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Who is still playing this game?



I havn't really played in 3-4 years I guess...just wondering if it would be worth opening up the account for a month and try it out. Has EA done anything about the speed hacking jokes yet? lol.


Coming back is up to you... I play for the people I play with and ignore all the gimped out PvP, exploits, speed hacks, etc.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I havn't really played in 3-4 years I guess...just wondering if it would be worth opening up the account for a month and try it out. Has EA done anything about the speed hacking jokes yet? lol.
Everybody plays still.... Phrost, we would love to have you come back.


Unless you plan on playing on 3 or more shards not really worth coming back. Pac is fun and active. Its hit and miss tho. Chessy/Atl/GL also have good fun. New skill called imbuing came out. You can make almost anything you want in the game now. For around 20-30 mil you can make you the best suits/weps avail. Evens out the pvp for skill-speed. Almost everyone use's some sort of speeder now...


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I try but every time im on, the shard seems dead, meaning spawns almost empty except for the sometimes 1-5 trammies I run across.


Everybody plays still.... Phrost, we would love to have you come back.
like who? I see wargasm and pink are playing. Are there any of the old TA or GB guys around? It looks like the game has done a 180 with all the tamers.

And I don't have any IMs right now War. If i activate the account i'll go ahead and pick one up. I don't remember any of the #s or pws for the ICQ stuff. I'll hit you up if I end up opening it up. I'm just curious about who is still playing that I know.

And how is the new expansion or whatever? Better? Worse?

Does anyone have the link to dl UO pre-expansion?


New skill called imbuing came out. You can make almost anything you want in the game now. For around 20-30 mil you can make you the best suits/weps avail. Evens out the pvp for skill-speed. Almost everyone use's some sort of speeder now...
haha I figured the speeder would still be going. I was just hoping that the speeder would have finally burned out their pcs. And the speed stuff has never really been a problem, but more of an annoyance. It actually use to give me a good laugh killing those jokes as they jet off screen. I never did understand how someone could die while running that crap.


Yeah alot of gb/foo has now split to several different guilds. Cloud and Caspi run SoN! and then Chad runs FME. Kyrite/Rand/Aries run GOO. Me and Pink run SUPR. War/Fanta/Steelnuts run the new FL. Hag/Sargon/Stuii run M, and T. Pac is fun having all these different guilds in different factions. There is some good fights and fun fights. Then there is them slow days when no one is on. Best bet is just turn your account on for one month and see what you think. Your old gear is good enough to get you by till you decide what you want.

Uoam no longer updates. A new program (allowed by osi) called uocartographer is now used for map. Some guilds still use uoam tho.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
/\ Like he said /\, Its worth activating an account at least for a month, the game has gotten more more balanced item wise since Imbuing came along coupled with Faction gear there is no real reason to not have the gear needed to compete.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah alot of gb/foo has now split to several different guilds. Cloud and Caspi run SoN! and then Chad runs FME. Kyrite/Rand/Aries run GOO. Me and Pink run SUPR. War/Fanta/Steelnuts run the new FL. Hag/Sargon/Stuii run M, and T. Pac is fun having all these different guilds in different factions. There is some good fights and fun fights. Then there is them slow days when no one is on. Best bet is just turn your account on for one month and see what you think. Your old gear is good enough to get you by till you decide what you want.

Uoam no longer updates. A new program (allowed by osi) called uocartographer is now used for map. Some guilds still use uoam tho.
Great summary. :thumbsup:


um, this game is stupid , I am glad more people use speeder that makes things even, But 85% of the fights are going to be against dexxers. who have 50 ep max ss on a archer and balanced bows. This game needs Change

My guild is the most mage heavy on the shard, and we do alright but one crapy dexxer from supr or T can red line one of our better mages, and take him out of a fight,

UO is sad when baron and Armand are the tougher kills in the game..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO needs a total over hall again imo

game just seems far to broken.

but i dont give it much of a chance on the occasions i try to come back...and dont currently play. so dont listen to me

but mostly i just wanted to say hi phrost ^^


Yeah alot of gb/foo has now split to several different guilds. Cloud and Caspi run SoN! and then Chad runs FME. Kyrite/Rand/Aries run GOO. Me and Pink run SUPR. War/Fanta/Steelnuts run the new FL. Hag/Sargon/Stuii run M, and T.
so just casper is playing now? i remember some of the other names you mentioned, but i was really hoping for some of the guys i played with to still be around.


um, this game is stupid , I am glad more people use speeder that makes things even, But 85% of the fights are going to be against dexxers. who have 50 ep max ss on a archer and balanced bows. This game needs Change

My guild is the most mage heavy on the shard, and we do alright but one crapy dexxer from supr or T can red line one of our better mages, and take him out of a fight,

UO is sad when baron and Armand are the tougher kills in the game..
more even? there were only a handful of tool bags running that crap until that dumb R guild transferred over...we all know how long it took for them to collapse when they faced some actual guilds.

so uo is basically ran by the jokes when i played...awesome ahha


um, this game is stupid , I am glad more people use speeder that makes things even, But 85% of the fights are going to be against dexxers. who have 50 ep max ss on a archer and balanced bows. This game needs Change

My guild is the most mage heavy on the shard, and we do alright but one crapy dexxer from supr or T can red line one of our better mages, and take him out of a fight,

UO is sad when baron and Armand are the tougher kills in the game..
more even? there were only a handful of tool bags running that crap until that dumb R guild transferred over...we all know how long it took for them to collapse when they faced some actual guilds.

so uo is basically ran by the jokes when i played...awesome ahha
Jokes, I would not go that far to calling todays pvpers jokes. well maybe baron, and Sargon but, I have played numerious shards and to be honest pacific has always been the weakest one. Napa, Baja, Sonoma Lake austin always had better pvpers than here. for the 1st time Ever I can say the mages on pacific are progressing. a few of us are able to keep pure mage dueling around and some of the newer pvpers have picked up on it,

people like Set if Off Judah Lambo Mixtape a few fme guys.
Todays uo mage would work anymage we had on pacific when you played. everysingle mage in my guild knows how to cycle and escape the cycle. todays mages know how to dismount and dont just die in 2 seconds.

I mean come on when amfek made that guild with chunari and morrolan BWL i could run in there and solo their entire guild with ease. today i cant 2 vs 1 that many people anymore.
the only problem is the mages are growing scares, people like Casper and Cloud perfer to play archers than logging on their mages.

were the fights funner when you play yes, were the pvpers better, Not a chance...
The only joke when you played was the pacific shard..

Anyways if you think you can compete with todays UO give it a shot for a month, I am sure someone will make u a suit... Arties are worthless all you need are chars... maybe u can join SON they could use a caller in their guild


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats one thing he has correct, not a lot of people play pure mage anymore less than 1/2 a dozen I would guess, its mostly always some gimped out mage, archer, tamer, ninja template now days. EA has finally Balanced Items by making it easy to get gear together but skills are still fubared. Like most of the people who Claim to be good mages on the shard depend on their dread mares. I myself Have not been playing a lot until EA gets their new anti cheat/ 3rd party app. code going in game, they say they are working on it but......... We know EA lol. They are also expected to do another major PvP balance in the near future. They have been doing an ok job at reworking factions and remains an ongoing project and every PvPer with a set plays in a faction. But in my opinion UO PvP is still the greatest form of PvP in the gaming market even with all its flaws.


Thats one thing he has correct, not a lot of people play pure mage anymore less than 1/2 a dozen I would guess, its mostly always some gimped out mage, archer, tamer, ninja template now days. EA has finally Balanced Items by making it easy to get gear together but skills are still fubared. Like most of the people who Claim to be good mages on the shard depend on their dread mares. I myself Have not been playing a lot until EA gets their new anti cheat/ 3rd party app. code going in game, they say they are working on it but......... We know EA lol. They are also expected to do another major PvP balance in the near future. They have been doing an ok job at reworking factions and remains an ongoing project and every PvPer with a set plays in a faction. But in my opinion UO PvP is still the greatest form of PvP in the gaming market even with all its flaws.
the reason people dont play pure mage is because a dexxer is more effective to the average uo player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I havn't really played in 3-4 years I guess...just wondering if it would be worth opening up the account for a month and try it out. Has EA done anything about the speed hacking jokes yet? lol.

zomg phrost! sup man how u been?
UO is a joke, speedhacks are still running rampant and unchecked, not to mention archers still doing way too much damage along with pets on top of it. play wow or aion or a playerrun uo server

hi anubis, where are you at on WOW? does skif/alchy still play it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
currently on quil'dorei horde side. istosalis be my name. also have a near 80 mage istoli

not sure about skif and alchy anymore..lost contact with them after i quit wow awhile ago and when i returned i didnt see them on anymore..so i transfered to meet up with rl friends on quil'dorei


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
damn havnt heard from/seen skif/alch in like over a year now this sucks, you playing wow alot or what?


whats up goku!!! i figured you would be all for the archer mess considering you stopped playing your mage when AoS came out..traitor. haha jk

lol i was messing around on and off on wow for awhile there. havn't played in several months, and blizzard emailed me a couple weeks ago saying someone was on my account spamming trade and that they suspended the account and changed the pword to protect my account...so i'm assuming i somehow got hacked on it even though i havn't played in maybe 6 months? haha.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
whats up goku!!! i figured you would be all for the archer mess considering you stopped playing your mage when AoS came out..traitor. haha jk

lol i was messing around on and off on wow for awhile there. havn't played in several months, and blizzard emailed me a couple weeks ago saying someone was on my account spamming trade and that they suspended the account and changed the pword to protect my account...so i'm assuming i somehow got hacked on it even though i havn't played in maybe 6 months? haha.
i quit the mage to play my necrodexer ****er not an archer!

sucks about ur wow account, easy to level tho
you gona try UO again or what? id like to play with some of the old gang again =)