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Why am I not paying this money to EA??

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
So..I have decided to move from Drachs to Sonoma after playing a Euro shard since it opened up...from Idaho!!!! I have 4 accounts, all full...so 5-7 characters on each account. Instead of EA having a "move entire account" option to buy, I go to a broker and buy transfer tokens for $11 and change apiece.

Now, they are likely duped but they work and it's the only option open since EA also limits the amount of tokens one can buy on a month and I need about 25 tokens. How freaking goofy is this? I can buy tokens cheaper from a broker than I can from EA itself, and EA limits my movements with, frankly, financially dumbass limitations or services simply not available.

So... instead of me paying EA, which is NOT in very good financial state right now. They force me to buy else where and give my money to that person.

How about these folks get off their rotund bottoms and wise up. If you put a service out there that people want..and are willing to pay for..it is a good thing! You will make the money instead of someone else. Same thing goes with selling anything available in the game (like runics..I have spent several hundred $$ on those alone in the last month).

So..the question becomes...Do you (EA) want my money or are you going to allow it to go elsewhere?? It is obviously apparent that EA/Mythic needs some fresh talent in their marketing group. This is a no-brainer..which speaks volumes about that whole group, as it sits. Better smarten up or you will not be a company much longer, in the current economic environment.

I will end this one with a... DUH!


dont forget the transfer tokens may have come from an actual box. there was I think the 9th anniversary box that gave them away. I know myself I had bought more boxxes than i have accounts more for the rewards that came with them then the actual box. yes I hoarded the tokens that i got from the boxxes there. I also made quite a penny off of them too.

So while your arguement is indeed valid, theres also a good explination to it too.

Kratos Aurion

You must have a good job.. but yes I do agree with you (except about the runic stuff).

Tybalt Capulet II

Wow, and to think I logged in wondering if anyone still actually played UO and there is still someone with 4 accounts. Most curious.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, this shop is unbelievable bad, if it comes to purchase more than a single item.
Also still the complicate payment options, as soon as you dont have a credit card (which is still not so usual in Germany i.e.). Other games manage to deduct directly from the bank account - which is possible here only somehow via PayByCash (or how that institution is named), but not for permanently paying an UO account.
It's getting harder and harder for foreign customers without credit card or without good knowledge of English language to continue the game. Game time cards not available locally, Ultima Online not existing in the regional websites of EA and so on.
It's always the feeling that they do not want to sell anything to have the game die quicker.
Only these annoying customers, which still disturb the plans a little bit.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Wow, Widow Maker, someone is really fortunate to have you as a customer. It makes me wish I had stuff to sell, too. =)

It does sound like some changes need to be made to EA's store. People post about their problems purchasing items fairly often.

I'd almost bet they would sell over twice as many transfer tokens if they would drop them to $10. Okay... maybe even $12. I know I would buy some. I have some things I would love to transfer to Lake Austin.



character transfer tokens are a joke in what they cost. I for one would buy a lot more than $19.99 worth per month if the price of them was cheaper (and I say around $5.00 each) because I feel they are way over priced. I agree with the OP in that why would I buy from EA for $19.99 per token when I can buy from a broken at $11.00 also. EA should be thinking of this as making their money by selling volume instead of trying to make money by selling at a high price. I would buy probably $50.00 per month if they were at $5.00 each instead of buying ZERO at $19.00 each DO the math because I think my way would make EA a lot more money.


Sorry to hear your probs friend!

But Welcome to Sonoma!!! :D


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with OP and others about the **** poor set up of the UOGamecodes site. How many threads have we seen about people having problems with the site. And now earlier this week we had the fiasco of the 11th Anniversary items...

Some of the prices are extremly high and overpriced. And you can't even purchase the desired amount you want! How idiotic is that?

It's absurd that one of the higher ups hasn't come in to address and fix all the problems with the way the site works. It's a source of revenue for christ sakes and they're sabatoging themselves and pissing off their customers in the process.

Amatuer hour...if that site was my 'business' heads would roll.:twak:


I agree with OP and others about the **** poor set up of the UOGamecodes site. How many threads have we seen about people having problems with the site. And now earlier this week we had the fiasco of the 11th Anniversary items...

Some of the prices are extremly high and overpriced. And you can't even purchase the desired amount you want! How idiotic is that?

It's absurd that one of the higher ups hasn't come in to address and fix all the problems with the way the site works. It's a source of revenue for christ sakes and they're sabatoging themselves and pissing off their customers in the process.

Amatuer hour...if that site was my 'business' heads would roll.:twak:
absolutely agree doesn't make sense as to why they are in business if they don't want to take our money


I'm told that some of these resellers are able to buy in bulk from EA at "wholesale" prices.

Who knows. But i'm sure a bag of these is a good thing to dupe. 126X 11 bucks.

Can't complain about the game economy though, I recently joined a guild with everyone chatting up how they are buying gold etc. You make your bed, now sleep in it.

I guess thats why my luna vendor does so well, lots of folks have bought gold with cash, so there is plenty to spend at my vendor *shrug*


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I'm told that some of these resellers are able to buy in bulk from EA at "wholesale" prices.

Who knows. But i'm sure a bag of these is a good thing to dupe. 126X 11 bucks.

Can't complain about the game economy though, I recently joined a guild with everyone chatting up how they are buying gold etc. You make your bed, now sleep in it.

I guess thats why my luna vendor does so well, lots of folks have bought gold with cash, so there is plenty to spend at my vendor *shrug*
That and the fact that there's trillions of excess gold and it only keeps growing. Game has no money sinks and not near enough stuff to buy. We've had the same hair options from vendors for over 10 years. I guess in a few more years owning close to a billion gold wont mean much.

and I agree with the OP about the codes. Not much of a surprise though, EA/UO has been shooting themselves in the foot for years now and it has never made any sense to me. I had a friend recently come back and spend nearly 2 hours on the phone with them on hold and waiting to talk to the right people to get an account ML upgrade code. I think he ended up getting one through a reseller after it came to a dead end with them. Pretty silly.


How the crap could you play on Drachs and enjoy it? I'm from Idaho as well and ping really really bad there... Even at work on the T1 line =/ still ping 200+.


Always Present
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Because some folks will go to any lengths for an excuse to suck at pvp?


sinks to page 5 of old posts normal
no comment from EA Typical
layoffs at EA Mythic Priceless

come on when are the people who run this game gonna start listening to their customers. If I worked for EA and got layed off I would be pissed especially if I read this Thread and saw that people actually want to give the company their money. But then again maybe the people who make those kind of decisions will be in the next round of layoffs then they deserve it.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need some more soulstones, and want to purchase a few more.

I follow the indicated path ~
"Contact Customer Support through the UO website" and open a ticket.

I provide all the information indicated to be necessary.

3 days later, and still waiting, no reply yet ..... sigh ...