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What would you like done to improve the 2d client?

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More game play window size options - including some widescreen options

Larger possible max update range - The grey corners when you're in a tall building annoy me

A UI lock - I hate having to adjust spell icons because they move when I click em fast

The ability to right click a spell icon on your UI and bind it or close it from there.

Keeping the "hot bar" out of it. I like how it is now.

The ability to bind mouse scroll up and down to whatever I so choose.

Keeping it's current aesthetic while upgrading it's entire resolution.

Anyone else?


Don`t hold your breath. If everything goes right 2d will go the way of the dinosaurs. I was always a 2d fan over the EC but I have to admit. The EC client is getting better and better.

It would be nice to have improvements to the 2d client but I don`t see it happening. It wouldn`t make sense improving both clients when in reality they want to eventually do away with 2d.


Stratics Veteran
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If you take everything that In Flames asks for, you get EC. There's your improved 2D. Seriously. No, seriously.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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There are two things that I like about the SA client, that I wish could be included in the 2d client.

1) Looting. I love right-click looting. It's soo much easier than dragging and dropping.

2) Macros. I hate scrolling through the list of spells for mage, necro, chiv, weaving, and bushido, just to set up a macro for ninjitsu, for example.

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tried the EC client.

It's just a rehash of the same old UI from every other game out there. I absolutely abhor it. Yes, I abhor it. I don't mean to be so cruel towards the hard work of people working on the only MMO that has ever captured my interest for an extended period of time (and for over 10 years no less) but it's just not up to the standard that it should be held to.

We should be pushing for things to go in a more UO-centric direction concerning the client.


Old and in the way
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*shrugs* I really enjoy the enhanced client. It has helped bring me back into the game. Just saying...

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are two things that I like about the SA client, that I wish could be included in the 2d client.

1) Looting. I love right-click looting. It's soo much easier than dragging and dropping.

2) Macros. I hate scrolling through the list of spells for mage, necro, chiv, weaving, and bushido, just to set up a macro for ninjitsu, for example.
That would be nice, separating all of the spell macros into their own categories

Cast MAGERY Spell



Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
But... Let's not turn this into a flamefest of client vs client. K?


UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend
I can understand that you want to play 2d, so please make the enhanced client ready devs, that 2d gamers get a real chance to see the positive aspects of the client and not a client full of fearable bugs ;)


More game play window size options - including 1680x 1050 widescreen option..

Did I say more game play window size options - including 1680x 1050 widescreen option?

Well, more game play window size options - including 1680x 1050 widescreen option



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like them to stop slowly breaking the classic client in order to add things to the enhanced.

It started with terrain. When KR was released many terrain tiles in the classic client became "broken". Many of these still aren't fixed.

My character cant decide what tile he is standing on; cast a spell and watch my character move one tile over. Try to run between two houses and end up stopping dead in my tracks because the client suddenly decided I was on an adjacent tile.

My overhead text in now left-aligned instead of center aligned. Subsequent text now overlaps the previous text making conversations more difficult to read.

Some of the recently released carpet tiles are able to block line-of-sight for skill use and spellcasting.

These are but a few examples.

Please don't get me wrong here. I want the enhanced client to succeed and I believe that it has the potential to do so. I just dont want that to happen at the expense of the playability of the classic client.


If you take everything that In Flames asks for, you get EC. There's your improved 2D. Seriously. No, seriously.
My machine barely notices when the 2D client is running. When the enhanced client is running, it feels like my computer is a small man trying to carry around a mack truck on its back.

The Enhanced Client has some nice features, but on my machine it is not playable right now. I don't think I'm alone in this. I'll play it when I *can* play it.

Honestly, though, I don't see what the obsession with a second client is. UO's not going to last forever -- a year from now, five years from now, at some point, it's going to be done. Changing the client isn't going to change that...it's just an old, tile-based, isometric game that has had a good run but which new folks aren't going to be flocking to. At this point, I think the sensible course is to stop the new client every couple of years BS and work on making the existing client (which a majority of people like) better. I'm sure that there are internal political/economic constraints at EA that compel them to keep making new clients, but from a player's perspective, it seems like a lot of wasted energy.

A couple of things that I'd like to see:

-Press Enter to Talk.
-A toggleable backpack view that is gridded (like the EC's).
-Right-click to pick up items.
-Healers showing up on minimap.

And yes, I realize that these are all enhanced client features. See above. ;)


UOAM style map. Or EC style map.
Or at least something a little more sophisticated than the lousy radar we have now - its like they did not touch the radar in 10 years at all?
Other then that, 2d + uoa = me happy player.


After playing the enhanced client, I realized why I hate it.
It's not UO to me. It's a halfassed rehash of 2d statics mixed with Third Dawn characters and a WoW based interface that comes out being the worst of each in my opinion. The way the characters sit on the mounts causes their legs to be hideously deformed, the way it always did in 3d. The paperdolls look awful. They should have been made more like this [ http://www.andrea.net/uo/general/art/uokr_paperdoll.shtml ]
That's what an Ultima Online redone paperdoll should look like. [Lots of other more UO looking art on her site that would be a vast improvement to the silliness we were given with 3D, KR, and now SA.]

I hate hotbars; They're ridiculous. Ultima has always felt more immersive to me because there are no hotbars forced onto you, that packs can be as messy or clean as you want, and that containers are actually shown as looking like what the original box is instead of a bunch of 'slots'.As hard as it was to remove jewelry before the slots, I still preferred it.

I will never use the enhanced client; Not because it's difficult to use, or because it's not what I'm used to, but because it's not what Ultima is to me. It's just a grab at the most common user interface of MMO's...and Ultima isn't an MMO. It's an MMORPG.

Warsong of LS

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The problem for me with the EC is it gives me a headache after a few hours, I do not know what it is about the color palette, but I have to stop playing. In the 2D client, when I get the chance (which is rare) I can and have gone for 8+ hours without a headache.

Trebr Drab

I like a lot of the features that some of you don't. Like dragging loot instead of just a button click, the backpack and inventory of 2D as opposed to neatly organized boxes, things like that. It feels much more immersive.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend

I tend to get bewildered with these requests.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that the 2D Client Group likes the 2D Client the way it is.

Then comes a proposal that would turn the 2D Client into a non 2D client and the proponent says this is a good thing.

Invariably the proponent will say they literally hate what ever is the existing alternative client (3d/kr/ec).

One might think the proponent is really saying that their idea is far superior to the group that developed the alternative client of the day and seek to alter the 2D Classic Client to ..... well what ever, demonstrating a dissatisfaction for both clients. :pint:


The problem with EC as far as I see, is not Ultima Online. Is nostalgia a dead term these days?

Also, the whole thing about uo 2d, is that almost anyone can play it on what ever machine they want. . Do away with 2d client, and i swear, most of us in the pvp community are going to go to wow, darkfall, or any of the other 'good' 3d engines. . .

screw it, if i have to invest in a new machine, ill just go full-bore and start playing FPS's again.

edit: theres nothing wrong with 2d. . The text thing is kinda lame, but im sure its an easy fix.
The journal takes care of that anyways.
Also, if you're having problems in regard to where your client 'thinks' you are, thats not something that is inherent to JUST 2d. . Thats you, because I have never even played the other clients, and I've RARELY had that problem. .


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
I enjoy the enhanced client a lot ! But I would rether have the graphics from the old client!
Why Because for some reason especialy in caves like deciet the new client makes my eyes tired and hurt and gives me a dizzy feeling!


One reason UO is successful is because it doesn't take a costly computer to play it right now I'm only playing on this comp which lags from uo sadly....

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I understand that they are really pushing this enhanced client. But it's not going to appease a large portion of the playerbase. As has been said many many times, to many people dislike to much about it.

They need to optimize and upgrade the original 2d client. That should have been their top priority from day one. The KR/SA/EC clients seem more like a poor attempt at publicity then they actually seem honest attempts at bringing UO to a new light/generation/whatever. I know that people want better graphics, but shoddy renders compressed and downsized until the animations have visible holes that stick out like sore thumbs are not better in any way. They aren't up to par (referring to past work here). That's not opinion, it's plain fact. Again, I don't want to bash on the dev team, they've just given us one of, if not the, greatest expansion the game has ever seen. That I can say without a doubt.

Optimize the code.
Clean up the poorer graphical additions (anything from 3d, Much from ML, SE, etc)
Upgrade the current UI, do not try to replace it. Clarify things, clean up bandaged together menus, add a few more options etc.

Just trying to be realistic.

UO Relic

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Take a page from UOAssist - one feature that I would love incorporated into UO client is to be able to dress char with 1 button macro function. After you die trying to search under spellbooks and runebooks for your jewlery etc has always annoyed me to no end


The problem with EC as far as I see, is not Ultima Online. Is nostalgia a dead term these days?

Also, the whole thing about uo 2d, is that almost anyone can play it on what ever machine they want. . Do away with 2d client, and i swear, most of us in the pvp community are going to go to wow, darkfall, or any of the other 'good' 3d engines. . .

screw it, if i have to invest in a new machine, ill just go full-bore and start playing FPS's again.

edit: theres nothing wrong with 2d. . The text thing is kinda lame, but im sure its an easy fix.
The journal takes care of that anyways.
Also, if you're having problems in regard to where your client 'thinks' you are, thats not something that is inherent to JUST 2d. . Thats you, because I have never even played the other clients, and I've RARELY had that problem. .
This guy hits on it... damn mind reader:twak:

With all the pictures of the EC, I do not like the play graphics... at ALL. I like the way the CC graphics are. I like the no frill effect. All the frills don't enhance my game play.

To me, the following would make great enhancements for the classic client:
  • Fix the macro system - the current system is bulky as hell. Recording macros would be nice(similar to UOA). Being able to bind the mouse wheel would be nice also.
  • Better map system - UOAM style would be great. The largest issue I have with the current map is the white dot self marker. Surely they could pick a better color than white. It gets me lost in snow-scapes. Maybe they could take 5 seconds out of their day and change the color to red:thumbdown:
  • Memory leaks - nothing like having UO sitting doing nothing and coming back to 500M of memory being used:thumbdown:
  • Misc interface upgrades - things like quick looting, etc


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

They need to optimize and upgrade the original 2d client.
No, all they really need to do is restore the Win9X/ME functionality that they removed when the chose to use the EX versions of the Windows API.

By reverting those dll entry points back to the NON EX version, that mostly, in the context of what has been breaking the 2D client on Win9X/ME, are only useful for accessing a file that exceeds 2GB is size. Heck I suspect there are a number of installations where the total size of UO is just slightly over 2GB in TOTAL.

So a simple reversion will enable the 2D for the low end computers as well as the older operating systems that do NOT support the EX versions of the EX entry points.

Then leave the 2D Client alone with the only modifications being those that are required to be made to support the new zones/expansions.

People like their 2D Client.


Larger possible max update range - The grey corners when you're in a tall building annoy me
You can turn the grey corners off, by going into the uo.cfg file, and changing the line that says ColourOutOfRange to off or no or whatever the options are in.

I'd like my radar to stay open when I log.


I have a dumb question. I haven't bought SA yet, so I don't know.

Does SA force you to use the enhanced client, or can you use good ol' 2D with it as well? From what I hear, the enhanced client is more of a burden than an improvement. I want to avoid that.

Zym Dragon

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I have a dumb question. I haven't bought SA yet, so I don't know.

Does SA force you to use the enhanced client, or can you use good ol' 2D with it as well? From what I hear, the enhanced client is more of a burden than an improvement. I want to avoid that.
You can use either client for the expansion.

Best to try the enhanced client for yourself to see imho. You might be pleasantly surprised if you give it a fair shot.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After reading through this (and many other threads) I think this sums it up best for me:

After playing the enhanced client, I realized why I hate it.
It's not UO to me. It's a halfassed rehash of 2d statics mixed with Third Dawn characters and a WoW based interface that comes out being the worst of each in my opinion. The way the characters sit on the mounts causes their legs to be hideously deformed, the way it always did in 3d. The paperdolls look awful. They should have been made more like this [ http://www.andrea.net/uo/general/art/uokr_paperdoll.shtml ]
That's what an Ultima Online redone paperdoll should look like. [Lots of other more UO looking art on her site that would be a vast improvement to the silliness we were given with 3D, KR, and now SA.]

I hate hotbars; They're ridiculous. Ultima has always felt more immersive to me because there are no hotbars forced onto you, that packs can be as messy or clean as you want, and that containers are actually shown as looking like what the original box is instead of a bunch of 'slots'.As hard as it was to remove jewelry before the slots, I still preferred it.

I will never use the enhanced client; Not because it's difficult to use, or because it's not what I'm used to, but because it's not what Ultima is to me. It's just a grab at the most common user interface of MMO's...and Ultima isn't an MMO. It's an MMORPG.
And this seems like the best solution:

They need to optimize and upgrade the original 2d client. That should have been their top priority from day one. The KR/SA/EC clients seem more like a poor attempt at publicity then they actually seem honest attempts at bringing UO to a new light/generation/whatever. I know that people want better graphics, but shoddy renders compressed and downsized until the animations have visible holes that stick out like sore thumbs are not better in any way. They aren't up to par (referring to past work here). That's not opinion, it's plain fact. Again, I don't want to bash on the dev team, they've just given us one of, if not the, greatest expansion the game has ever seen. That I can say without a doubt.

Optimize the code.
Clean up the poorer graphical additions (anything from 3d, Much from ML, SE, etc)
Upgrade the current UI, do not try to replace it. Clarify things, clean up bandaged together menus, add a few more options etc.
Again, no shot at the devs here. They just put out the best expansion pack ever in my opinion (and I've been here for all of them.)


You can use either client for the expansion.

Best to try the enhanced client for yourself to see imho. You might be pleasantly surprised if you give it a fair shot.
That is a possibility. I just wanted to be sure before I bought SA, because if I end up not liking the enhanced client, I can fall back on 2d. I've always loved the 2D client, so I'd be pretty disappointed if they did away with it.

Ancient Sosarian

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I prefer the leave the 2D client alone. Well maybe fix the text overlay they created already just tweaking it. Otherwise leave it alone.

What is so difficult to comprehend about this oft repeated request?

An SoS

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As much as some would like to say "leave it lie" that's not a feasible option for an ever changing virtual world. That's why we as the player base need to take responsibility for guiding these changes through this community and truly consider what it is that this client COULD use and SHOULD have.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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They REALLY need to be focused on the Enhanced client at this moment. Other than minor bug fixes and support issues as needed, the Dev focus should be on the improvement and completion of the Enhanced client.

I'll leave it at that because to address a certain load of bovine excrement argument presented in this thread would probably be detrimental to my UHall posting future.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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On the other hand, after their work on the SA release, I suppose they could probably use a break... :)

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

They REALLY need to be focused on the Enhanced client at this moment. Other than minor bug fixes and support issues as needed, the Dev focus should be on the improvement and completion of the Enhanced client.

I'll leave it at that because to address a certain load of bovine excrement argument presented in this thread would probably be detrimental to my UHall posting future.
Pardon me if I disagree with you.

I'm sorry you feel that way about the thread, but I would like to ask what you disagree with. A generalized blanket statement about the thread doesn't really provide me the chance to further discuss the issues nor the opportunity to counter-point your side of the discussion.


But... Let's not turn this into a flamefest of client vs client. K?
It's very hard to flame a client that should never have made it past 01-02. More than 90% of the requests on this list are already on SA. you really want those features use SA because if you add all those features to the old client you have ...TA-DA the SA client the other 10% are stability and that is something we all want.

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's very hard to flame a client that should never have made it past 01-02. More than 90% of the requests on this list are already on SA. you really want those features use SA because if you add all those features to the old client you have ...TA-DA the SA client the other 10% are stability and that is something we all want.
I believe the SA client is inferior to the 2d client.

The SA/KR UI is a tired and old EQ/WoW/randomMMOhere style and doesn't fit. The original 2d UI and macro interface while being less familiar with people who have played OTHER mmo's, is far superior in concept. It gives you the ability to custom craft macros much easier without needing to slash command it all.

In an age of minimalist/industrial design where it removes you from the experience of the game, the engraved stone, and old parchament look of the 2d's UI has been a pleasure that no MMO I've played since has tried to measure up to. Always box menus with no style or imagination at all.

The SA/KR art, while yes, it is higher-res, still looks rushed and uninspired. The lack of borders on a 2d plain makes everything blend and bleed together making it a large near motion blur mess which is very hard to remain looking at sustaining a state of non queasiness , let alone fight fast paced battles on it. The "legacy graphics" option on it looks like a Barbara Walters interview piece. Very "soft" and washed out.

And I could go on about a great many more things that I really don't like about KR/SA, and why I think the 2d client is still the superior client hands down, but before I make this a novel I'm going to stop and leave it here for now.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The atlas in SA is nice
really I just want to see SA style hotbars (I cant possibly think of playing a game without hotbars. Yeah I know I can set macros an all that, but it's not the same.

The SA client macro system is pretty on par with UOA.

Pretty much all the UI additions should be in 2d while keeping the same graphics 2d has.

oh and i'm sorry for all you who want higher resolutions on the 2d client. I don't think that is physically possible without all the art being redone to the new scale. Redoing all the art seems more trouble then it's worth.


I believe the SA client is inferior to the 2d client.

The SA/KR UI is a tired and old EQ/WoW/randomMMOhere style and doesn't fit. The original 2d UI and macro interface while being less familiar with people who have played OTHER mmo's, is far superior in concept. It gives you the ability to custom craft macros much easier without needing to slash command it all.

In an age of minimalist/industrial design where it removes you from the experience of the game, the engraved stone, and old parchament look of the 2d's UI has been a pleasure that no MMO I've played since has tried to measure up to. Always box menus with no style or imagination at all.

The SA/KR art, while yes, it is higher-res, still looks rushed and uninspired. The lack of borders on a 2d plain makes everything blend and bleed together making it a large near motion blur mess which is very hard to remain looking at sustaining a state of non queasiness , let alone fight fast paced battles on it. The "legacy graphics" option on it looks like a Barbara Walters interview piece. Very "soft" and washed out.

And I could go on about a great many more things that I really don't like about KR/SA, and why I think the 2d client is still the superior client hands down, but before I make this a novel I'm going to stop and leave it here for now.
This end of.... :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd like to see the 2d client done away with completely and an enhanced client that makes everyone happy.


Maybe they could take 5 seconds out of their day and change the color to red
Red? Red! Red?!


Ooops. Sorry, got a little overanxious there....

No more reds please. Can I interest anyone in a nice shade of blue? :eyes:


Red? Red! Red?!


Ooops. Sorry, got a little overanxious there....

No more reds please. Can I interest anyone in a nice shade of blue? :eyes:
AFAIK, red is one of the few tile colors you won't be running on... well, short of running on lava:party:

But for the love of god, red, blue, pink... anything but white would be good.

In Flames

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A bug-free Enhanced Client.
I'd like to see the 2d client done away with completely and an enhanced client that makes everyone happy.
I would ask you both, why the Enhanced client over 2d? Specifically.

In this world there are to many actions taken out of novelty with disregard of whether or not it's the right action to take.

I've given you my reasons. I want yours.


AFAIK, red is one of the few tile colors you won't be running on... well, short of running on lava:party:
The background color has nothing to do with it. Red can be invisible to a color blind person when any of a number of colors are used as a background.


The background color has nothing to do with it. Red can be invisible to a color blind person when any of a number of colors are used as a background.
Uh... right now, background and marker color have EVERYTHING to do with it. White marker on white background mean no one can see it; color blind or not:wall:

The white marker is another key reason I use UOAM. I can see myself while I'm walking through snow covered lands.:party:

I'm easy... I'd be happy with a hard coded unique color(aka one that isn't background) Ideal would be either an ingame or setup file toggle:thumbsup:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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A bug-free Enhanced Client.
I'd like to see the 2d client done away with completely and an enhanced client that makes everyone happy.
I would ask you both, why the Enhanced client over 2d? Specifically.

In this world there are to many actions taken out of novelty with disregard of whether or not it's the right action to take.

I've given you my reasons. I want yours.
If the 2d client were done away with I could only play a few min a day. The new "enhanced" client is WAY too harsh on my eyes... I am not sure what about it other than it's overly dark and muted.... everything is fuzzy and my eyes are constantly straining to "focus" it... I can't see anything in my packs because the background is soooo dark it obscures everything.

I know there is some bs stuff I can get AI whatever and change some of the settings but to be extremely honest... I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to how to do that... when I took computer programing in high school ... many many years ago.... we had a green dot matrix style screen. I'm no computer wiz and the last thing I want to do is go screwing around in files I shouldn't be and messing up my game forcing me to reinstall it or some BS....

Not to mention I have well over 50 characters and to go through and reset up that many desktops and macro's would take weeks... and quite frankly I would rather not spend ever gaming hour I have doing that.

Also.. the map sucks, I like having a bandage timer I can SEE... with UO Assist... I like the way UO Assist tells me when I am approaching my weight limit. And I'd miss UO Automap for doing T-Hunting and MIB's...

Honestly I love many of the "features" of the EC.... and it also runs MUCH faster and better on my pc.... it's just WAY too much of a strain and a pain to use it.

(and on a side note.... the male paperdoll is UGLY As sin.... and I can NOT stand to see my character looking that bad!....)


Uh... right now, background and marker color have EVERYTHING to do with it. White marker on white background mean no one can see it; color blind or not
No, it doesn't. I was specifically talking about your suggestion of using red, not any other color. So, as far as red is concerned, background color has NOTHING to do with it. :party:


yes and the peoples of central and souther Europe believed that world was flat for many century's.

Why the SA client over 2D ? OK it's simple they have added so much stuff that 2D has basically been rendered a viewer not an interface it lacks so much.and there is no way to hook up these things without causing 2D to become a worse crash monkey or a lag monster or both.

i agree that the art needs some work again, i hope that is what they spend most of there time on now.

2D is the old Ford Probe you see on the interstate in everybody's way. it's old and you can't push it to hard or it quits, the guy driving is in love with the car because he knows where everything is, but for the rest of the world he's a minor nuisance to some a major one because the car is now where close to green.

I've live threw 3 client changes now and wish i had not gotten ticked at KR and quit it was my loss not the games Britiana is still here. she looks good no matter what client you use so if you want all those nifty features then sell the Probe use the SA client