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What's up Sonoma?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dropping in and saying hello. I can't believe some of you are still here after all these years.

Any old guys from EFL/E^E still around?

I see Poo and Hunter are still here, as always.


Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Long time no see!!!! Great to hear from ya. There has been an influx of 'returnees' over the last few weeks ... hope you might consider joining them :)

*cookie hugs*

Lord Hunter

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Jag! Good to see you. Yep. still here going strong. Never really see anyone though. How are things?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
the good old UO boomerang.

everyone comes back sooner or later!

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still alive and kicking Sean. This is Darkstone/Steve. I cannot think of anyone from E^E that I still play with. There may still be a few floating around. Hooman and Saph have long since left the game. Still got them on FB and talk to them from time to time. Anways. Shoot me a PM with some contact info for you man. Be good to catch up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, been a while since old EFL / E^E days. I have been working on my Masters degree for the past two years so I have not been on much. Just about done so hopefully that will change soon.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still alive and kicking Sean. This is Darkstone/Steve. I cannot think of anyone from E^E that I still play with. There may still be a few floating around. Hooman and Saph have long since left the game. Still got them on FB and talk to them from time to time. Anways. Shoot me a PM with some contact info for you man. Be good to catch up.
Yep. I can't think of anyone either....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My reply is a bit late, and I apologize. Glad to see everyone is doing well. Like Endrik, I've been busy with school, as well as with work. Now that the semester's over, I'm getting ready to gear back up for WoW, but I will say that UO has this sort of magnetism that no other game has been able to match. Maybe it's just old memories. I still remember my first try at factions, and Poo giving me a black horse. The urge to return always comes out of nowhere. Good to hear from/see some familiar faces Mum, Hunter, Poo. Steve, I think I've spotted you on Phillip's FB...I'll send you an add. Endrik, good luck with your degree brother.


ScareKrow BoO

Hey Sean! I use to be in EFL with you and E^E for a while too. Man its nice to see that this game is still going, and yes I agree this game has a sort of magnetism that no many can understand but it is there and will always be the best game I played and some of the best memories I have made as well. Does anyone know if Turk/Dirtnap/Matrix is still playing he was big time EFL with me.