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What should I do when I zap my pet?



I'm coming from a freeshard where the monsters never retargeted from my pet. In fact, they all piled up on my ru and I just stood there vetting.

On OSI, things are differrent. I actually have to defend myself. My problem is that I am sometimes e-bolt my WW because it is the last target from my vet. This makes him MAD!

Is there anything I can do to prevent zapping him?

If not, is there anything I can do to keep him from whacking me?



when you're switching from vetting to ebolting, you want to target the monster's healthbar with your ebolt.


Grand Inquisitor
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I just never use last target. I do all my targetting on health bars, or the specific pet/object/person through UOA. For me last target is just an accident waiting to happen, which is why I couldn't handle KR's targeting until I found out you could change the targeting from last target to cursor.

Of course this can make large melees challenging for me because I quickly use up my allotted number of health bars, but I guess you pick your poison. That is one of the reasons I am looking forward to fully switching to KR once it is truly ready for prime time. I'm guessing you can pull a lot more health bars in the KR client.


Learn to stand directly under your pet so that monsters come after your pet and not you. With big critters like WW, it takes some practice. I have a few friends who never could figure out what I was doing when I'd always walk onto my pet until I explained it to them.


I used to do that to my Hiryu from time to time. He's one high strung dragon!
Well after running off and getting rezzed, finding where my Hiryu ran off to, and most likely rezzing him! I learned to make a macro for invis and cast it on myself rather then try to get him to retarget or just plain stop killing me. Now I hit invis and target self and I'm usually good to go.


Run. Hide. Beg forgiveness.

And pray he doesn't hold a grudge.


imported_Tina Small


I learned to make a macro for invis and cast it on myself rather then try to get him to retarget or just plain stop killing me. Now I hit invis and target self and I'm usually good to go.

[/ QUOTE ]

A UO macro to invis (or heal or cure) yourself is indeed a wonderful thing. In the 2D client, it requires three lines: Cast the spell; Wait for Target; and then Target Self.


I used to do that but sometimes I would end up casting over the macroed spell and either flamestrike myself (BAD
) or heal my target (sometimes worse!
) Now I just cast the spell and hit the key that I have for target self. Solved most of the problems I mentioned.