I am usually very quiet on the boards here, just reading, asking a couple of gameplay questions, etc.
The main reason is that english is not my main language and I find it hard to be precise and really express the things the way I would like to.
But the latest uproar concerning the turn in finally made me overcome my shyness.
Whenever there is an event, people complain about the "rewards" in the end (candle of love for example).
The reward should be participating in the event itself.
Ok, if there is an item to earn - fine. If not, fine as well, as long as I am having fun during the event.
If I am bored killing the same creatures over and over again just to hoard some items that could prove useful in a possible future turn in I will just stop doing so and do something in the game I enjoy more.
I am not going to spend hours and hours to collect things to maybe turn in for other things one day if I am not enjoying it - makes absolutely no sense.
I personally have spent a couple of days in glow and after it became a bit boring killing shadow wisps, etc I decided I´ve had enough and waited for the next stage of the event.
If I don´t have collected enough items now - no big deal, I will probably be able to buy the items I want sooner or later - if I want any that is - because I have used the time others have spent in glow for things I enjoyed much more and did not stay there and hoarded items just in case they will be worth something one day.
BUT (big but) this also means I have enjoyed the time I have spent in glow and also the event so far. And here on the boards I read so many comments from people who are saying they hate killing the same monsters over and over again - but they still do it just in case ???? Something seems very wrong here...
We are here because we want to be here, noone forces us to do anything. Noone forces you to get this or that item; you cannot "complete" this game.
I mean people, this is a game after all! Sorry, but most people are behaving as if they were hired by some company to fulfill dreadful tasks. I just don´t want to beleive that most people are here to make money (ingame and/or RL) but I sometimes get the impression.
If you are saying "there is nothing in this game for me anymore exept for the live events" and you dont like the live events then you should ask yourselves the question whether you really still want to be here.
Sometimes I get the impression the only reason for some people not to leave the game is the amount of items and riches they have collected and they just don´t want to see them decay.
Sorry but this reminds me of tales of old rich man who hate to die because they can´t take their Rolls Royce with them...
Also, what is a "bad" or a "good" item to get from a turn in? I really think this is very much a question of personal preference.
For example, I really like things that remind me of something I have been a part of. I think a customizable T-Shirt is a very nice reward (if they don´t make it "too" customizable that is
And yes, the first iron katana a friendly smith has made for me at the brit forge back in 98 means more to me than any orny or crimson I have aquired since. Maybe this sounds strange to some of you, but thats probably just the way I am.
Earrings: finally something to put in a more or less neglected slot, great idea. Useless for elves? Maybe, but now if a person opens your paperdoll you will have beautiful golden dots in your ears (manly roar)!
Tbh, I think that most of the people who are complaining about so many things and who are threatening to leave all the time, secretly love this game big time
And if I am wrong here, they should - for their own sake and mental sanity make their threats true.
(continuous anger is a dangerous state of mind and no, I am not a buddhist)
Dont get me wrong: yes there are things I would like to see changed as well, but they are not ruining my gaming experience - if they would, why should I stay?
Because I already have a castle (I don´t) and some server birth rares (I don´t either) and it took me such a long time and "boring grinding" to get them?
Beleive me, I have been playing this game for a long time now, and there are still many things I don´t know about. This makes it great and a new adventure waits every day if you go out and look for it. But don´t do things you don´t enjoy just for the prize (you have to do this in RL often enough - no need to do it here) or you will start to hate this game.
Btw. I was a solo player for the first years and after I got a bit bored I discovered that a good chat with some folks who are willing to spare some time can be very rewarding - more rewarding than killing swoops for 100K/hour.
Thanks for reading, sorry bout my probably very childish school english (I am 36 year old just in case you were wondering
Hephaistos of Europa
The main reason is that english is not my main language and I find it hard to be precise and really express the things the way I would like to.
But the latest uproar concerning the turn in finally made me overcome my shyness.
Whenever there is an event, people complain about the "rewards" in the end (candle of love for example).
The reward should be participating in the event itself.
Ok, if there is an item to earn - fine. If not, fine as well, as long as I am having fun during the event.
If I am bored killing the same creatures over and over again just to hoard some items that could prove useful in a possible future turn in I will just stop doing so and do something in the game I enjoy more.
I am not going to spend hours and hours to collect things to maybe turn in for other things one day if I am not enjoying it - makes absolutely no sense.
I personally have spent a couple of days in glow and after it became a bit boring killing shadow wisps, etc I decided I´ve had enough and waited for the next stage of the event.
If I don´t have collected enough items now - no big deal, I will probably be able to buy the items I want sooner or later - if I want any that is - because I have used the time others have spent in glow for things I enjoyed much more and did not stay there and hoarded items just in case they will be worth something one day.
BUT (big but) this also means I have enjoyed the time I have spent in glow and also the event so far. And here on the boards I read so many comments from people who are saying they hate killing the same monsters over and over again - but they still do it just in case ???? Something seems very wrong here...
We are here because we want to be here, noone forces us to do anything. Noone forces you to get this or that item; you cannot "complete" this game.
I mean people, this is a game after all! Sorry, but most people are behaving as if they were hired by some company to fulfill dreadful tasks. I just don´t want to beleive that most people are here to make money (ingame and/or RL) but I sometimes get the impression.
If you are saying "there is nothing in this game for me anymore exept for the live events" and you dont like the live events then you should ask yourselves the question whether you really still want to be here.
Sometimes I get the impression the only reason for some people not to leave the game is the amount of items and riches they have collected and they just don´t want to see them decay.
Sorry but this reminds me of tales of old rich man who hate to die because they can´t take their Rolls Royce with them...
Also, what is a "bad" or a "good" item to get from a turn in? I really think this is very much a question of personal preference.
For example, I really like things that remind me of something I have been a part of. I think a customizable T-Shirt is a very nice reward (if they don´t make it "too" customizable that is
And yes, the first iron katana a friendly smith has made for me at the brit forge back in 98 means more to me than any orny or crimson I have aquired since. Maybe this sounds strange to some of you, but thats probably just the way I am.
Earrings: finally something to put in a more or less neglected slot, great idea. Useless for elves? Maybe, but now if a person opens your paperdoll you will have beautiful golden dots in your ears (manly roar)!
Tbh, I think that most of the people who are complaining about so many things and who are threatening to leave all the time, secretly love this game big time
And if I am wrong here, they should - for their own sake and mental sanity make their threats true.
(continuous anger is a dangerous state of mind and no, I am not a buddhist)
Dont get me wrong: yes there are things I would like to see changed as well, but they are not ruining my gaming experience - if they would, why should I stay?
Because I already have a castle (I don´t) and some server birth rares (I don´t either) and it took me such a long time and "boring grinding" to get them?
Beleive me, I have been playing this game for a long time now, and there are still many things I don´t know about. This makes it great and a new adventure waits every day if you go out and look for it. But don´t do things you don´t enjoy just for the prize (you have to do this in RL often enough - no need to do it here) or you will start to hate this game.
Btw. I was a solo player for the first years and after I got a bit bored I discovered that a good chat with some folks who are willing to spare some time can be very rewarding - more rewarding than killing swoops for 100K/hour.
Thanks for reading, sorry bout my probably very childish school english (I am 36 year old just in case you were wondering
Hephaistos of Europa