Well for starters .. its not MY 2d client ... its the client still used by the majority of UO players.
Well you have clearly stated that it is YOUR client of choice, and will be until they put those graphics into the new client. I suppose if that doesn't make 2D YOUR client, then my bad. I guess it was your mom's choice then? No, no, your girlfriend picked it out for you?
Not sure what your trying to say here ... its difficult to read past your blah blah blah approach to sentence contruction. I havent 'poopooed'. I think UO is (like it or not) a 2 client game and probably always will be. I think theres a place for both clients.
See thats where I think you are wrong. UO is the ONLY 2 client MMORPG out there, and it is attitudes like the one you expressed here that keep it as such. You can't look past the graphics to the gameplay and hence REFUSE to use the new client, and thats really just insanity... Do you get that? I'll use small sentences so its clear. You have not said anything about the functionality of the new client. You have in fact agreed that it is very functional. You have stated you will not use the new client SOLELY based on graphics. Graphics can be changed and updated. Its like dumping your girlfriend because she bleached her hair. Its a totally silly stance to take on something so completely arbitrary and readily alterable.
Well, the Devs already HAVE put 2d graphics into the SA client. Its only the mobs/pets/player models that havent made it in. Its only a short step to include them and a very sensible decision to do so if they want more players to use their new client. Truth is MANY players hate the character models/pets etc.
Using 2D static art in a 3D environment is a fairly trivial operation and had been done already in the Kingdom Reborn client... Since there were also massive complaints about the new environment art in that client, it made it a TRIVIAL operation to include that functionality into the new enhanced client. Sorry big sentences again... They had already done the work, dude.
Pure conjection on your part. You have no idea of the work involved.
Sweet, I love people who are completely dismissive of a statement like this, who also are COMPLETELY unaware of the work involved. If I can't say its non-trivial, then you are no more allowed to say thats it trivial. I have no particular need to justify my credentials to you... But 2D and 3D animation systems are FUNDAMENTALLY different... and as a result, you don't just arbitrarily use one or the other.... Its not impossible... but it ain't no, "sure well just whip that out for you".
I didnt fight to keep it at all. There never was a fight. The majority still use the 2d client therefore it stays. Simple as that.
LMAO... So you were jumping up and down for joy when they announced that the new Gargoyle lands would require Kingdom Reborn. You never said anything negative when they announced that they were going to replace the 2D client completely? There was much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, and the 2D client was kept... It might have been an overwhelming outcry, but it was an outcry nonetheless. So if you were one of those left high and dry when the original 3D client was left for dead, or one of those who will be sad when KR goes away... well then once again, my bad. You are blameless.
SA certainly is technically better than the 2d client and has better functionality. There are however many who still think the 2d client LOOKS better than the new client. It is simply a matter of personal preference.
Fine then exercise your preference to use the 2D client. How about this? If they put 2D artwork into the SA client, then we can get rid of 2D? LOL, that will never happen either.... So if UO is a 2 client game then let leave it a 2 client game. 2D MOBS in the SA client really make it more of a 1 client game doesn't it? Since the ENTIRETY of 2D would then exist in the new client, the 2D would no longer exist as a separate client... Right?
And you think the SA client does this? Please. ... The SA client has more functionality than the 2d client ... to say it moves the UO client into the 'New Millenium' is farcical. The SA client is almost as outdated as the 2d client.
Right because you want to strap it down and tie it up with 2D artwork... They have to please you too, and the only way they can do that is with the compromise that is the new Enhanced Client. Unfortunately there are sooo many people out there saying the same thing, that those of us who are in the minority, and would LOVE to have something better... well we keep getting trounced and ignored... I was downright aggravated when the 3D client was shut down before KR was fully viable... I had to go back to that stinky 2D client... So what right? my opinion doesn't mean doodley squat so long as you get what you want? Again... You get what you want and you STILL aren't happy...
Find me an MMORPG that uses 2D, and isn't an Indie title... Oh wait... you can't... Ultima Online is the only one out there kicking it old skool... Hey that might be a testament to the type of dedication that UO garners, but it does bupkus for attracting new players... I have had more than one friend who outright LAUGHED at Ultima Online when they saw it... I have to "explain" that its an awesome game and you have to overlook the graphics... Very precious few bite on that...
Good and decent in this world? This is where you lost me completely. Its a computer game for christs sake! Take a step back into reality will you.
Sweet, then you won't mind playing your "just a game" without 2D MOB art in the new client... You won't mind just using the 2D, and letting those of us who want the new client to have more important issues addressed such as stability and optimization... And yes better 3D artwork, to make the 3D client what WE want it to be? You 2D guys have YOUR client... Yes YOUR client... otherwise why do you want 2D artwork in the 3D client?
I mean seriously,You JUST STATED that UO is a 2 client game and always will be... That means you agree that there are TWO positions to take on what a UO client should and should not be? Yes? No? The problem I am getting at here is you want your 2D in my 3D, which really doesn't make it 2 clients anymore does it? It makes it the 2D client, and this frankenstein thing we call the Enhanced client. So if there are 2 skools of thought, then you fit into the 2D skool, and I fit into the 3D skool... So I'm saying kep your 2D out of my 3D!
I didnt ask for anything. I'm happy with the 2d client as it is and if the SA client doesnt add 2d characters/prets/mobs then I and many others will stay with the 2d client and STILL be happy with it. I was always happy with it.
Then shut down this thread, and close your pie hole, because it sure sounded like you asked for 2D artwork in the Enhanced Client to me...
"So ... how about giving us the option of legacy player/pet/mount/mob/paperdoll models? I'm sure that if EA went down this route then the SA client would actually outstrip the 2d classic client and become the client of choice."
LOL, you WISH it were so easy... if it was, I woulda dismissed you first!