I've got a large collection of Tailoring BODs and I was wondering which of the smalls are good for turn ins to get more BODs, but which otherwise give rewards most people would consider junk.
I'm after any LBOD and the associated smalls that gives a reasonable chance to get a spined, horned, or barbed runic sewing kit. If there's any other rewards that are considered good to collect and fill larges/smalls for I'd also be after them.
Cheers ...
I went through the page that Frarc suggested (in fact, started typing a half-hour before Frarc did), and rewrote it in a form for the table-impaired (I've ran into a few people over the years that run screaming from tables)
The rewards one might find desirable are:
Clothing Bless deeds (since they work on Crimsons, Snake Skin Boots & the ML robes that give 95 luck, they sell for about 200-350k, depending on shard and the urgency of the buyer).
Spined Kits (since the publish in February - before then, they were junk)
Horned Kits
Barbed Kits
You might add 120 Tailor Powerscrolls to this list, temporarily. They were dirt cheap and common, BUT they are now are a high-point-value turn-in for the coming publish, and I'm filling a bunch of larges I'd kept in case someone needed one, just to turn the PS in to the collection for points.
Note that NONE of the smalls by themselves have rewards worth keeping (unlike smith smalls); they give cloth to fill more cloth smalls, and new BODs that are hopefully better than the crap you turned in. At best, the smalls that give the level 5 reward cloth types are worth bothering with, but even most of those fit larges with keeper rewards much better than the cloth.
Here is a list of keeper types (by their LARGE BOD Reward).
All 4-part normal 20 cloth Larges, and their parts: These give Spined kits.
5-part "Town Cryer" set, 20 count Exceptional: Gives Clothing Bless deed
Optional: Suggest looking keeping a few Exceptional larges of the other types (or normals of the town cryer) on hand in a book, for contract work (not actively trying to fill them), if someone wants to buy bear rugs or tapestries. It's harder to get the larges, than the smalls.
Footwear: Throw away the regular leather LBODs for the footwear - while they give the same rewards as the cloth BODs, each 1 you fill prevents you from filling FOUR cloth LBODs.
5-part leathers (Studded, Bone): The only guaranteed valuable reward is for the 20 count Exceptional sets, which give a Clothing bless deed. (one might keep 1 or two 10 or 15 count normal studded larges, in the suggested optional book for tapestries & bear rugs)
6-part leathers (male set, female set): The 20-count normal sets give Clothing Bless Deeds. The 10 & 15 count Exceptionals give Horned Kits. The 20-count exceptionals give 120 Tailor Powerscrolls.
Remember that the "Studded Bustier" & "Studded Armor" smalls fit the FEMALE 6-part set, not the 5-part studded set.
Spined Leather:
Footwear: the 20-count normals give Spined kits. The rest are junk, or things you can get easier from cloth BODs.
5-parts: 10 part Exceptional is Clothing Bless Deed; 20 part Exceptional is Horned kit - rest are junk.
6-parts: 10 count Normal is Clothing Bless Deed; 20 part Normal is Horned Kit. 20 Part Exceptional is Barbed Kit. 10 & 15 part Exceptional are 120 Powerscrolls, if you want to do them
Horned Leather:
Footwear: The 20 Exceptional Large gives a Clothing Bless Deed.
5-parts: 20 part Normal Clothing Bless Deed; 10 & 15 part Exceptionals are Horned kits. 20 Part Exceptional is 120 Tailor PS.
6-parts: 10 & 15 count Normals are Horned kit; 20 part Normal is 120 Powerscroll. ALL Exceptionals of this type are Barbed Kits.
Barbed Leather:
Footwear: The 10 Exceptional Large gives a Clothing Bless Deed, and the 20 Exceptional gives a Horned Kit.
5-parts: 10 part Normal; Clothing Bless Deed; 20 part normal gives Horned kit. 20 Part Exceptional is Barbed Kit. 10 & 15 Exceptionals give 120 PS, but not really worth it unless you're filling to turn in at Publish 53.
6-parts: 10 & 15 count Normals are 120 Powerscrolls. 20 Count Normal & ALL Exceptionals of this type are Barbed Kits.
How to get a LOT of GOOD BODs with one Tailor and a little effort
With time, luck and a lot of crafting, you can (over 4-8 hours), turn about 100-200 small crappy BODs into about half as many BODs worth keeping, by filling the junk smalls (except for Bone, which you toss), turning them in one at a time and getting new BODs in return, tossing the junk larges and junk Bone you get back, and sorting out the keepers. Repeat as necessary. Each time through, you'll end up with about half as many junk BODs to fill for more BODs, about 30% BODs you'll set aside as keepers, and 10-20% junk you just throw away.
It would look something like this, starting with 200 BODs (though, truthfully, you'll want to do this at closer to 100-150 BODs, as the BODs, even in books, will take up a lot of pack space). Suggest you have at least a beetle, if not multiple packies.
Turn-in Phase - Starting with 200 filled smalls of various junk types.
1. Turn in each, getting 100 assorted cloth (or a pair of sandals, rarely from 20 count exceptional cloth or leather, and any exceptional colored leather you turn in)
2. Immediately after turning in each BOD, request a new one.
3. Look at the new BOD...
3.a. If the BOD is a keeper, stick in a book for unfilled keepers to sort
3.b. If the BOD is an easily filled junk BOD (cloth BODs, regular leather BODs), put into a book of junk to fill while you're here.
3.c. If a Junk BOD that is a large BOD or a Boned small, just drop it on the floor - someone will pick it up.
3.d. All other junk BODs, put into a 3rd book, of smalls to fill for the next time you plan one of these BOD trips.
4. Return to step 1 until you've gone through all the BODs.
Response Phase
5. Use a dye tub to make all the reward cloth you don't want to keep for personal use all one color.
6. Use this cloth to fill the cloth junk BODs from the book in 3.b. above, starting with the exceptional BODs, and the items one cannot buy from an NPC (full apron, Surcoat, Body Sash, Bonnet; note that regular shirts are only available from 1/3 of tailor NPCs).
6.a. Save normal hats (other than Bonnets) for last, as they can be bought off both Tailors and provisioners
6.b. Buy the items to fill any cloth BODs that remain, as well as buying regular leather items off an armorer to fill any normal leather junk BODs.
6.c. If you have the leather in your bank, fill any leftover normal leather smalls and the exceptional regular leather junk you might have (10/15 count studded, and maybe 20 Ex 6-parter smalls); otherwise add them to the book in #3.d. above.
7. At this point, after about 1 minute per BOD filled, you'll have about 40-50% as many BODs filled to turn back in, as you started with at #1, above. Go back to that step, and repeat this sequence of #1-7, until you run out of junk BODs that are easily fillable.
At this point, you'll have turned 200 junk smalls into about 100 keepers, 20-40 junk BODs scattered on the ground, and the rest are colored junk you can fill in your spare time, before next week's trip.
Even a person with 1 Tailor, if they can get a stack of "seed" BODs to start this process, can maintain it at about 50-150 BODs turned in per week for new ones for several months, before totally depleting their stock of even the colored junk, and having to wait a month or two collecting up piles of junk BODs (or buy another 100-200 BODs) to restart (can take only a few days, if they have multiple characters with 0.1 tailor to get mass BODs with). It will, in effect, give them the BOD-collecting power of someone with 4-6 70+ skill BOD runners, for the effort of concentrating one day a week on BODs.