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[Discussion] Whats the difference in value and desirability of these?



This is really just my mind wandering and contemplating things but would apprieciate some feedback replies:)

I was wondering about these : -

Obviously, both are rubble display cases, and also i know people have differing preferences as to what they like.

However if some one was buying / selling / trading either of these items which would be the quicker sale? which would fetch the higher price and is there any reason why? (for example the full single ones just look nicer)

Any comments apprieicated and i look forward to hearing from you:)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would say it all depends on the buyer. As you said the small case is very nice looking, but if the right buyer needed the the other piece you have to complete a full 15 piece display case... then that's really nice!


So if i was to see either of these on a vendor, what would i be looking at paying (or charging depending whether i was buyer or seller).

Value aside, Would the versatility of the "pieces" make them more appealing to the average collector or would the "all in one" case be the most attractive???

I apprieciate Wolfies point that it is buyer dependant to an extent, however would one attract more interest than the other??

The real reason behind asking is i am considering if it would be worth trading the ammount i have of 1 sort for more of the other sort or if (after selling) i would be left with less display cases and still in need of finding some extra cash to go along with monies made from the sale to buy the other type of cases! I hope that makes sense lol


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got 25 for my center piece. I think if you find the right buyer it could be worth at least that much.


the thing is i got a couple of center pieces etc for the large and a couple of the full individual ones i cant seem to fit in with the deco scheme i was playing with so i really wondered if the individual ones would fetch enough to buy one or 2 or more of the pieces.

But then i started wondering whats worth what and as collectors which would be more desirable to another collector. Im guessing it depends on the buyer but damn those individual ones they just look soooo nice lol (but then so would a 15 or higher piece one lol