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[Fishing] Where do you find Spiney Lobsters?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm managing to catch them by dropping my traps out in deep water beyond the Sea Market if that helps any.


Muu Bin

Just bad luck I'm afraid. As far as I can recall (it's been a while since I have "crabbed") I have managed to get all types of crustaceans in both shallow and deep water. Keep at it!


UO Forum Moderator
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Any spot you can catch one type, you can catch them all...

It's just a bad run on the RNG keeping you from getting spineys.

I've had a bad Spiney run myself, then started getting them, and Hummers became rare; then I started getting Hummers, and the Dungeness were rare.

I wish Draconi could have installed his RNG fix before he was let go last year.