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Who's Gotten the most drops without a mempo?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll start with 252. We've gotten 96 dyes though... I'm thinking someone is going to have a really big number.


I can't beat that. I got 186 minor arties and 73 dyes, no mempo. I got every type of dyes, the golden ones seem to be the most rare (only got one).

Foolio the Bard

I can't beat that. I got 186 minor arties and 73 dyes, no mempo. I got every type of dyes, the golden ones seem to be the most rare (only got one).
115ish drops and I got a Mempo, but still no Tome of Enlightenment. Does that mean the Tome is more rare than the Mempo? no. It means the RNG can screw you.
And I have 11 Noble Gold dyes, but only one Chaos Blue!!!

Foolio the Bard

500+ drops including 16 complete sets of dyes and 1 mempo
I wrote in another post how I've consistently averaged one drop every 15 minutes.

So 4 drops an hour on average x 14 hours a day x 9 days of the event so far = 504 drops.

Is this basically what you've done? 126 hours of farming since the event started?

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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126 ToTs, 5 blackrock, no mempos :wall:

I also haven't gotten a Dragon Nunchaku yet either, but have all the dyes.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll start with 252. We've gotten 96 dyes though... I'm thinking someone is going to have a really big number.
Can`t beat that either. 160 ish drops and no mempo. I`m starting to think my time is better spent elsewhere. Working on items I can trade for a mempo when the event ends, thats what I have been doing previously for rare drops. RNG and me - not good friends.

Btw - I have recieved all the minors.


I wrote in another post how I've consistently averaged one drop every 15 minutes.

So 4 drops an hour on average x 14 hours a day x 9 days of the event so far = 504 drops.

Is this basically what you've done? 126 hours of farming since the event started?
My thoughts exactly! What shard is this "player" on? I'll lure off his spawn and report him.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
7 and no mempo! And two of those were blackrock!

Ok I've been a little lazy, so sue me. PvM is boring. :p


enough to fill my castle, while i slept.
Scripting doesn't make you cool, fyi. Hopefully one day someone will catch you and ban you.

And to the OP...Not a lot of drops, about 38, no mempo

Mr. Gnome

About 80 drops, 1 mempo, no blackrock. About 30 of those drops were Exilers though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blackrock is haunting me!
About 30 drops.. and at least 4 times it was blackrock!
Altho... one day I recieved 3 exilers in a row..lol

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good luck ;x

but nah i got bout 7 things and haven't tried again since. i just like to anger the stratics ppl cause they believe everything someone types!
Funny cause it's true.....

Third drop was a mempo and I've gone 40+ without another.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
0 drops and 0 mempos...I have not even entered Tokuno...got all the majors I need and the minors are useless...Ill just buy a mempo in a week or two. easier than spending 30+ hours farming for it.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Am I the only one who works? Jeez, go out and get some color this summer people.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
roughly 400 drops. 3-4 sets of dyes, countless numbers of spare dyes.30ish pieces of blackrock.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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No Mempo yet, but finally got the Chaos Blue dye so there's a complete set of dyes (including the bleach).

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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250 drops (Not including blackrock) No Mempo

(And yes its by hand)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
172 drops, 3 sets of dyes (including the bleach) and no mempo. I got my first flute of renewal today, so the flutes are the rarest drops for me other than the ever so elusive mempo.
I have a guildy that got his first mempo yesterday after over 250 drops and another that got his mempo on the 4th drop.
The RNG has been working overtime for sure this time around in Tokuno.

All drops from Tokuno Champ with 145luck necro mage: 198 total drops, 4 sets of dye now, 1 Mythical Detective Boots (Saturday), 1 swamp tile (Sunday), 1 Futon (Sunday) and NO Lucky Mempo yet.
Hardest Minor Drop to get: The Light Green pigment I have 4, I traded a peach for #4, so I've only gotten 3 myself. I have 5 flutes now, you just have to post about what is rare and you will get it...EXCEPT the mempo of course.
I'll slow down now that the work week is here, but plan on hitting it hard next weekend (except Saturday).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Iv had just under 250 drops with: 8 full sets of dyes (6 of the right ones will make it 12 stes), 5 mempos and the rest are the normal tok minors but i have noticed about 35% of my minours are the gloves, would like to get a full set of names for the swords and urns by the end of it aswell.

SyKo of GL

i can top everyone here unfortunately. have manually sat in the fan dancer dojo. room with succubus and hell hounds for hours and hours. just hit 319 arties. NO MEMPO!!!


Got my mempo about drop 55 or so.. around drop 125 or so now. No luck suit. Haven't gotten any urns yet, and no black rock in the last few days either.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just passed 200 drops. No Mempo. Plenty of dyes, and at least 4 of every kind of artifact except mempo. I know the RNG likes screwing people over... but this is beyond bad luck. There simply has to be some coding that makes it more rare then any other drop.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't have time to play hours on end.. i have about 25 drops. maybe slightly more. 5 of which is that stupid burnt brown dye and no other colors.. 2 blackrock and some other silly stuff.. all i really want is 2 complete sets of the new dye and 1 mempo.. i don't think that is asking too much...lol


Crazed Zealot
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So far 66 drops. 0 mempos, 3 blackrock. Received all dye colors and other minors except no exilers and no tomes of enlightenment.

Still working on it...


Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What makes me chuckle is that two of the above posters have bragged on other forums about scripting this event. If the dev. team is smart enough it should not be too hard to catch these same individuals in the act.

(personally, I really don't care anymore what others do...as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay. In this case however it has an affect on everyone...hence using beetlescape to get arties the old fashioned way....by hand. I have yet to see any scripters here...elsewhere they are in abundance.)

PS...to the devs...I would be happy to point out some of these posts...just post where you want me to send the links...

Dr Poth

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm puzzled by the amount of free time people seem to have....

I'm up to 130 odd with no mempo.


I'm puzzled by the amount of free time people seem to have....

I'm up to 130 odd with no mempo.
nevermind that....I have 24/7 to play and I still only have like 40 drops. More puzzled at how people can do something so repeatative for such a long amount of time (I guess if you are not then it does not apply to you? of course by "you" I mean anyone.)

Foolio the Bard

I am at roughly 200 drops now and finally got my first Tome of Enlightenment. Then 2 drops later got a second one! Love the RNG.
So I now have one of every drop. The Chaos Blue has been flowing lately too!

Mempo #1 was at drop 50ish (and I sold it for 15 mil) so I am looking for Mempo #2 now.



Roughly one drop every 18 mins, about 8-9 hours worth of playing, 1 mempo, 1 piece of blackrock. Not bad for a boring day with nothing else to do except wait on people and play uo.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Average of 6 hours a day farming things in Tokuno trying to get a drop with an average drop rate of one reward per 20 min......

still NO mempo... but things are looking up got my first Gold dye today.

SyKo of GL

Seeing as how no one can top how unlucky my previous post was, i will top my own unfortunate event.

351 tokuno marties

0 mempos