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whats better aof or rune beetle carapace


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im trying to figure out my set and i was wondering which one is better the armor of fortune or rune beetle carapace. the rune beetle carapace gives a bit more resists and mana regen but the aof gives enough lrc so that i dont have to worry about lrc on my other gear. but is more expensive.

can someone list the benefits of each of those 2 armor pieces


Grand Poobah
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more resists (not much more)
mana regen
lower mana cost
mana increase


40 lrc
15 defense chance increase

It depends on what you want to do, personally i run the aof on my mages for the 15 dci, mainly because i pvp with them. I run the RBC on my dexers for the awesome mana properties of it.


im trying to figure out my set and i was wondering which one is better the armor of fortune or rune beetle carapace. the rune beetle carapace gives a bit more resists and mana regen but the aof gives enough lrc so that i dont have to worry about lrc on my other gear. but is more expensive.

can someone list the benefits of each of those 2 armor pieces
If you're building a tamer luck suit, the AoF. If you're building a mage, dexxer, or archer, then the RBC hands down. There is no other chest piece that gives you the combination of properties that the RBC gives as far as mana regen, LMC, and the rest, but the same goes for the AoF with a luck suit with it's 40 LRC and 200 Luck. The DCI won't do you much good unless you have Eval on your tamer (please correct me if I'm wrong here), which most don't.


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why does the aof cost so much more though? is there something about it that makes it better to warrant the higher price tag and the only reason why i am using aof over rune beetle carapace right now is because of the lrc, cause without it id have to replace a bunch of other armor pieces im using

im either gona use hat of the magi and armor of fortune or rune beetle carapace and ornament of the magician with some kinda lrc hat or something.


Grand Poobah
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it is a highly sought after item for pvpers... and there is no faction arty equivalent.

pretty much any item that has to do with PvP costs a lot more than ones that have more to do with PvM... and in this case, because the RBC has a faction artifact equivalent... the regular one is even cheaper than it otherwise would have been.

As the poster up there said... the 15% DCI and 40% LRC on a mage... is the ticker.


UO Forum Moderator
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RBC for the most templates. AoF for a couple of templates . whenever making decisions like this I look at my template then at my stats I need the most! and pic the piece that is going to give me the most of the ones I need !


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well what im lacking right now is some cold resists everything is maxed out or nearly maxed out. i mean i COULD keep the aof and get ornament of teh magician and replace my pendant of the magi with a leather gorget with more resists but then id be missing like 3 mr and probably like 5 lrc as well as the + vet skills im using on my bracelet and probably some resists.

oh and im a peace bard tamer mage no eval int

Arch Magus

It's a case of apples and oranges really.

I notice you have a mage tamer.(pvm i assume)
My example is a necro mage (pvp). I used the RBC for a very long time. My mana was fantastic but I was lacking a little in the defensive department. RBC alone can give extreme mana capabilities for any template and it's easy to find.

I wasn't able to switch to AOF until I had found all the perfect pieces to go along with it. The 40 LRC allows you to do that. max DCI is very difficult for a mage to achieve with Jewlery and shields alone.

Bottom line... AOF is better b/c of the versatility and DCI it offers for mages, most cases PVP.
BUT, you will probably have to rebuild your entire suit to get the benefits of it. In the end, with the right pieces, you can have a very powerful mage.


I would say a peace tamer with no eval probably doesnt have med either but uses magery for heal and res so needs mana. I d say go with what ever will give max lmc mr with 100 lrc even if the resists arent all perfect. I played a peace tamer for a few years and didnt get hit too often I either area peaced to keep agro off me or invised. If all resists are in 60s at least then thats ok. Also what is meanest thing to hit you with cold and how often do you encounter such a threat? I think you said thats your lowest. Any how thats my thoughts.


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my peace tamer is pretty much as you say no eval no med lotsa regen lrc and 65 ish resist and a para trap box and i alternate between spellweave and resist disco and resist for my last 100 pts and even cartography and lock pick is a great set up and I go any where i want and dress accordingly


Lore Keeper
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If your PvPing with your mage then AoF is the only choice IMO, the DCI/LRC combo is just too nice. Like Conner pointed out, if your building a luck suit, again AoF is excellent.

If your thinking PvM mage, without a doubt, Rune Beetle Carapace because you don't need the DCI and the mods on the RBC are uber.

Lord Drakelord

I use the rune beetle carapace on our scribe mainly because of the Mana Increase 10, Mana Regeneration 3 and Lower Mana Cost 15%. Make it a lot easier to do large orders of Scrolls

Arch Magus

Recomends RBC and a small Pouch of Regs,... To many people are caught up into LRC.
I'm caught up in the DCI personally. :thumbsup: My suit's got plenty of LRC (120'ish).

You're basically sacrificing huge mana pools for more defense against dexxers and archers, which there are plenty to be afraid of.

Old Man of UO

Wow... thanks for the good advice guys. I just read the posts and swapped out my Lions Heart on my Sampire for the RBC... swapped out my M&S glasses for the Folded Steel, and a bit of jewelry swap (that took the longest by the way) and doing WAY better with the mana. I lost a bit in the HCI, but DCI actually improved a bit. Overall, a better suit thanks to this thread.

Arch Magus

I'm caught up in the DCI personally. :thumbsup: My suit's got plenty of LRC (120'ish).

You're basically sacrificing huge mana pools for more defense against dexxers and archers, which there are plenty to be afraid of.
Wow... thanks for the good advice guys. I just read the posts and swapped out my Lions Heart on my Sampire for the RBC... swapped out my M&S glasses for the Folded Steel, and a bit of jewelry swap (that took the longest by the way) and doing WAY better with the mana. I lost a bit in the HCI, but DCI actually improved a bit. Overall, a better suit thanks to this thread.
That's great.
I know there's no way I could go without a Rune beetle carapace on my Paladin ever again. The mana is just too sweet for pvm'ing. Non stop casting really.