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Where's my thread Velvet?!?!

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear Velvet... wheres the thread i posted last night? Can't seem to find it so if it was moved, though i can't image why as it pertained to pacific, can ya link me? And if it was deleted why? Show me where it violated the ROC? And if it did, which it didn't why didn't you just lock it? Like the other threads pertaining to the same person? YOU are abusing your powers and taking out your personal vendetta against me! And you need to be censored by your superiors. And yes I posted this instead of pming you because I can't trust you not to delete it or lie about what i say. So someone please please please explain to me what happened to my thread?

Old Macdonald

Should get an E-mail or at least a PM should anyone decide to alter or relocate out posts - regardless of anyone's opinion the threads belong to the players!:thumbup1:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got nothing. No pm or email, I just checked again. I am so being discriminated against because the "mod" doesn't like me. AND there was nothing wrong with the post, I linked it to two people before I went to bed and they both said 1)it was funny and 2)shes crazy. NEITHER thought I was pushing the envelope much less breaking the ROC. This is complete and total crap.:twak:

Eyes of Origin

I got nothing. No pm or email, I just checked again. I am so being discriminated against because the "mod" doesn't like me. AND there was nothing wrong with the post, I linked it to two people before I went to bed and they both said 1)it was funny and 2)shes crazy. NEITHER thought I was pushing the envelope much less breaking the ROC. This is complete and total crap.:twak:
I can assure you that you're not being discriminated against. It was a thread that would lead to nothing but trolls and the mods moved it for a reason.

:( Sorry

Old Macdonald

It's sad that the opinions of players do not matter - especially when "it MIGHT lead to trolling."

Honestly that statement could be compared to a similar dynamic of opinion..."they MIGHT be guilty!:
~Skip the evidence & Trial! GET A ROPE!~
I agree K - Load of crap! :gun:

Veteran, U.S. Army - 101st Airborne Division
Supporter of the right to opinion and fact.
Censorship blows!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can assure you that you're not being discriminated against. It was a thread that would lead to nothing but trolls and the mods moved it for a reason.

:( Sorry

yeah right... but in any case where was it moved to? can you tell me where it violated the roc? why wasn't i pmd or notified/ jean-luc, assia, sheridan all would have done so. so can you tell me now why i wasn't?

yeah i agree mac, the 1st ammendment goes out the window when you put someone with a grudge to bear in a position of "control"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I read this thread before it went *poof*

There was nothing wrong with her post... It's no different than the other thousand Anti-Slave Girl Posts why was this one randomly chosen to get deleted with no reasoning nor warning....



In our mods defense:

(not that I enjoy defending the mods)

1. It really was a blatant troll-fest. (and you know it)
2. It was me that violated the ROC. (real bad, I might add)
3. You might not realize it, but this little discussion about what the mod did/didn't do, is actually ALSO against the ROC. (and I've been nailed for it once)
4. I DID receive notification of my violation/thread deletion, although I didn't actually read it so I can't explain it. Seemed pretty cut and dry to me..

so.. yeah.. sorry bout that, didn't mean to jack your thread, and I guess I should have forwarded the notice onto you, the OP. Anyways, its in the past.. Just like Slave-dog. . .


I can assure you that you're not being discriminated against. It was a thread that would lead to nothing but trolls and the mods moved it for a reason.

:( Sorry

yeah right... but in any case where was it moved to? can you tell me where it violated the roc? why wasn't i pmd or notified/ jean-luc, assia, sheridan all would have done so. so can you tell me now why i wasn't?

yeah i agree mac, the 1st ammendment goes out the window when you put someone with a grudge to bear in a position of "control"
lol this chick reminds me of tesla


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In our mods defense:

(not that I enjoy defending the mods)

1. It really was a blatant troll-fest. (and you know it)
2. It was me that violated the ROC. (real bad, I might add)
3. You might not realize it, but this little discussion about what the mod did/didn't do, is actually ALSO against the ROC. (and I've been nailed for it once)
4. I DID receive notification of my violation/thread deletion, although I didn't actually read it so I can't explain it. Seemed pretty cut and dry to me..

so.. yeah.. sorry bout that, didn't mean to jack your thread, and I guess I should have forwarded the notice onto you, the OP. Anyways, its in the past.. Just like Slave-dog. . .
i never even got to read them and no it wasnt a troll fest.... trust me when i say if i were doing that you and everyone else would know it yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!


yeah right... but in any case where was it moved to? can you tell me where it violated the roc? why wasn't i pmd or notified/ jean-luc, assia, sheridan all would have done so. so can you tell me now why i wasn't?

yeah i agree mac, the 1st ammendment goes out the window when you put someone with a grudge to bear in a position of "control"
lol this chick reminds me of tesla

I concur

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jean-Luc was pretty terrible imo. Assia was solid, so was Sheridan.

I still want to UO marry Maria JUST FYI IN CASE YOU'RE READING THIS

Old Macdonald

The important thing here to remember is: we still love our sigs!
I agree with everyone to a degree - Perhaps I see a different stratics in my mind. A Stratics where your opinion counts! I find Pac threads to be humorous.
In my 30 years of gaming i have never seen whiners win so much.
Good on you guys for the much-improved gaming tactics!

"This Post offends me and I can't handle it...":sad2:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The important thing here to remember is: we still love our sigs!
I agree with everyone to a degree - Perhaps I see a different stratics in my mind. A Stratics where your opinion counts! I find Pac threads to be humorous.
In my 30 years of gaming i have never seen whiners win so much.
Good on you guys for the much-improved gaming tactics!

"This Post offends me and I can't handle it...":sad2:

Well, your opinion does count if you kiss arse, brown-nose, suckup, spend all your time looking for reasons to act like a lactose intolerant pea-brained waste of space. And since that was directed at NO ONE ingeneral, well I have people in mind but I'll never tell, according to the latest mod ruling handed down to me today, should be safe for future discourse. IE: it won't get deleted. Freedom of speech does not apply on these boards Mac., fact of life. We communicate in a very "Equalibrium" state of mind here. Seems some if not most of the mods that are left, and posters themselves, can't handle people having different opinions. But seeing everybody get their preveberal panties in a wad does make for many amusing, spit the drink of your choice, out your nose moments. I win UO! :bdh:

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was a mod and I think they are pretty fair. You need to learn to be more sly with your insults..more passive-aggressive perhaps? Plus, Mutau has been busy the past few days I don't even think its been her modding so BACK OFF SISTER!

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And to be completely honest there is no concept of "freedom of speech" on Stratics. The moment you register you are at the mercy of a combination of the ROC and the mods on the board :O

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And for the hat trick I will add that Pacific is by far the most lax forum (at least pvp wise) out of all the shard forums. Try to post anything mildly pvp related or controversial on the other boards and see what happens. Mutau and Gellor do a sexcellent job here.

Eyes of Origin

I agree with Pink on all points.

I've crossed the line a few times and had my hand slapped, just need to be careful how you word things when you post them. If not, it gets removed.

Duke X. Winter

Freedom of speech doesn't apply to the Internet since it's an international enitity that isn't controlled by one specific country. That being said, I will agree with Pink that Jean-Luc was horrible and biased. Assia (who handed me my fair share of slaps on the wrists) was extremely fair. Sheridan and Pink were two of my favorite mods, and Mutua has done a fine job (though I have had no dealings with her).

Honestly, I personally think people need to stop :bdh: that is Slavegirl and leave the comments off the forums. They really don't belong here. I don't personally like, or dislike her (again, no dealings with her...she said "OH LOOK, THERE'S DUKE WINTER!" once to me in Luna, but that was about it), and I would like it to remain that way. I have enough enemies as it stands, I don't need more. *silently starts to plan the murder of Pink*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And to be completely honest there is no concept of "freedom of speech" on Stratics. The moment you register you are at the mercy of a combination of the ROC and the mods on the board :O
At the mercy of the mods is one thing. At the mercy of a (edited because u can guess what I am thinking, but since I didn't write it... is that sly enough) with a grudge to bear is quite another. I'd post the pm that was sent to me but it'd just get removed and I'd be banned. But fair enough I guess. No one wants to man up and say something is rotten when it smells that way. Well...*bows* at your leisure my lords and ladys.

Old Macdonald

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense.
Bull**** (also bullcrap, bullplop, bullbutter, horse****) is a common American English expletive which may be shortened to the euphemism bull or the initialism B.S. In British English, "bollocks" is a comparable expletive, although bull**** is now commonly used in British English as well.

As with many expletives, it can be used as an interjection or as many other parts of speech, and can carry a wide variety of meanings. Most commonly, it is used in connection with incorrect, misleading, or false language and statements. While the word is generally used in a deprecating sense, it may imply a measure of respect for language skills, or frivolity, among various other benign usages.

I call BS on PC!
George Carlin Sais it best:
You have the right to your opinion, that means I have the right to my opinion!
And My opinion is you dont have a right to your opinion!


No one wants to man up and say something is rotten when it smells that way. Well...*bows* at your leisure my lords and ladys.
False. Everyone I know wants to take pot-shots at slave-girl, we've just already done it so many times we're on the brink of bannage. I myself I think am on thin ice with mags and several other mods whom I will not mention, but I have rarely ever thought I was treated unfairly. There WAS that one time some really pointless thread I wrote got moved away, and I was a little annoyed.. but. uh.. yeah, generally speaking, pac-stratics is a pretty hard place to get infractions. .

edit: you haven't even SEEN my slave-girl, aka 'wiener-dog' sig.. I think I got infracted from MULTIPLE mods for that one..

check out this link if you wanna see what other shard are like: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=174884
Thats actually the THIRD re-make of that thread because the whole thing had to be botched twice.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was a mod and I think they are pretty fair. You need to learn to be more sly with your insults..more passive-aggressive perhaps? Plus, Mutau has been busy the past few days I don't even think its been her modding so BACK OFF SISTER!
ooo you yelled at me and made general threatening inuendos!! quick someone tell a mod so the post will disappear waaaaaaaaaa! and in defense of velvet thats just sad, jean-luc was the man and he clinked me more than once. the difference here is he was open, honest and fair, traits i admire and respect, instead of this seedy behind your back, no fair warning whatsoever crap that these boards apparently seem to be used to

Old Macdonald

False. Everyone I know wants to take pot-shots at slave-girl, we've just already done it so many times we're on the brink of bannage. I myself I think am on thin ice with mags and several other mods whom I will not mention, but I have rarely ever thought I was treated unfairly. There WAS that one time some really pointless thread I wrote got moved away, and I was a little annoyed.. but. uh.. yeah, generally speaking, pac-stratics is a pretty hard place to get infractions. .

edit: you haven't even SEEN my slave-girl, aka 'wiener-dog' sig.. I think I got infracted from MULTIPLE mods for that one..

check out this link if you wanna see what other shard are like: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=174884
Thats actually the THIRD re-make of that thread because the whole thing had to be botched twice.
Ok so since you cant post that sig here - we will need to make other arrangements. I WANT TO SEE IT!

Is it out of the question to "Link to it?"
After all, if you dont want to see it - dont click the LINK!

Eyes of Origin

False. Everyone I know wants to take pot-shots at slave-girl, we've just already done it so many times we're on the brink of bannage. I myself I think am on thin ice with mags and several other mods whom I will not mention, but I have rarely ever thought I was treated unfairly. There WAS that one time some really pointless thread I wrote got moved away, and I was a little annoyed.. but. uh.. yeah, generally speaking, pac-stratics is a pretty hard place to get infractions. .

edit: you haven't even SEEN my slave-girl, aka 'wiener-dog' sig.. I think I got infracted from MULTIPLE mods for that one..

check out this link if you wanna see what other shard are like: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=174884
Thats actually the THIRD re-make of that thread because the whole thing had to be botched twice.
lol good going Gemma, but you're right! Pac is so relaxed compared to others, but in the Mods defense on Origin, things get quite personal and out of hand, hence why we've had 2 threads completely closed.

Oh and Tenki, love the new Google sig :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's sad that the opinions of players do not matter - especially when "it MIGHT lead to trolling."

Honestly that statement could be compared to a similar dynamic of opinion..."they MIGHT be guilty!:
~Skip the evidence & Trial! GET A ROPE!~
I agree K - Load of crap! :gun:

Veteran, U.S. Army - 101st Airborne Division
Supporter of the right to opinion and fact.
Censorship blows!
They Might Have WMD, Maybe not, But just in case if they do lets take them out and turn their country inside out.

Thats the same mentality I have seen from these mods as of late. and its not so much gel, or mat its the others who have no clue what pacific is about.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Publicly discussing actions by the moderators is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: bans, warnings, locks, and moved threads. Any inquiries or comments on bans, warnings, or other moderator actions, are to be sent in private messages or via email. A moderator may choose to publicly inform the participants of a forum about bans and warnings if this is in the interest of the forum.
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