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Who will stand guard at the end of all things? Sunday, January 30th, 7 p.m. EST.

EM Kasaven

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ix Tab hovered over the tome, never averting her gaze from its cryptic contents.

She read aloud, her words echoing through the empty dungeon.

“And as the task begins, the two moons of Sosaria will glow a terrible blood-red,
a sight as ungodly as the black-arts, as unworldly as the abyss.
This shall come to represent the bloodshed that will wash over the land and its inhabitants.
In the coming days, the two shall unleash those who have watched over The Guardian.
The power of the artifact, which shall be invigorated by forsaken souls,
will grant them a dark theurgy to lead over the Daemons of old.
With this will come great suffering, as the Dark Queen comes to power.
Only one of prophetic purpose can sway this grim history, at the forfeiture of his life.”
“And when her reign begins, it cannot end.
Forever will Sosaria cower before the red glow of the tainted moons.
Forever will its people crawl before the Daemons and their Goddess.
Forever will become a hopeless eternity. An unending torment.”

She closed the massive tome of Kaltivel and turned her attention toward Relvinian. Across the room, his fleshless finger followed a line of text as he studied a book on daemonic summoning.

“It is time,” Ix Tab hissed. Relvinian’s face contorted into a grin, revealing a yellow tongue surrounded by decayed teeth.

His loose, decrepit flesh matched the gray of his robe. He reached into one of his pockets, hesitated, then withdrew an empty hand. “Once we’ve achieved the summoning, what assurance do I have that you won’t simply go against your word?”

Ix walked toward him. “Don’t you trust me, master magician? No one can rule without council.”

Relvinian had little choice, whether he trusted her or not. He reached into his robe and retrieved the fragment of the Great Red Gem. He rubbed it between his fingers once more before setting it on the podium in front of Ix Tab.

She reached for it immediately, as if he would change his mind. She walked to the corner of the room where a faint red glow emanated from beneath a heavy cloth. She cast aside the cloth to reveal the conversion crystal. The energy of the dead coursed through it giving it life, like blood through veins. The gem fragment began to shake in her hand, anticipating its fate.

She placed the fragment next to the conversion crystal. It adhered itself immediately and began to glow a brilliant red. Ix Tab smiled. A black fog began to grow inside the conversion crystal, swirling and spinning as it grew in size. A hand formed from the fog, pressing against the crystal as if looking to escape. Ix observed, mesmerized by the process.

In a flash of light, the hand burst from the crystal, oozing red matter all over the floor. It grasped aimlessly in the air until it found what it sought–the gem fragment. Ix held her clawed hand before her eyes as the room filled with a fiery light. Relvinian looked on through empty sockets, unfazed. Black smoke rose from the hand as if the gem seared its flesh. It pulled the gem inward, withdrawing into the conversion crystal.

The hand slowly began to transform into a face. Fingers changed to teeth–the wrist into a jaw. The face inside the crystal stretched its mouth impossibly wide and let out a piercing wail. The red ooze that littered the floor danced, snaking its way up from the ground and back inside of the crystal, into the waiting mouth. The red eyes faded. The face withered into nothingness as the crystal became whole again. The fusion was complete.

Ix placed her arm around Relvinian.

“It begins.”


Owain felt a pang of wrong pierce through his mind like a blow to the head. He stood up, staggering for a moment. He walked down the steps of Despise and out the front of the cavern. His heart fell as he looked skyward. The moons emanated an eldritch red glow across everything he set eyes on. The snow on the mountains took on the red hue of bloodshed.

“It comes to this,” he said. “A final stand against a daemon queen and a mad magician, against the end of all things.”

Owain summons all who will fight to decide their fate –

When: Sunday, January 30th, 7 p.m. EST.

Where: The EM Hall in Britain, Trammel

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sitting on the steps of his house, Aedon looked out into the glade. The day had dawned brightly, gone was the chill of the past week. The sun felt almost warm as it shone upon his head and, looking skyward, he marveled at the fluffiness of the clouds. It was a good day to be alive, to enjoy all that he and those before him had fought so hard to maintain within the Yew woods.

He had been quiet for some time, sipping his tea, and going over in his mind the details of the pending trade agreement with Istas. Yew was rich in lumber and hides, but the stone needed to secure the foundations of the buildings would have to be attained elsewhere. Istas, rich in minerals of the earth, would serve to fill this need. And, though he knew that some might raise a brow at Aedon's dealings with Lord Azreal, Aedon knew that in order to assure the continued survival of Aegis some compromises must be made. Lost in thought, he did not hear, at first, the approach of the rider.

“Lord Durreah.” A voice called out, startling him from his thoughts.

Looking up, Aedon saw a rider wearing the colors of the Court of Britain. Standing, Aedon walked down the stairs and over to the young courier.

“Um,... can I help you lad?”

“I bring this dispatch from Lord Owain.”

Taking the note from the young mans hand, Aedon opened and read it. A frown crawled across his face as his shoulders slumped slightly.

Ix Tab – he knew this name all too well. In the recesses of his mind, thoughts stirred, visions tinged with blood and pain; the Glade broken, the crystal long guarded by the Knights of Yew spirited away. Looking up to the courier Aedon nodded.

“A call to war then? I will be there.”

“Will there be any other response, m'lord?” queried the courier.

“My appearance will be my response, lad.”

The rider spoke not another word but nodded, turned, and galloped off towards Silverwood.

Walking over to the pond, Aedon gazed down into the waters. Still, at first, the water suddenly seemed to swirl as visions of years past played out before him. War upon war, bloody battles which helped to shape the countryside, and brought the knighthood to the brink of doom. Times both of pain and triumph in which the valor and resolve of men was tested by those seeking to bring about the fall of all that was good.

And now, it had come down to this; the Demon Queen had gotten what she had most desired. The crystal within her hands might be contorted to her will, and used to destroy all that stood against her. Darkness would wash over the land; and life, that which Aedon had always known as life, would change forever.

As he stared within the dark swirls of the water, a shadow began to take shape. Undefinable at first, it slowly took on the form of a man. Aedon watched as the vision slowly cleared, and the image became recognizable.

“Brother Kyriel.” Aedon whispered aloud.

No words were spoken by this image, but it slowly raised its right arm; and, as a warm smile traced his lips, the image of Kyriel made the sign of the hand. He stayed there for a moment, and then the water reclaimed the vision as the surface of the pond became calm, the waters crystal clear.

Walking back into his house, Aedon went to the chest in the corner and took out the sword and armor that Liam had made recently.

The time of reckoning was at hand. He could no longer sit by, waiting, as others fought the battles. The Knights Rest would provide no quiet spot, the Aegis no refuge from what was to come. This was a part of Aegis and Yew, born of misuse of the crystal so long ago entrusted to the Knights and, later, to his care.