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Which shard?



I hope to return to UO in the near future. I know a great deal has changed over time, and I'm trying to decide which shard would be best for me. In order of priority, I'm generally interested in roleplay, crafting, and pvm. If anyone wants to suggest which shard(s) might be best, I'd welcome the input.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would suggest you focus on TC1, the test center. You can more easily evaluate every thing that has changed in the game there. Figure out what you don't know and ask questions in the various specific forums.

I went to all the shards that made sense for me to go to while I was learning the changes and scouted them out.

When I had figured out the basic changes I chose a Shard and started up there, slowly, while I continued to get my target template right on TC1. Meaning I fiddled and played with the intended production template on TC1 (by using the Give commands and the set commands). Once I had it within the ballpark of what I would want, I started to develop the production template accordingly.

I did this for each intended character template.

So my 2cp's would be to focus on understanding the UO of today and take your time finding the Production Shard your going to settle in on.


I hadn't considered Test Center, but that makes sense. Thanks so much... I think I'll do that! :)


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I'm not a fan of the test center for PvM/crafting playstyles ... it gives you access to too much, too fast rather than letting you explore and discover things on your own. It takes away the wonder of getting that first runic or first artifact when you can just have them given to you.

(besides, right now, with the "Treasures of Tokuno" event going on - it is a very good time for a new character to be training on orcs and deathwatch beetles)

But as for which shard to suggest, I only know Legends - it's a quiet shard but your odds are pretty good for finding friendly people ( although at the moment, everyone seems a little preoccupied with the event :) )


I have a similar question but am looking for more PvP and old school UO. That plus a good populated shard.


I am a original Catskills player but is the population good? What about Siege?


Grand Poobah
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I've been very happy, and impressed, with Great Lakes's RP.

As to high-end PvM, the Ilshenar Champ Spawn crowd has been both nice and competent. I also have fun doing the Tokuno Champ Spawn since ToT3 came out. I have no idea yet about Peerlesses or Doom, as I've been preoccupied with RP, EM events, Spawns, and ToT3 since I came over.

GL also has great Event Moderators.

I used to be on Lake Superior, and it was decent for high-end PvM. There are these Community Hunts that do different things (they organized Ilshenar Champ Spawn hunts before Champ Spawn Artifacts came out, and they do a Peerless a week, among other things). The Ilshenar Champ Spawn crowd was, like GL's, both nice and competent. Peerlesses were done fairly often, and sometimes folks would even invite in a stranger.

-Galen's player

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a similar question but am looking for more PvP and old school UO. That plus a good populated shard.


I am a original Catskills player but is the population good? What about Siege?
If you want a more old school feel, siege is going to be your best bet. Although the population is lower than most production shards.

Catskills still has a fairly good size population. I'd say we're in the top 5 easy. Maybe even top 3?

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Old school pvp......siege (Did I just say that?) but really for old school id go there.


I have just returned myself and joined in back on my old shard of Baja and was shocked at the number of people still around. I am CST and I know this is a West Coast shard but we have a TON of folks from all time zones. I have also seen a lot of RP going on and player run events recently..

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope to return to UO in the near future. I know a great deal has changed over time, and I'm trying to decide which shard would be best for me. In order of priority, I'm generally interested in roleplay, crafting, and pvm. If anyone wants to suggest which shard(s) might be best, I'd welcome the input.
You may want to consider a few of the quieter west coast shards such as Origin, Lake Austin, Napa Valley, Sonoma or Baja. You may ping a just a little bit worse than you would playing on an east coast server, but then again, with the smaller population perhaps you'll also have less lag at events that draw a crowd. I've known a number of folks from the east coast who've played on these servers for many years without noticeable problems.

What you'll find on these shards are quite a few friendly folks, lots less competition for PvM spots, better chance of placing a max-sized house, and a good opportunityto make your mark running a well-organized vendor house specializing in player-crafted items. The upcoming expansion may bring an influx of new and returning players who will need a lot of the basic items.

A special note about Baja: It has a very active role-playing community, as you'll see if you browse the Baja forum here on Stratics.

Wanted to add in that if you're just returning and want to try out the PvP, you might also consider one of these smaller shards for getting your feet wet again. It may be a little harder to get yourself geared up (maybe not if you join factions), but if being part of a big zerg guild isn't your idea of fun, it may be the way to go.


Another note: I was also, as Tina pointed out, able to easily place a 18x18 plot when I found the area I wanted to move too, was right with my new guild in Malas NW of the Orc Fort


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not a fan of the test center for PvM/crafting playstyles ... it gives you access to too much, too fast rather than letting you explore and discover things on your own. It takes away the wonder of getting that first runic or first artifact when you can just have them given to you.
No intention here of being argumentative, rather an alternate viewpoint.

I was an active craftsman in all the crafts available in UO up to about 8 months after Trammel went live. I was really looking forward to building up my Craftsman characters.

Then I encountered BOD's. The Runic Tools. The Crafting Lottery. I feel TC1 gave me excellent insights to crafting UO style NOW. I feel TC1 saved me from a slow torturous experience in crafting.

I say the above NOT to discourage anyone or gain say Maplestone. Rather I am saying that Crafting in the UO of today is .... not even remotely like crafting in UO when I left and this form of Crafting is simply put not my cup of tea. I respect the fact that others see this as a preferred play style. All I had to do was try to make a Good Suit on TC1, watch the number of try's required and it was a done deal given the 40 usage Runic Tool, there was simply no way I was going down that path.

He he, I still have pretty much crap suit's on my characters but I live with it and have not had all that much to whine about :) I got my 100% LRC (for the returnee's Lower Reagent Cost, where 100% mean NO need for reagents to cast spells). That when all was said and done was enough, well along with the 45 DCI (45% Defensive Chance Increase) and the -0 Mage Weapons (uses your magery skill as the weapons skill).