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[Discussion] Where did all the 2 story statues come from?

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know the talking ones are server births, and the others are from moonglow (if you got lucky and it didn't lock you in place ;) but a year or two ago i started noticing them for sale, all over peoples houses ect ect. but before that I saw not a single one for sale, even after they were deemed legal. Can someone clue me in? lol thanks!



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Stratics Legend
History: These items are a confirmed and legal item in the UO Community. It is known for a fact that these Statues were available during "server up" and that with the exception of the later shards (such as AOL and the Asian Shards) these 2 Story Moonglow Statues can be found on nearly all the Shards in various places. However, Patches that occurred in 2000 made these items permanent or unable to be moved from the locations they were placed. There are definitely at least two per shard, with most shards having between 4-6 two story statues. There was also a time (during the birth of T2A) where the Moonglow two story statues became released. This also allowed a few statues per shard to escape. This is also the reason that on all shards you see fences, flowerbeds, and other various blocking in the front of the Moonglow Banks. The tenacity of the Rare collectors forever changed the landscape of Moonglow...

Just a copy and paste from somewhere about the history. And I believe this is one of the more popular duped server births in the game because of its size and desirability.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem to remember picking them up from outside wrong on sanoma way back.. although my memory doesn't serve me so well..

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ahh, yeah prolly are duped. That's a shame =/

kinda suprised they have that much value for being dupes also


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Not sure on the real value anymore tbf

...about 6 momths ago maybe a little longer..... there were many for sale at around 50-75m...most shards had 2-3 for sale.....which seemed weird at the time.......then of late ......the big statue sales all went quite....overnight as if by magic!! so now u only see the odd one on the odd shard trying the old game of inflated prices...at like 175 and upwards....maybe its me but i smell a fish