4th Man : I do not care what you can do IRL. What I care about is that standing still to shoot is part of a theoretical balance plan between classes. I say theoretical because it's gone out of the window, for ages now.
I didn't quit JUST over this, as I said a lot of things don't make sense. This can include rampant cheating. I don't want to make a list of those things now. So I mentioned Moving Shot.
I have been in this game for too long, if a single Spec Move could drive me away it would have done it ages ago.
Don't give me the old and tired "Adapt" or "Creativity" stories.
Kelmo : It's not about what can be done IRL. Bear with me a little?
If you want to play this particular game of Realism Vs. UO then let's all be unable to ride anything until they introduce RIDING, and Mounted Combat should then be needed to use a weapon at full potential from atop a horse!!
Let's now assume you're
on foot, shooting at someone and you
miss and they close in. What do you do, start running, occasionally loading and drawing your bow then twisting your torso to get visual, then aim and fire and ACTUALLY HIT YOUR TARGET more than 1 every 10 shots.......? What will you be doing, running backwards?
This scenario would bear far more favourable results for the "Archer" with an SMG or AR since you mention those.
The fuss of re-arming a Heavy Crossbow on the run with someone running at you with a long sword... Tsk tsk. It would force you to draw a melee weapon yourself.
Let's assume you're the one hunting someone else- you now do not have to twist your body and all but really, if you miss once and try to re-arm you're done.
Given the running shake, panting, direction changing of you and your target and a few other factors like the fact you will have to run with your weapon aimed to take advantage of all opportunities(very tiring) you WILL most probably miss. It's pure luck.
What you would do is stand still, calculate distance and track your target for a few seconds and shoot, regardless whether the target is running away or towards you. If the latter is the case you just drop your bow and go melee. If the previous is the case you will often not even chase your target,
rather as I said snipe them.
I hope that's clear then. Moving Shot can be performed, but it wouldn't be a primary attack method as it is now because it would be unreliable, if UO was about Realism. And it would require 1 or maybe 2 extra skills to be performed from atop a horse. The warrior cultures you mention underwent some serious training to achieve a certain level of success with this, be assured. Take Mongols for example, others would often say they were BORN ON HORSES... That's an exaggeration but really, they trained and trained... It didn't happen over-night and in UO's reality that would mean 120 to 240 Skillpoint investment! ;P
And once more it would be much easier with a modern fire-arm obviously.
See, it's all crazy if we start using the "It Can Happen IRL" argument, or what each of us can do IRL with a bow or rifle...
""Logic" don't always work with fantasy games, balance however is more important." <----- THAT! Moving Shot IMHO has no place in UO the way it's implemented. Archers should have to stand still to shoot, period. Matter of balance.
Larry : Capping damage is one way, making the penalty in HCI actually mean something should also be considered.... But increasing Mana cost in general will break other things.