LOL...poor DC thought they would zerg it up and come try to spawn on Sonoma this morning. It didn't work out well for them at all. It was 10+ DC on 4 WAKA at first, Another 4 WAKA showed up and that was the end of it for DC.
My God..they had to have 100 deaths between them all. Their bodies were simply everywhere. You could spit in any direction and hit 3 or 4 bodies. They ended up rage logging and gz hugging.
We still killed them in gz when they were stupid enough to go grey to any WAKA. On a 1-10 scale..these kids are about a 2 to WAKA's 10. Hell..the guards got 99% of the kills on WAKA.
Poor Spirit and Sugar must have died a dozen times each...absolutely horrid PvPers. The entire shard, including Tram, was laughing at them.
Thanx for the scrolls, supplies and insurance.
Keep it coming girls..bring more ATMs please. I know I made over 100K+ in insurance alone.
PS: For heaven's sake..go factions and actually show a man card. People maybe wouldn't consider you so completely horrid if you actually tried to man up for once. You would still be horrid but at least you would have 1 point of respect from the PvP world. So far...your score is: 0. Pretty pathetic showing so isn't likely to change either.