Jeeze, does anyone besides me have Focus on their chars, or do they all rely on Items to keep their Stamina/Mana up?
I got an old GM LJ Swordsman that has 110.0 Swords/110.0 Tactics/GM Anat/GM Healing/GM Resist/GM LJ/50.0 Focus/50.0 Chiv. Need to get him a 120 Swords PS. With a Rune Beetle Slayer Tali, EoO and a good Ornate Axe, he kills wild Rune Beetles in 3-4 hits, which takes about 4-5 secs. Make damn good money with him that way considering each Rune Beetle has 1k+, maybe some good items too. Use a Giant Beetle to haul away 80k Gold each trip. His suit isn't anything uber either, just a Bloodwood Darkwood Set.
But yeah, GM LJ definately needs a bigger damage bonus to Axes. Currently it only gives 10% more damage, which is a joke for investing 100.0 skillpoints. Especially considering an Archer can spend 100.0 less skillpoints (Not having to invest in LJ), and with a Heavy X-Bow, can outdamage a GM LJer who's using an Ornate Axe, despite the LJ Warrior spending an ectra 100.0 Skillpoints. They need to boost the Innate Damage Increase recieved from having GM LJ to either 20% or 30%