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What would make me start using SA?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll admit that as it stands now I wont be using the SA client. I think the in game graphics (landscapes/objects etc) are good, the macro system is excellent and the in game map is superb. Hotbars are a nice addition and the legacy options for containers etc are also a nice touch.

The only thing that is stopping me using the SA client is that I hate the way my characters/mounts/pets look. Its just all wrong. Add the paperdoll into that equation too and its just too horrible to look at.

So ... how about giving us the option of legacy player/pet/mount/mob/paperdoll models? I'm sure that if EA went down this route then the SA client would actually outstrip the 2d classic client and become the client of choice.



I agree.I think SA is by far the best xpac to date as far as clients go. The content of SA is awsome,enough so that I am playing SA client even though I hate the char model.The paperdoll I can live with. It would be the perfect client and something I would leave 2d behind for if the char models in SA resembled that of 2d.

I like the graphics of everything else,world graphics are great,I don`t even mind the pets.I think some look pretty bad,but I can live with that.IMHO the UO world revolves around the char model. I mean that is you in sprite form.

How awsome would this expac be if we had everything SA has to offer with the same char look as we have in 2d? IMO it`d be perfect.Thats the only thing missing for me....and it may sound petty but its the only thing that keeps me in 2d.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree that the character graphics have too few detail and lack of resolution, as well as the mounts. The paperdoll... well, that's a matter of taste. I like them better than the 2D paperdolls.

I use the Enhanced Client exclusively since 3 months, and the technical advantages as well as the general graphical impression are so much better than in the Legacy Client, that I cannot switch back. Whenever I look at the Legacy Client screen (which only happens when I have to arrange items in the vendor backpack), I find it more and more ugly and complicated, compared to the Legacy Client.

Thus, I will stick to the Enhanced Client, as I am confident that the graphics will be improved constantly. The developers are not deaf to our complaints.

Old Man of UO

I will use the new Enhanced Client and play the SA expansion with what is available now, hoping that many of the suggested improvements get made along the way. I don't even have my paper doll open while playing, can't understand what the big deal is with it at all. I find the new client to be a big improvement over an old 2D client that requires add-on programs to get the required functionality.

But I won't stomp my feet and say, "I am going to quit UO -refuse to try the new client- unless I get:"
"better 3D graphics!"
"fix the mouse/cursor placement!"
"UO Assist!"
"clean underwear!"

The Fallout

I agree that the character graphics have too few detail and lack of resolution, as well as the mounts. The paperdoll... well, that's a matter of taste. I like them better than the 2D paperdolls.

I use the Enhanced Client exclusively since 3 months, and the technical advantages as well as the general graphical impression are so much better than in the Legacy Client, that I cannot switch back. Whenever I look at the Legacy Client screen (which only happens when I have to arrange items in the vendor backpack), I find it more and more ugly and complicated, compared to the Legacy Client.

Thus, I will stick to the Enhanced Client, as I am confident that the graphics will be improved constantly. The developers are not deaf to our complaints.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
One thing I am hoping they fix is the way toons look on a swampie at rest...feet on the ground...

Hehehe...It makes me feel like the Fred Flintstone of UO, in reverse!!


One other thing I hope they can adjust is being able to recall, with a single key, and select the destination from within a single rune book, even if you want to have all of your recall spots within just one rune book. That would be fantastic.

Other than that, I absolutely love the new client, and I haven't even scratched the surface...very impressive, and definitely way better than the Legacy client, for me, for sure.


I've been using it about 30% of the time. But for exploring and serious killing....I go back to 2d.


I'm with Hawkeye, the resolution and detail on chars and mounts aren't the greatest but the rest just blows the 2D client out of the water. I go into 2D for very little now, and when I do it's hard to imagine I ever used it now lol. The SA client makes me feel less silly for playing UO on a massive PC as well lol. As for spending more time incorperating art from 2D..... I hope they don't until they have a stretch of time where theres nothing else to work on. Focus should be on fine tuning and fixing up the new content and client first. Aside from that....... how do you not like the SA Paperdoll over the Legacy clients oO? I had a bone helmet on today on a new char I made goofing around and it looked killer in the SA paperdoll.


I've been using it about 30% of the time. But for exploring and serious killing....I go back to 2d.
Me too, but only because I don't trust the stability of the new Client yet, and it also hasn't been well optimized so lag is pretty bad...

OTHERWISE! To the original poster of this thread!


I personally am quite grumpy about this topic and tired of listening to this perpetual whine... Telling me you want 2D graphics in the 3D client tells me that you were probably (in all likelihood) among the EXTREMELY vocal crowd poopooing the end of life on the 2D Client...

Now you try the new one, and the functionality its CRAZY better, not just a little bit better but CRAZY better... so now you want to whine to get your 2D graphics into the client as well...

Well problem is they are already supporting 2 clients, and the overhead of putting 2D mobs into the new client is fairly equivalent to a 3rd Client...

I say you want 2D MOBS play that 2D client you fought so hard to keep!

That 2D client is junk, always has been! You gotta buy 3rd Party software to make it decent... You need UO Auto Map to get around, and UO Assist to boost everything else - that client is INCOMPLETE! The graphics are TERRIBLE (great in 1997! TERRIBLE in 2009!)... UO NEEDS to move its client into the new millenium, and it can't if people won't let it!

You have had your way long enough! Its time to strike a blow for all that is good and decent in this world and allow the Enhanced Client to become what it needs to become!

Serves you right, I says.... You got what you asked for and you STILL aren't happy...



Me too, but only because I don't trust the stability of the new Client yet, and it also hasn't been well optimized so lag is pretty bad...

OTHERWISE! To the original poster of this thread!


I personally am quite grumpy about this topic and tired of listening to this perpetual whine... Telling me you want 2D graphics in the 3D client tells me that you were probably (in all likelihood) among the EXTREMELY vocal crowd poopooing the end of life on the 2D Client...

Now you try the new one, and the functionality its CRAZY better, not just a little bit better but CRAZY better... so now you want to whine to get your 2D graphics into the client as well...

Well problem is they are already supporting 2 clients, and the overhead of putting 2D mobs into the new client is fairly equivalent to a 3rd Client...

I say you want 2D MOBS play that 2D client you fought so hard to keep!

That 2D client is junk, always has been! You gotta buy 3rd Party software to make it decent... You need UO Auto Map to get around, and UO Assist to boost everything else - that client is INCOMPLETE! The graphics are TERRIBLE (great in 1997! TERRIBLE in 2009!)... UO NEEDS to move its client into the new millenium, and it can't if people won't let it!

You have had your way long enough! Its time to strike a blow for all that is good and decent in this world and allow the Enhanced Client to become what it needs to become!

Serves you right, I says.... You got what you asked for and you STILL aren't happy...

If 2D was the only choice, then the only choice would be a different game.
I miss 3D :(

Old Man of UO

Me too, but only because I don't trust the stability of the new Client yet, and it also hasn't been well optimized so lag is pretty bad...
I'm not getting the lag, and had my second crash today since the beta testing opened. I crashed more often with the 2D client than that, so I think it's going the be pretty stable. And ya... lots of improvements to like over the 2D client!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The only things stopping me from playing it all the time:

That horrible graphical bug when you drag an open container in grid view up or down, more inventory squares appear but are unusable

Crashing on login when I log in for the first time in a few hours. One character is particularly bad, but then I don't really play many others.


I'm not getting the lag, and had my second crash today since the beta testing opened. I crashed more often with the 2D client than that, so I think it's going the be pretty stable. And ya... lots of improvements to like over the 2D client!
Are you sure you aren't gettin the lag? Its not the lag we are talking about when you are at an invasion or start dropping packets... Its this little hesitation every so often... When you are say running full bore through Luna, there will come this point where you stop for just a half second to a full 3 seconds... Lots of people are reporting this phenomenon.

I see it the most when I run in the West gate of Luna I don't hesitate at all, then as vendors an NPCs start popping up I'll stop dead in my tracks every 8-10 steps for less than a half second... Not deal breaking, just annoying... Although for some they say the lag out for up to 3 seconds...

I haven't technically crashed either during any of my gameplay... but the client dies on me every time I exit (or close the client - not logging out) and about 1 in 10 login attempts I just straight bounce to the desktop...

No this client is totally SWEET! The graphics aren't perfect by any means, but I think its an excellent start - and I would also vote to have the legacy graphics replaced... I just DON'T want to see it weighed down by the 2D client than is more than absolutely necessary - and 2D MOBS aren't necessary!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OTHERWISE! To the original poster of this thread!

Well for starters .. its not MY 2d client ... its the client still used by the majority of UO players.
Telling me you want 2D graphics in the 3D client tells me that you were probably (in all likelihood) among the EXTREMELY vocal crowd poopooing the end of life on the 2D Client...
Not sure what your trying to say here ... its difficult to read past your blah blah blah approach to sentence contruction. I havent 'poopooed'. I think UO is (like it or not) a 2 client game and probably always will be. I think theres a place for both clients.

Now you try the new one, and the functionality its CRAZY better, not just a little bit better but CRAZY better... so now you want to whine to get your 2D graphics into the client as well...
Well, the Devs already HAVE put 2d graphics into the SA client. Its only the mobs/pets/player models that havent made it in. Its only a short step to include them and a very sensible decision to do so if they want more players to use their new client. Truth is MANY players hate the character models/pets etc.

Well problem is they are already supporting 2 clients, and the overhead of putting 2D mobs into the new client is fairly equivalent to a 3rd Client...
Pure conjection on your part. You have no idea of the work involved.

I say you want 2D MOBS play that 2D client you fought so hard to keep!
I didnt fight to keep it at all. There never was a fight. The majority still use the 2d client therefore it stays. Simple as that.

That 2D client is junk, always has been! You gotta buy 3rd Party software to make it decent... You need UO Auto Map to get around, and UO Assist to boost everything else - that client is INCOMPLETE! The graphics are TERRIBLE (great in 1997! TERRIBLE in 2009!)...
SA certainly is technically better than the 2d client and has better functionality. There are however many who still think the 2d client LOOKS better than the new client. It is simply a matter of personal preference.

UO NEEDS to move its client into the new millenium, and it can't if people won't let it!
And you think the SA client does this? Please. ... The SA client has more functionality than the 2d client ... to say it moves the UO client into the 'New Millenium' is farcical. The SA client is almost as outdated as the 2d client.

You have had your way long enough! Its time to strike a blow for all that is good and decent in this world and allow the Enhanced Client to become what it needs to become!
Good and decent in this world? This is where you lost me completely. Its a computer game for christs sake! Take a step back into reality will you.

Serves you right, I says.... You got what you asked for and you STILL aren't happy...
I didnt ask for anything. I'm happy with the 2d client as it is and if the SA client doesnt add 2d characters/prets/mobs then I and many others will stay with the 2d client and STILL be happy with it. I was always happy with it.

You are dismissed


Hey ClayPigeon,can you even read?

Who said ANYTHING about mobs? If your happy with sub par graphics that aren`t as eye catching as 11+ year old graphics....great! Your exactly what EA is lookin for. I am of the opinion that this is not the best they can do in 2009.

While I agree that alot is better in SA,there are some things that are definately not.Enough to keep us 2d lifers in 2d until SA catches up with its predecessor in the graphics department.

Oh and for the record....I could care less about MOBS,never said they looked bad.....its the CHAR MODEL that blows.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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Well, the Devs already HAVE put 2d graphics into the SA client. Its only the mobs/pets/player models that havent made it in. Its only a short step to include them and a very sensible decision to do so if they want more players to use their new client. Truth is MANY players hate the character models/pets etc.
I'm one of them.

I was looking forward to the enhanced client, because of the new macros and couldn't wait to try it out - but I just can't put up with those graphics.

I'll admit I haven't used the enhanced client since the SA content open beta started, so it may have improved since then.

But, the world art was 'fuzzy', the mobile artwork was awful imo, and the open spell/runebooks didn't look like open books as they do in the classic client - they looked like game option windows (this is only a small thing though).

The only things I did like in the enhanced client were the macros and the atlas, which are not enough to make me switch clients.

I prefer to play a game that I like the look of then something thats a little easier to use; I've managed to play UO for nearly nine years without the macros - I don't even use assist, and the atlas and i'll carry on managing without them.

As I said, I haven't used it lately, but I will try it again soon to see whats been improved with all the updates - if I like it, i'll use it .. if not i'll stick with the graphics I like and the classic client.

Old Man of UO

... and the open spell/runebooks didn't look like open books as they do in the classic client - they looked like game option windows (this is only a small thing though)...
These can be "fixed" with a User Mod, as was done for the KR client. I too prefer that "look" but that wouldn't stop me from using the Enhanced Client with all the other benefits. It will be available in a Mod soon.

The graphics being fuzzy? They are much worse in the 2D client on my 22" monitor than in the new client. And the 2D client window and objects are so tiny!

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Sounds like a personal problem to me, man. Ya know, most people who are against the new art are hung up on the old.

Hey, no sweat, we all become grandparents one day, some are just early bloomers.

I like the paperdolls, what's wrong with them? Just remember, if you can do better, go do it. Me, I can, and I tried.

I like it, 2D's so dated it a joke and a laughing stock...........looks like Double Dragon art.

again, a personal problem, and Stratics ain't no shrink.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
These can be "fixed" with a User Mod, as was done for the KR client. I too prefer that "look" but that wouldn't stop me from using the Enhanced Client with all the other benefits. It will be available in a Mod soon.

The graphics being fuzzy? They are much worse in the 2D client on my 22" monitor than in the new client. And the 2D client window and objects are so tiny!
The look of the books wouldn't be enough to stop me from using the enhanced client either, which is why I said it was only a small thing.

I also prefer the paperdolls in the classic client, but again, this wouldn't be enough to stop me using the enhanced client .. I don't have to keep looking at the paperdoll all the time while playing, I can close it and just open it for the short time I need to move some armour, clothing or weapon.

The reason I don't use the enhanced client is the game window graphics. This isn't, imo, a 'small thing' as with the books and paperdolls, as you need to constantly look at it to play the game and, again, imo the graphics are not as good as the classic client.

As I said, I will try the enhanced client again to see what improvements have been made, and at the same time i'll look into the user mods :)

As for the classic client graphics being fuzzier then in the enhanced client on your 22" monitor, I can't comment, but the classic client graphics are much better for me on my 24" monitor. And yes, the game window and objects are smaller then they were on my old monitor, a 19" crt.


But I won't stomp my feet and say, "I am going to quit UO -refuse to try the new client- unless I get:"

"fix the mouse/cursor placement!"
Firstly, no one is stomping their feet or threatening to quit because of this issue. Secondly, having a primary part of the user interface not work, or work in a fashion that makes gameplay much more difficult than it should be, is a valid reason for not using the new client. There's nothing wrong with using the 2D client until the issue is corrected. I'm not sure why you seem to think everyone should use a client that's broken, at least for them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

IF, I buy even one copy of Stygian Abyss, I will play it using my existing 2D client. I like my current client. I have liked my current client for 12 years, and hope and expect to like it for 12 more years.

Elladan of Baja


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes I wonder why people don't start demanding their good old Ultima client from the past millenium back:

Some people never seem to be able to adapt to modern technology.

Lord Frodo

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I'll admit that as it stands now I wont be using the SA client. I think the in game graphics (landscapes/objects etc) are good, the macro system is excellent and the in game map is superb. Hotbars are a nice addition and the legacy options for containers etc are also a nice touch.

The only thing that is stopping me using the SA client is that I hate the way my characters/mounts/pets look. Its just all wrong. Add the paperdoll into that equation too and its just too horrible to look at.

So ... how about giving us the option of legacy player/pet/mount/mob/paperdoll models? I'm sure that if EA went down this route then the SA client would actually outstrip the 2d classic client and become the client of choice.

You got my vote. SA should have 2 choices, Clasic or Enhanced graphics with the new client. Let me play with the new client with all the old graphics and those that want the new graphics can play in the enhanced graphics. SA Clasic or Clasic with UOA would suit me fine. SA with the new graphics, NO THANK YOU.


Well for starters .. its not MY 2d client ... its the client still used by the majority of UO players.
Well you have clearly stated that it is YOUR client of choice, and will be until they put those graphics into the new client. I suppose if that doesn't make 2D YOUR client, then my bad. I guess it was your mom's choice then? No, no, your girlfriend picked it out for you?

Not sure what your trying to say here ... its difficult to read past your blah blah blah approach to sentence contruction. I havent 'poopooed'. I think UO is (like it or not) a 2 client game and probably always will be. I think theres a place for both clients.
See thats where I think you are wrong. UO is the ONLY 2 client MMORPG out there, and it is attitudes like the one you expressed here that keep it as such. You can't look past the graphics to the gameplay and hence REFUSE to use the new client, and thats really just insanity... Do you get that? I'll use small sentences so its clear. You have not said anything about the functionality of the new client. You have in fact agreed that it is very functional. You have stated you will not use the new client SOLELY based on graphics. Graphics can be changed and updated. Its like dumping your girlfriend because she bleached her hair. Its a totally silly stance to take on something so completely arbitrary and readily alterable.

Well, the Devs already HAVE put 2d graphics into the SA client. Its only the mobs/pets/player models that havent made it in. Its only a short step to include them and a very sensible decision to do so if they want more players to use their new client. Truth is MANY players hate the character models/pets etc.
Using 2D static art in a 3D environment is a fairly trivial operation and had been done already in the Kingdom Reborn client... Since there were also massive complaints about the new environment art in that client, it made it a TRIVIAL operation to include that functionality into the new enhanced client. Sorry big sentences again... They had already done the work, dude.

Pure conjection on your part. You have no idea of the work involved.
Sweet, I love people who are completely dismissive of a statement like this, who also are COMPLETELY unaware of the work involved. If I can't say its non-trivial, then you are no more allowed to say thats it trivial. I have no particular need to justify my credentials to you... But 2D and 3D animation systems are FUNDAMENTALLY different... and as a result, you don't just arbitrarily use one or the other.... Its not impossible... but it ain't no, "sure well just whip that out for you".

I didnt fight to keep it at all. There never was a fight. The majority still use the 2d client therefore it stays. Simple as that.
LMAO... So you were jumping up and down for joy when they announced that the new Gargoyle lands would require Kingdom Reborn. You never said anything negative when they announced that they were going to replace the 2D client completely? There was much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, and the 2D client was kept... It might have been an overwhelming outcry, but it was an outcry nonetheless. So if you were one of those left high and dry when the original 3D client was left for dead, or one of those who will be sad when KR goes away... well then once again, my bad. You are blameless.

SA certainly is technically better than the 2d client and has better functionality. There are however many who still think the 2d client LOOKS better than the new client. It is simply a matter of personal preference.
Fine then exercise your preference to use the 2D client. How about this? If they put 2D artwork into the SA client, then we can get rid of 2D? LOL, that will never happen either.... So if UO is a 2 client game then let leave it a 2 client game. 2D MOBS in the SA client really make it more of a 1 client game doesn't it? Since the ENTIRETY of 2D would then exist in the new client, the 2D would no longer exist as a separate client... Right?

And you think the SA client does this? Please. ... The SA client has more functionality than the 2d client ... to say it moves the UO client into the 'New Millenium' is farcical. The SA client is almost as outdated as the 2d client.
Right because you want to strap it down and tie it up with 2D artwork... They have to please you too, and the only way they can do that is with the compromise that is the new Enhanced Client. Unfortunately there are sooo many people out there saying the same thing, that those of us who are in the minority, and would LOVE to have something better... well we keep getting trounced and ignored... I was downright aggravated when the 3D client was shut down before KR was fully viable... I had to go back to that stinky 2D client... So what right? my opinion doesn't mean doodley squat so long as you get what you want? Again... You get what you want and you STILL aren't happy...

Find me an MMORPG that uses 2D, and isn't an Indie title... Oh wait... you can't... Ultima Online is the only one out there kicking it old skool... Hey that might be a testament to the type of dedication that UO garners, but it does bupkus for attracting new players... I have had more than one friend who outright LAUGHED at Ultima Online when they saw it... I have to "explain" that its an awesome game and you have to overlook the graphics... Very precious few bite on that...

Good and decent in this world? This is where you lost me completely. Its a computer game for christs sake! Take a step back into reality will you.
Sweet, then you won't mind playing your "just a game" without 2D MOB art in the new client... You won't mind just using the 2D, and letting those of us who want the new client to have more important issues addressed such as stability and optimization... And yes better 3D artwork, to make the 3D client what WE want it to be? You 2D guys have YOUR client... Yes YOUR client... otherwise why do you want 2D artwork in the 3D client?
I mean seriously,You JUST STATED that UO is a 2 client game and always will be... That means you agree that there are TWO positions to take on what a UO client should and should not be? Yes? No? The problem I am getting at here is you want your 2D in my 3D, which really doesn't make it 2 clients anymore does it? It makes it the 2D client, and this frankenstein thing we call the Enhanced client. So if there are 2 skools of thought, then you fit into the 2D skool, and I fit into the 3D skool... So I'm saying kep your 2D out of my 3D!

I didnt ask for anything. I'm happy with the 2d client as it is and if the SA client doesnt add 2d characters/prets/mobs then I and many others will stay with the 2d client and STILL be happy with it. I was always happy with it.
Then shut down this thread, and close your pie hole, because it sure sounded like you asked for 2D artwork in the Enhanced Client to me...

"So ... how about giving us the option of legacy player/pet/mount/mob/paperdoll models? I'm sure that if EA went down this route then the SA client would actually outstrip the 2d classic client and become the client of choice."

You are dismissed
LOL, you WISH it were so easy... if it was, I woulda dismissed you first!:danceb:

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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I will continue using the Enhanced client some of the time, however I expect to keep using the Classic client the majority of the time. I'm afraid that the Enhanced client pushes the limits a bit too much with my laptop computer, even after tweaking everything I can think of. I can hear it running hard and feel it heating up every time I try it (even sitting on a "chill pad") and I think some of the performance issues I experience could be tied to having less RAM than many other newer computers.

Since the computer is only 3 1/2 years old and money's tight, I just don't see myself getting a new one any time in the immediate future, especially if my only justification for an upgrade is to play a game that I can still play perfectly well with the older client.

I'd love to be able to play the Enhanced client 100% of the time, but I just don't see that happening right now.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
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I use the Enhanced client 100%... From the very first day of focus test it was ugly!!!
Now after many many changes, 95% of the changes tester input!!!! The client is very nice.Still a few bugs and quirks. but however the developers listen and do make changes as the community wants,it just takes time for them to do it as prescribed. So have Faith and patients and it will be a sexy client for all .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good and decent in this world? This is where you lost me completely. Its a computer game for christs sake! Take a step back into reality will you.
The reply to this is the only part of your thread I read as the rest, as I said earlier, really is Blah Blah Blah. Why did I read your reply to this part? I was interested to know how the "good and decent world" part fit in. I guess it doesnt does it? It was just you being an angry and melodramatic man. Calm down, its a game. And to be honest I really dont care THAT much what they do with either client, I'll have fun either way. You on the other hand .... *shakes head* ... sad.


I'm one of them.

I was looking forward to the enhanced client, because of the new macros and couldn't wait to try it out - but I just can't put up with those graphics.

I'll admit I haven't used the enhanced client since the SA content open beta started, so it may have improved since then.

But, the world art was 'fuzzy', the mobile artwork was awful imo, and the open spell/runebooks didn't look like open books as they do in the classic client - they looked like game option windows (this is only a small thing though).

The only things I did like in the enhanced client were the macros and the atlas, which are not enough to make me switch clients.

I prefer to play a game that I like the look of then something thats a little easier to use; I've managed to play UO for nearly nine years without the macros - I don't even use assist, and the atlas and i'll carry on managing without them.

As I said, I haven't used it lately, but I will try it again soon to see whats been improved with all the updates - if I like it, i'll use it .. if not i'll stick with the graphics I like and the classic client.
Thank you.... This is exactly the attitude I am after... You don't like the new client, stick with the old... its the reason EAMythic gave you a choice.

Nothing wrong wih liking the old client, nothing wrong with maintaining the status quo...

What has me up in arms is that the new client offers some excellent new functionality, and everyone wants that functionality, but they don't want the new graphics. Yet there was this outcry over keeping the 2D client... When in reality folks, all the functionality in the Enhanced Client existed in the KR client that everyone rejected utterly.

So you have been given the choice you asked for, to keep the old client, or to embrace a new one with near identical functionality and the option to use even more enhanced features.

So I applaud this individual for making their choice.

BTW I found myself twitching after a few hours of using the Enhanced Client. I switched back to 2D and Iv kept draging the cursor up to the Radar Map to expand it out to get a world view... Those functions will sneak up on you crazy fast and make you wonder how you ever used the 2D client!


The reply to this is the only part of your thread I read as the rest, as I said earlier, really is Blah Blah Blah. Why did I read your reply to this part? I was interested to know how the "good and decent world" part fit in. I guess it doesnt does it? It was just you being an angry and melodramatic man. Calm down, its a game. And to be honest I really dont care THAT much what they do with either client, I'll have fun either way. You on the other hand .... *shakes head* ... sad.
LOL... You are trying sooooo hard to be the big man here... I commend you... But clearly you have never heard of a few things...
such as Hyperbole...
or Emotional Plea...
or perhaps "Poking the Bear"

You focused on the one thing in my post which had the least amount of meaning to me. I didn't respond to it because I didn't think anyone would take it very seriously... I didn't "dignify it with a response", if you will.

Clearly I was wrong....

If my words are just "blah blah blah", then what does that make you? I have done nothing but offer my own voiciferous opinion to counter your opinion. You claim that my words are of no value or consequence, then what should I make of your words?

I will leave that judgment to the reasonable members in the audience...


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What an angry, angry man. Your new here, so maybe you think ranting and raving, with your 'angry' little emote under your avatar makes you seem 'big and clever'? You do realise that people are allowed to have civilised discussions on here without the anger issues dont you? I'd hate to think you are like that in RL. Hopefully not.


What an angry, angry man. Your new here, so maybe you think ranting and raving, with your 'angry' little emote under your avatar makes you seem 'big and clever'? You do realise that people are allowed to have civilised discussions on here without the anger issues dont you? I'd hate to think you are like that in RL. Hopefully not.
LOL, I forgot to change that stupid little emote.

Seriously, a personal attack?

Were we having a discussion? I thought we were just having a rollicking good time marginalizing each others opinions... I'm sure it sounds like ranting and raving to you, as much as your opinion sounds like little kids crying to me.

You want to act like there is no reason or rhyme in my posts... That I am just yelling and making noise and throwing down with angry emotes (frankly I would have changed it back to amused had I remembered). Then I would say you didn't read them very closely.. but then why would you? You are only interested in marginalizing them, not reasoning them through.

Ultimately, I believe the resources are too steep to support what you are asking for. And thats the bottom line. If UO is going to continue to grow it needs a better, more appealing client. That's the bottom line. 2D graphics in the Enhanced Client does not support that end. If that's not well reasoned for why 2D graphics should not be included in the Enhanced client... well its certainly got more reason in it than "because its ugly". And by its very nature, these graphics in the enhanced client add resource overhead... Pure and simple... its more stuff in the client, hence more stuff to go wrong.. You need to have code which runs the 2D or 3D graphics all in the same place, except the 2D stuff is shoehorned into the 3D client... There are several reasons why the resource allocation picture could be deemed "not good", and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see it...

It looks bad, or ugly is an opinion to which you are entitled... Its also an opinion to which I am entitled. Given such, its a deadlock in whose opinion is better or more important because the answer to that is neither.

What is important is drawing new players into UO. This was a big part of the reason we got KR, and why they didn't just throw their hands in the air and leave us ALL wallowing in the 2D client after KR bombed so horribly.

So ask yourelf what's lost if you say the graphics are too ugly I'll stick with 2D thank you very much? Nothing, you are still a paying subscriber.
But what happens if a prospective customer steps up to the plate and sees those graphics and says WTF? No new subscriber. And I PROMISE you, there are MORE people saying that to the 2D graphics than you seem to imagine.
Long time vets of UO are so accustomed to the 2D graphics, we can't seem to imagine aything else (yes I count myself among that group), and new player's to UO are so accustomed to their eye candy they can't imagine playing UO.
So when I say you can have your 2D client and love it, this is the reason why.. Heck if they SCRAPPED the new client tomorrow, I would be SORELY dissappointed, but I would continue to play. Because I love UO until they pry it from my cold dead fingers - get it? But new players don't love it yet, they have this critical 30 second impression phase they go through, and MANY don't make it past the "oh so 1997 graphics." I was often embarassed to have my college buddies look at my laptop when I was having a UO session on campus... They snickered nearly every single time at how old skool it looked, and all my appeals to check out the gameplay were met with amused reservation at best.

So we COULD go round and round over whether the 2D graphics are superior to the 3D in their current state... The ONLY difference here of any importance is that the 3D graphics have LOTS of room to grow, where the 2D graphics do not.

Is that reasoned enough for you? Rant free enough? Psssshhhhh... I'm just kidding we're all ranting here...


Sometimes I wonder why people don't start demanding their good old Ultima client from the past millenium back:

Some people never seem to be able to adapt to modern technology.
You are waaaay of base there. "adapting to modern technology........What?!":confused:

I would LOVE to adapt,as you say,but for some reason I can`t force myself to enjoy something I don`t like.What does that have to do with adapting to modern technology? I`ll be the first to admit that SA is great.It keeps improving with every patch,but until a patch contains a fix for my problem with it,theres no mod that`ll make it better. Plain and simple.

I`ll continue playing SA here and there but the majority of my time will be spent in 2d for now.I just don`t see how peaple can say the 2d graphics are worse than SA`s. :coco: 2d is so much crisper and everything is more detailed & defined.

Different strokes for different folks.


Babbling Loonie
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I just don`t see how peaple can say the 2d graphics are worse than SA`s. :coco: 2d is so much crisper and everything is more detailed & defined.
I agree, the Enhanced Client still lacks some crispiness. But, it still is beta...
My subjective impressions is: When I play the Enhanced Client for a week and then switch back to the Legacy Client, I start to notice how "old" the legacy artwork looks. I simply cannot switch back anymore.

But, it probably is a matter of taste...


2d is so much crisper and everything is more detailed & defined.

Different strokes for different folks.
I believe you are referring to an issue which is completely separate from what this thread was initially trying to address.

You are referring to the 2D graphics which are already part of the client, which look fine on the ground and fuzzy in your backpack.

This is happening for an entirely different technical reason, BUT it also happens to be an excellent example of why the 2D graphics are so inferior.

Unfortunately there is very little that can be done to correct it other than replacing the artwork entirely. Watch these items closely in 2D and in the new client... When you pick something up in the 2D client it is the same scale in your pack as it is in your hand as it is on the ground... In the new client, watch as you pick items up and the scale changes. Things are smaller in your pack then they are on the ground...

The problem lies in the fact that the items are being scaled in your pack, and the old client graphics are not very tolerant to it (hence the blurry artifacts you are seeing). This problem existed in KR as well when the legacy graphics were enabled.

So that argument is entirely different from the intial thread statement that the mobs and avatar look terrible...

I happen to agree with all of these statements, I just don't support putting 2D mobs in a 3D client for resource reasons, and there's really nothing to be done about the way 2D art looks in the new client. We just have to tolerate it until they can put new environment art in place.


Seasoned Veteran
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I love this enhanced client. Finally beating some people in PvP, not being out done by people with scripts and fancy 3rd party macros. I can switch weapons like the best of them with my new macros. UO has become a new game to me once again. Making macro's that actually make sense. Made one yesterday to one click reapply poison to my weapon while in combat, and a few other ones I am keeping a secret :) Happy as a clam. One click monster attach, honor makes me just so happy in PvM. Looting is just a joy compared to the old 2D crap.

Client has not crashed for me during gameplay in 3 months now. Even my ping is lower :)

I have looked past the graphics for 9 years using this outdated old client, I think I can manage to look past a few graphical snafu's in the new client. In fact, they are few and far between. Over all, the joy of playing ultima online has increased about 10-fold with this new client. Thanks EA/Mythic for continuing to build upon an ancient computer game!

Lord Frodo

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I have tried the new client and the bottom line is I think the macros are great, just takes a lot to get used to. But the art is killing me even in the clasic version. Give me a switch in the new client for Legency/Enhanced and all that changes is all the art work. It would have the look of the old client with all the add ons of the new client. Would be just like running UO and UOA. I would not mind learning how to do things as long as I did not have to look at what they did to me, my pets, the monsters and everything else graphicly. Even the char status is a lot better in the old client and easier to read. This just might bring all the old 2D users over to the new client so we only have one client with a lot more add ons and enjoyable for all to play. This is just me. It is not learning how to use the new UI, it's the looks.
Lets load up UO and UOA with one step, its would be called SA Legency.
You want the new art than you would load SA Enhanced. Best of both worlds.


Lets load up UO and UOA with one step, its would be called SA Legency.
You want the new art than you would load SA Enhanced. Best of both worlds.
If they did that there`d be no way to force peaple onto the new client. It`d be nice for some of us to be able to enjoy SA for all that it is w/o having to get used to the better graphics.


I actually like the SA client quite a bit. HOWEVER. Without the implementation of at the very minimum 2d paperdolls and 2d containers/backpacks i doubt i will switch over. I'm just too use to my 2d paperdoll and looking at the new versions just seems to foreign to me. And the backpacks well i have a way i arrange every characters bag they are all different it can't be conveyed in a list or a cell block. I need my backpacks & containers to continue to function as they do in 2d. This also effects my shopping. I love shopping with the 2d interface. I can't even bear to look at vendors without that option. I dunno why i've tried to like it but just can't. Blame me for playing the game for 11 years now but i'm use to a few things and if they aren't the same something feels wrong to me. I think they should keep the new options and looks i'm sure some like them but there needs to be an option for legacy paperdolls and containers if the devs ever want to see 90% switch over to SA and the end of the legacy client. If they make these FEW changes i think it would make a world of differance in getting people to switch over and accept the new client or abandon it again like KR was if these additions aren't made. They really are FAR more important than i think most of the devs want to believe. I'm hoping to be able to like whats been done and move over to SA but without these changes i'll be sticking with the legacy client for anything the doesn't specifically require the SA client.... :(


I actually like the SA client quite a bit. HOWEVER. Without the implementation of at the very minimum 2d paperdolls and 2d containers/backpacks i doubt i will switch over.
Menu - User settings - Legacy - Legacy containers...

For the paperdolls, I cannot help you.


Lord Frodo

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Lets load up UO and UOA with one step, its would be called SA Legency.
You want the new art than you would load SA Enhanced. Best of both worlds.
If they did that there`d be no way to force peaple onto the new client. It`d be nice for some of us to be able to enjoy SA for all that it is w/o having to get used to the better graphics.
I said nothing about fourcing them to the new client. From the majority of the posts from the old client users, imo, it is the graphics that are holding them back. I use the Legency (old client) and UOA. It they would give me the old graphics in the new client I would use it a lot more. And when I figured out how to make all my macros then I might/would use it only. I can sit all day playing UO (old client, Legency) but so far the longest I could use SA was an hour before my head started hurting, KR was about 30 min. It isn't the UI that I have a problem with. It's the graphics, all of them. IMHO

Petra Fyde

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I'm playing the new client part of the time, if only to get the different images for the hunter's guide. I'm content to adapt to the new 'look' of most familiar things, I love the versatility of the interface. The thing I find hardest to adapt to is that my wholesome, gentle, 'girl next door' has become a sexy vamp.
I wrote some stories a little while ago about my stealth shepherd. The stories begin with a description 'She is young, cheeky and full of mischief' The current 2D image gives credibility to that description, the KR/SA paperdoll destroys it completely. My characters aren't sex goddesses, they're conservative, shy, reserved. The paperdoll image jars horribly with my vision of them, so much so that I open it only when I absolutely have to and close it again as quickly as I can.