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Which Client Should I Use?


Grand Inquisitor
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I am thinking of coming back to UO (sometime in the next few months), I'm just curious as to which client you would recommend. I was very used to the 2D client and I still have all my old configuration files backed up, for the 2D client, and UOA.

I wanted to like the KR client, but I'm afraid with stability issues, clunkiness, and fps problems, it just sucked. However, UO Automap is becoming increasingly less useful (unless someone has created an updated version in the past year), and I now have a nice widescreen monitor.

I was also thinking that with me coming back and this being a fresh start in a way, this might not be a bad time to try something new, if it is actually going to be better, when I've been away for awhile, and the 2D client is no longer second nature to me. I also have purchased a G13 in the past year, so I would be relearning all my keybinds anyway.

Those are my pluses and minuses. If anyone who has used both clients would like to offer some advice, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I am intending to go with the Enhanced Client as it is not tied to any release.

It offers an acceptable to equal stability in terms of normal game play.

It offers an acceptable to equal immersion in terms of normal game play.

It offers enhanced U.I., macroes, ease of use in terms of macros etc.

The down side is you need to have a system that it can run on from a performance point of view.

I have two computers, one is rather newish and one is rather oldish. The oldish one (NVIDIA 6200LE not a supported card) doesn't do very well performance wise. The newish one does ... GREAT :)

Not having an active account you will not have any means to evaluate the performance of the Enhanced Client on your existing system. I suspect that if you have a supported video card (and some of the older stuff is supported) you may do just fine. It is free and easy to install and set up.

As far as I know KR is no longer a supported Client.


Grand Inquisitor
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Ya, I'm leaning toward the new client. My hardware isn't high end by any stretch of the imagination, but it should handle the SA client without a problem.


Grand Inquisitor
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Well, the worst that happens is I uninstall it and go back to the 2D client.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At first you will be a bit lost with it, but once you discover all the macros and setups, you will not want to look back.
I uncheck legacy chat, legacy containers, legacy targeting. They are on one screen in settings. By unchecking them, I feel I get the FULL effect.

Also, check out http://www.spellweave.com/saclientuserguide.html while you're waiting for the patching. The download is quick, but when it patches, it will take a long time.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I uncheck legacy chat, legacy containers, legacy targeting. They are on one screen in settings. By unchecking them, I feel I get the FULL effect.
Yes, that one certainly threw me astray for a while. But yeah you want to uncheck that specific option for sure.


Babbling Loonie
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I would recommend the Enhanced Client. I've been using it since 4 months now, while I considered the KR Client unplayable. The artwork is (as always) a matter of taste, but I like it better than the Legacy Client artwork. Besides, most objects are legacy artwork anyway, contrary to the KR Client.

  • Much more handy technical features. You won't need UO Assist or UO AutoMap anymore. Macros are great and powerful. Hotbars are very useful.
  • Big zoomable playing window.
  • Nice particle effects. Spells look really great.
  • Better environment artwork.
  • Client runs more smoothly than Legacy Client.

  • Legacy Client runs also on very very old computers and notebooks without 3D card.
  • Long list of minor bugs (which sometimes are annoying, but have no big impact on playing).
  • Crashing issues (but not more than Legacy Client).
  • Rubberbanding issues.

As the Enhanced Client is still beta, I am hoping for many bugfixes in the near future. But despite the bugs, I prefer it over the Legacy Client (which I used for 10 years).

- Use the "UI Scale" option to scale down the UI for smaller icons/paperdoll.
- Turn off Legacy Targeting!
- Take your time to set up all macros properly. It is a process.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I came back after a few years of WoW and have played the new enhanced client. I like it very much and I dont see how I would be able to play with the old client again.

The other posters have stated all the reasons why I like the new client. :thumbsup:


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Try the Enhanced client and give it a fair chance. Not like log in and log back out. But realy try it and you see the many advantages.