of boredom.

Have y'all ever different methods? Maybe placing a cap on the outgoing instead of the incoming? What if you limited the ability to RECEIVE a barbed runic(or other high end rewards) to once per month per account? And totally wiped out the ability to get/turn in BODs on trial accounts all together?

What about joining NPC crafting guilds and giving special bonus' to members? Things like 10 to 1 turn-ins or more desirable BODs for members. Special items for crafting. Allowing only one guild/char. It wont stop scripting but will force folks to specialize and thus greatly reduce the introduction of powerful items into the system. I think that's the goal over stopping scripting all together right? Just level the playing field instead?

It's a bit more complex to code I know. Just some ideas.


I an honest player have screamed bloody murder in the past but the GODS at EA have ignored us one too many times. So i have started closing accounts and still they have ignored me. What choice do they leave me now? To leave the game like many, MANY others have done. Its their game and they have decided all along how to keep or loose their customers. they have decided to push their customers away!


Why not just find a way to stop scripting instead of punishing honest players?



It's not as simple as you may think to stop scripting as scripting is generally done via programs that do not directly affect the game any more than you or I sitting at the keyboard and mouse. The programs are completely external.

The ONLY real way to slow scripting without changing game mechanics is to have a dedicated GM staff that does nothing but play Big Brother in watching what actions people take to look for specific patterns and punishing people.

Personally if they could do this, I'm a big fan of "alternative" punishments... so instead of simply banning people, you do something creative... like 10% stat/skill loss for EVERY character on the account... and even MORE creative, make it cumulative for each time caught.



"Less than 0.1% honest players will be affected."

Mind linking the official press release that contains the demographic information used to base this percentage on?

Didn't think so.

Please don't pull numbers out of thin air and try to pawn them off as fact. I know several people that do more than 50 Bods at a time when they work Bods. just because YOU don't, doesn't mean there aren't plenty that do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Put you scientific mind aside and look at the big picture. The cap will quickly and effectively eliminate the advantage of bod scripters. The numbers were indeed pulled out of thin air but so what? Will 100 bods a day satisfy the few friends of yours? Having played bods since they were started in publish 14, I know how much it takes to fill and turn in 50 bods a day.

Al Thorin


Thats half as much turned in.

Scripting damage is increased with ease of game.
Timers, random resources, decrease the damage scripting can do.

People need to suck it up and not have it both ways.

Sadly. Thats the way it is.

[/ QUOTE ]
They decrease the damage a scripter does, while also decreasing what a legit player can do. Net change? Absolutly nothing.

Sorry, it's only effective if it only hurts the scripters, or hurts them more than everyone else.

Any serious scripter that's bothered by the timer will just run a 2nd or 3rd char.

Sorry, it may be the way it is, but it's still a bad attempt at a solution.

Although, 5 or 10 seconds, I don't get why people are all worked up. Doesn't even seem like a horrible amount of time.

Fayled Dhreams

Hey Al ... okay Mr. Al Thorin
... anyways ...I'm curious about that point too ...
"The Big Deal" about the 10 second delay ... its just not making any sense to me ...

I mean ... net overall for a legit player ... How are they turning in mass quantities ... that it matters so much

"The reward" for a completed bod ... kinda already known ... pretty narrowly ... yes?
Turning in a bod ... the only way "I Figure" to improve your high end bod draw chances ..
Turn-in with a high end crafter ... then claim bods with a higher chance of BEING a higher grade bod ...
and as far as I know ... turning in 5 bods ... only gets five "random picks" ... IF its done:
turn in accept, turn in accept, turn in accept, turn in accept, turn in accept ...

Not: turn in, turn in, turn in, turn in, turn in, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick ...

I haven't seen ANY time trials ... as to how long it is currently taking

Maybe over the weekend. *shrugs*

As for the "no net effect" that you see ...
I see, with the changes in place, a better chance for a "casual" crafter, to knock the dust of the mule ...
And work it smart ... for a test ... just to see.
I mean ...with the low end runics ... ALL having a shot at rolling a 100% mod ... okay... lower count of mods ...
with a wider array and Hits per the LOW end runics ... AND an improved chance of parlaying the bods for a High end runic ...

Just saying (okay, hopeing too) scritters VOLUME taking even the mildest hit ... with a chance of legit players ALSO adding to the market ...

Well ...

we'll see how it washes out ...
two months?