There's so many in Luna, I can't even count.
There's a general rune library, but with all the books locked down on the floors, next to the East gate. Not sure how accurate the books are, but it has a THB set on the north wall of the 2nd floor.
Between that house and the Luna stable, is the LOST Auction House. It has a set of THB books, Trammel Only, locked down on the front steps.
The Corresponding Fel-only Books are in Will Bill's Library of Sin, in the SE corner of Luna.
Outside the WEST gate of Luna, is a cluster of houses, the furthest west being the most reincarnation of Crazy Joe's old rune library (after 4 owners and about 6 IDOCs), It has a set of THB books as well.
This probably isn't even close to all of them in Luna, let alone the rest of the shard. That's just the houses I know have rune libraries and went inside to check for the T-map books.
I know that I've given away two sets of Trammel-only THB books (the ones I replaced updating my old Guildhouse books, and another set given to me) to other people who didn't live in Luna, who wanted to set up their own public libraries (along with some sets of training boxes).