WHERE'S T*T!!?!?!? - Answers inside.....

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Tovladian Soltyr

Ok well I've heard that a lot of people are wondering what has happened to T*T. Well it's a long story so you might want to go grab an extra soda or refill that cup of coffee before you start reading past this point.....

Well there are multiple reasons why we are not online, well not in game online anyway.

1. I was recently terminated from my Job. Here's the shortest way I can tell the story behind that.

Ok the company I was working as a temp for like 10 months I finally got hired in full time to on June 25, 2007. Worked for about 2 months full time and had no problems until they wanted to train me on inspection. In the inspection area that I was working in when being trained there is a little tub of rubbing alcohol about 2 to 3 feet from my face. Well I suffer from Cronic Mild Persistent Asthma and rubbing alcohol just isn't a friend of mine. Well I went to my team leader and explained that I couldn't work that area due to the fumes getting to me and making it difficult for me to breath.

Team leader had no problem with it and for about 3 months didn't work me in that area, then however in December they started working me in that area off and on again. Team leader told me it wasn't him, that it was the supervisors call. I wasn't told directly but heard through the grapevine that, and I quote, "Wasn't getting moved from that area until I brought in a doctors excuse proving I have asthma". Cause you know, the lips turning blue and the gasping for air wasn't enough proof.

Anyway I suffer through that crap for 3 more months getting put there for week here and there and then like the entire month of March. I finally can't take any more of it, basically start feeling like crap on a daily basis, so I break down and call a doctor. My appointment was on April 1st, 2008 and got the required note from the doctor that my job wanted and since it was my first time going to that doctor he scheduled me for some further testing (dated for April 8th, 2008). Turned in the note that night when I went into work and on the morning of April 4th, 2008 had the Department manager and my supervisor request a small meeting with me off to the side of the work area.

They told me because of the wording of the doctors note that I couldn't work around "High Oder Chemicals" that I put the company and myself at risk and that I was going to be on temporary suspension until I could obtain a new doctors excuse that was worded better. I tried to explain to them that it wasn't all chemicals and that I had no problems working anywhere else it was just that one work station. But they wouldn't listen to it, because all they were worried about was covering their own arses.

SO...I call the doctor and explain the situation and he told me he would like to wait until the tests were done and the results were back before he would do anything further with a new note. I go in for the tests then after it's all said and done was told it could take up to 2 weeks to get the results back from the specialist cause they were pretty behind (lovely). Two weeks later I receive a letter from my job saying that if I didn't report back to work by April 28th, 2008 I would be terminated. Well seeing as I'm 3rd shift the 28th would have been Sunday night on the 27th and I didn't get that letter until the 24th on Wednesday. I call work to see what kind of extentions I could get and they told me I hadn't been full-time long enough to get FMLA but I could apply for Short Term Disability. So I drive all the way out there to my work and get the paperwork needed on Thursday the 24th and turn it into the doctors office and was told he may not get to them that day cause he had a full schedule. So Friday I call the doctors office first thing in the morning to check up on things and was told that the doctor wasn't going to fill out the STD paperwork and that my test result came back and he wasn't going to write me a new excuse without first making an appointment to go see him.

Guess what, the soonest opening they had was on the 28th at 3pm. Well since I had to report to work on Sunday night WITH the excuse in hand that wasn't soon enough and when I explained to them the note that I received they still insisted that I needed to make an appointment. But the doctor did say he was willing to have someone from work call him and talk to them directly. Going to guess nothing came of that since I still received the letter informing me that I was terminated.

So basically in the end I get screwed without getting dinner and a movie first. Due to the doctors greed or stubbornness whichever you want to call it, and my jobs ignorance/wanting to cover their arses I don't have a job right now. Can't really file a lawsuit about it either in discression to the ADA (American Disability Act) cause of the loop-o's they are using that I wasn't fired for the "Health Problem" itself but for the absence from work I had to endure while waiting on the doctor's dumbarse. They didn't give me any offical Temporary Suspension paperwork either even after I requested it, saying I didn't need any paper work cause they told me verbally. Which I know that was BS cause if it's not in writing it never happened I know how courts work.

Anyway so reason 1 why we aren't around is due to lack of funds, I'm still looking for work and with the job market the way it is right now it was a crappy time to lose a job :/.

onward now to reason 2....

2. Darri's Computer bottomed out. Harddrive fried, motherboard won't reconize the CD-ROM, Powersupply keeps going out on it....basically it's a paperweight now. So we're having to save what we can to replace her PC and her monitor cause right now I'm using her monitor. My monitor about 2 weeks ago started shooting sparks out of the bottom of it and not keeping a picture on the screen lol. So since her PC isn't working I took her monitor. On top of that the power supply on the laptop isn't working either so we are in essence down to 1 PC among 3 people wanting to use it.

So that's reason 2, we don't have the other resources other then the funds to operate anything right now even if our accounts were up right now :/.

3. Honestly at first the reason we wanted to go on a break in the first place is cause it seemed like it was becoming more of a job then a game for us. Instead of us getting the messages we use to get of...

"Hey want to do a peerless"

"What's up want to go hunt?"

"Wanna try a spawn?"

All the messages we were receiving were turning into...

"Hey can I submit"

"Can you take a submission?"

"When's the next auction?"

It was getting to the point we thought people didn't care about us anymore and they only cared about us selling their stuff. It was getting rather depressing to be honest. We're over all that now and can't wait to get back though!

4. Darri went in for Surgery on March 5th and was out of work for 6 weeks. She is doing fine for those that may have known and worried about her. She healed up nicely and is A OK now :), she's got some other problems currently but she's getting those taken care of soon. Been having problems with her shoulder I think she may have it slightly dislocated, we'll find out tomorrow.

Anyway now you know what's been going on, hasn't been the greatest year for us so far, here's to things getting better soon hopefully. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to frequent the stratics forums more. Wasn't even coming to stratics since they changed didn't want to bother with re-registaring and all lol. I'm kinda lazy that way, that and for a while it was just becoming a hassle finding the crap at first cause it didn't start off as organized as it is now. Anyway talk atcha guys later :).


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 14, 1999
Southern Oregon
Holy crap sauce...that sucks...

Im glad i was in the "hey do you wanna spawn" catagory...lol

Lord Cuda

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
In the Void
Now Tov you know you only have to ask and I would have gladly taken you anywhere in the realm to watch you die :lol: Silly elf, your pointed ears must be pulling the skin so tight around your head that you cant think clearly because you know I get so much pleasure watching you 0o0o0o :popcorn:

Give Darri a hug and tell her we are all awaiting the return of you both :heart:

Deadly Shadow

Totally Agree Dev:heart::heart::heart: Lets hear it all for the safe and speedy return of Tov and Darri.:cheerleader: Give me a T, Give me a O give me a V and now give me a D, give me a A, Give me a R, give me a R and finally give me a I:cheerleader: Go Team


I'm only replying here to ruin Omnis pwnij of the forum

Deadly Shadow

lol yes Omni they are getting huge the first one is the only male the others are females tee hee:lol:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 14, 1999
Southern Oregon
Well if i know Tov, hes gonna make the best of a bad situation. Im sure theyll look ahead to a brighter future and happier happenings.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jan 30, 2003
Houston, TX
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you. The doctor and the company were too worried about protecting themselves and now you're out of a job. :( I hope you're able to find another job soon and get back on your feet.

Tovladian Soltyr

Darri and I miss you guys too, currently we're still in the "Juggling Accounts" mode to make sure nothing falls while we're down and out. Basically taking everything one day at a time, hoping to find something in the means of work soon otherwise it will be a life of crime for me :p j/k j/k.

It's about the only thing I hate about all this, I'm a decent person, do what I can for charity. Live by the rules that the government provides us with but yet in the end I get screwed while there are dead beat dads out there that make children they can be bothered to care for living better then I am :/.

Hopefully the new president gets the job market and economy out of the crapper and rebuild the Middle class since Bush made it to where you're either Poor or Rich and no in between. At this point I don't care who becomes president as long as they do something right!

I'll attempt to stay in contact with you guys during these hard times but won't make any promisses and can't really give an ETA's on our return in full force.


=P oller atcha boy.


oh... and tell dai i wish her the best.


Hopefully the new president gets the job market and economy out of the crapper and rebuild the Middle class since Bush made it to where you're either Poor or Rich and no in between. At this point I don't care who becomes president as long as they do something right!
Do not believe everything the left-wing media spouts out. Many factors that are hindering the economy were not the fault of the current President. The housing crisis was caused by individuals (micro Level) buying homes that were beyond their means and lenders lending them the money to do it. Now the cries to bail out those who willingly signed up for the horid ARMs drive me crazy. Energy costs are being driven mostly by world-wide demand, there is one solution, drill for more OIL! had the Presidents proposal to drill in ANWAR be approved more oil would be flowing from our own domestic sources. We have enough oil if we simply would have common cents to drill for it.

Crystal Rose

This year can only get better for you for sure hon! Please hurry back to DJ we all miss you! Keep in contact when you can. Sending prayers your way.

The WRR staff

Tovladian Soltyr

Omnicron, you have a problem and you need to seek help, there are head doctors out there that can help you with your opsessive typing/replying problem :p.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 14, 1999
Southern Oregon
plucky thought it would be cute to post on every single thread and have his name be the last one everyone! That could not go unanswered, I had to retaliate.

Tovladian Soltyr

That's a good idea, posting on every thread, think I'll give it a try sometime :p

Tovladian Soltyr


We are now up to 2 active computers, finally got issue with the laptop delt with and it is up and running. Still looking for a job, no luck as of yet...a lot of the places I've applied for are on "Hiring Freezes". So hopefully my luck turns around soon on that aspect of things.

So that's a positive dirrection so far with the laptop working :). Lets hope things are going to take their climb upward now.