Do we have any idea how big the 'inherent bonus' ?
Sorry, this is going to be all math.
Human "Success Chance" is the base value for success. (H)
Gargoyles get a 10% racial bonus to success chance. (H x .1) = 10%
Non-exceptional crafted items get a 10% bonus to success chance. (H x .1)) = 10%
Exceptionally crafted items get an additional 20% bonus to success chance. (H x .2) = 20%
Queen's Forge gets 2% [hard value] bonus + bonus value for racial and/or item (see below)
NPC Purchased Item: Base Value (H) ... Queen's Forge: H + 2
Non-Exeptional Crafted: H + (H x .1) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .1)) + (2 + (2 x .1))
Exceptionally Crafted: H + (H x .2) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .2)) + (2 + (2 x .2))
Racial Bonus: H + (H x .1) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .1)) + (2 + (2 x .1))
Non-Exceptional Crafted: H + (H x .2) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .2)) + (2 + (2 x .2))
Exceptionally Crafted: H + (H x .3) ... Queen's Forge: (H + (H x .3)) + (2 + (2 x .3))