I'm sure it's posted somewhere but I didn't see it.
Thirty days, sure ... but WHICH thirty, Dragonchilde?It's a 30 day event.
Especially when it is in prime vacation time. I will be afk for two weeks. This first week has been fun, but that mempo is sure elusive.Too soon???
This is incorrect, sorry to tell you. There has been no lowering of the drop rate. I got the Mempo at about drop #50. Those that have gone 200 are experiencing bad luck, NOTHING ELSE. I have over 100 drops now and No Minor Tome. It's the same with that. The RNG can be streaky. Does it mean the minor Tome is more rare than the Mempo? NO. People are inferring things on small sample sizes. When your dealing with dozens of items, 200 drops is a small sample size that could easily breed some weird anomalys.with folks here saying they've gotten up to 200 drops without a mempo, and what appears to be a lowering of the drop rate itself,
Thanks for clarifying that fact with your opinion/ assessment. As to the drop rate, unlike you, I really don't know/ can't say, but there have been postings to that effect from folks that normally don't "miss."This is incorrect, sorry to tell you. There has been no lowering of the drop rate.
What riots? Why? And what is your position with EA/ BioWare/ Mythic/ dev for future reference please sir?And they aren't gonna add the Mempo to the Major menu -- their would be riots.
Well, my experience shows the opposite. I was averaging one drop about every 25-30 mins the first few days. The last 3 days I have had a rock solid consistant rate of one drop every 15ish minutes.The drops are definitely lowered though.
Nah, just the RNG. There has been no downturn. My experience proves it.Well between early lag spikes and then a dead modem I've finally been able to take a look see for myself. RNG issues aside, drops are not what they were the first day (my last "sampling" personally). Foolio, I now strongly disagree with your assertions, there clearly appears a major "downscaling" of drops. As they're two concurrent threads on the same theme, I'll abandon this for the other as it's more focused on the subject at hand. I did get in four hours with four different characters and types on different accounts at different locations. Looks close to a 50% downturn.
I got mine around drop number 55I got the Mempo at about drop #50.