bob da builder
I have been thinking that well im in a uo slump right now. im just tired of waiting for stygian abyss. does any 1 remember when kr came out they said a few months and well have styg...people that first started then can now use a dang leather dye tub, and still no styg.I think i have proved at least to my self that i am a pateint man but why no words on it...maybe they want to surprise us...maybe they just are not ready fixing all the kr glitches..maybe its the next uo2..uox..or maybe they just do not give a rats a@# .I hope its not the later. also what happened to the forum.
i was not intending on this to be a rant i am just simply frusterated right now
maybe some 1 has some info on this that would be great. I am also curious HOW MANY OF YOU WOULD LIKE STYGIAN ABYSS
AND AGAIN SRY IF THIS TURNED INTO A RANT...forgot to turn off caps
i was not intending on this to be a rant i am just simply frusterated right now
maybe some 1 has some info on this that would be great. I am also curious HOW MANY OF YOU WOULD LIKE STYGIAN ABYSS
AND AGAIN SRY IF THIS TURNED INTO A RANT...forgot to turn off caps
I want stygian abyss dag nabbit