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When will TOTIII end?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The past 2 events were extended, so there is a possibility that this one could be extended as well. But don't take my word for it, since I'm usually proven wrong most of the time. It is a nice distraction while we wait for the next shadowlord event.


Crazed Zealot
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I'm keeping my fingers cross too that they will extend the event 2-4 weeks. I'm moving in rl and will loose 1-2 weeks of the event. My packers come today. At least I have my cable internet at the new place getting activated the day before I arrive. I hope it works on day 1, but seems like there are always unexpected delays. That mempo has eluded me too. I missed the first 2 ToT events so I am really enjoying this one. It has also forced me to get to know the tokuno landmass and monsters. I think I'll be spending more time there post-ToT as well.



I missed the first two as well and its been nice to actually play on the Tokuno Islands. I managed to find a couple of places I will be coming back to for hunting.


Hopefully they won't end it until a couple things happen, 1) turn in items are revised a bit, 10 charge dyes and the mempo added to the menu would be nice and would be supportive of the "clean up Brittainia" theme, and 2) it's run long enough to void some of the massive camping currently ongoing. They did announce a 30 day expectation, but didn't say it would necessarily end at that point, just that this was the idea going in!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The mempo is a special drop. It wouldn't be as fun if it was on the menu. I have not gotten it, but that's the fun of it.... the "chance" of getting it.

I had missed ToT I, and I barely knew what I was doing when ToT II was around. Now, I'm having a BLAST at the champ and the drops are proof I know what I'm doing this time around. In fact, it's so fun, I've logged in every day, even though I'm dead tired from work.

Now, if I could just figure out Serado and his nasty poison....


Hildbrand, don't get me wrong, I like it as a drop item, it's the only ToT3 incentive for the Mrs and I as things currently stand. The reasons I feel it should also be "added" to the turn in menu is 1) that not doing so reinforces the incentive for the unattended camping we're witnessing, 2) as a random/ unique drop - "play" is not actually rewarded, it's either good fortunes or play "habits" and 3) the process as it currently exists supports the folks at the Luna bank spamming mempo for sale, 45 mil! But with folks here saying they've gotten up to 200 drops without a mempo, and what appears to be a lowering of the drop rate itself, well, make the call as you see it! Would it be as fun if on the menu, I don't see how "fun" gets diminished either way. I'll play regardless, but once it all ends, will be sorely disappointed if we have none of them. I'd also add that as more folks are incorporated into SA beta testing, placing a "competing needs" event in terms of focus and time available, really doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Foolio the Bard

with folks here saying they've gotten up to 200 drops without a mempo, and what appears to be a lowering of the drop rate itself,
This is incorrect, sorry to tell you. There has been no lowering of the drop rate. I got the Mempo at about drop #50. Those that have gone 200 are experiencing bad luck, NOTHING ELSE. I have over 100 drops now and No Minor Tome. It's the same with that. The RNG can be streaky. Does it mean the minor Tome is more rare than the Mempo? NO. People are inferring things on small sample sizes. When your dealing with dozens of items, 200 drops is a small sample size that could easily breed some weird anomalys.

And they aren't gonna add the Mempo to the Major menu -- their would be riots.


This is incorrect, sorry to tell you. There has been no lowering of the drop rate.
Thanks for clarifying that fact with your opinion/ assessment. As to the drop rate, unlike you, I really don't know/ can't say, but there have been postings to that effect from folks that normally don't "miss."
And they aren't gonna add the Mempo to the Major menu -- their would be riots.
What riots? Why? And what is your position with EA/ BioWare/ Mythic/ dev for future reference please sir?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I haven't gotten one either in 200 drops, but I believe I will.

You wouldn't think I'm having bad luck if you saw all those blue dyes (rofl).

I've gotten everything else including black rock. The drops are definitely lowered though. Trust me on that.

Foolio the Bard

The drops are definitely lowered though.
Well, my experience shows the opposite. I was averaging one drop about every 25-30 mins the first few days. The last 3 days I have had a rock solid consistant rate of one drop every 15ish minutes.


Well between early lag spikes and then a dead modem I've finally been able to take a look see for myself. RNG issues aside, drops are not what they were the first day (my last "sampling" personally). Foolio, I now strongly disagree with your assertions, there clearly appears a major "downscaling" of drops. As they're two concurrent threads on the same theme, I'll abandon this for the other as it's more focused on the subject at hand. I did get in four hours with four different characters and types on different accounts at different locations. Looks close to a 50% downturn.

Foolio the Bard

Well between early lag spikes and then a dead modem I've finally been able to take a look see for myself. RNG issues aside, drops are not what they were the first day (my last "sampling" personally). Foolio, I now strongly disagree with your assertions, there clearly appears a major "downscaling" of drops. As they're two concurrent threads on the same theme, I'll abandon this for the other as it's more focused on the subject at hand. I did get in four hours with four different characters and types on different accounts at different locations. Looks close to a 50% downturn.
Nah, just the RNG. There has been no downturn. My experience proves it.

Foolio the Bard

Here is my latest detailed hunt report. I kept exact notes to show you my drop rate.
[I am sorry but I won't reveal where this hunting spot is because of all the spots I have explored, it gives what I feel is the best drops and I don't want it overcrowded.]

Arrived at the spot at 7:20pm PST on 6/26/09 (On my tamer with only 294 luck):

7:31pm - Noble Gold dye
7:46pm - Silver dye
7:54pm - Ancient Farmer's Kasa
8:11pm - Silver dye
8:12pm - Light Green dye (100+ drops & this is MY FIRST light green dye)
8:34pm - Ancient Samurai Do
8:45pm - Peasant's Bokuto
8:56pm - Gloves of the Sun
9:13pm - Pigments of Tokuno (bleach)
9:20pm ended hunt

Average of one drop every ~13 minutes.

As you can see, the shortest time between drops was 1 minute, and the longest was 22 (and the shortest and longest were back-to-back). I know this is only 2 hours, but the past 3 days at this spot have yielded exactly the same result: one drop about every ~15 minutes. My experience shows to me that there has been no "downturn".
What is key to remember is that higher Fame monsters give you more points BUT the RNG roll to determine if you get a drop is done upon death of a monster. Therefore, hunting ONLY high fame/high hitpoint monsters can lead to some occasional long streaks without a drop because you aren't rolling that often. You want the best mix of fame and deathrate. I have personally found no difference when I wear my luck suit, so I don't wear it anymore.



I have gotten about 100 drops and no mempo. I got about four black rocks in that 100 as well. I keep thinking I just know one of those black rock drops was a mempo if it wasnt bugged. :) The should let us turn in the black rocks as a tokuno minor! That would be the fair thing to do since they bugged it. Well, its nice to dream........