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What pets are we using?


So as a returning player I am looking to see what to tame/get/ect.
I currently have an old WW and nightmare. But what are the decent pets now? I find it crazy I have one 5 slot pet and now cant ride anything lol. Any suggestions on good pets to use!?


I'm no expert but I've read enough stratics to tell you if you're just returning, don't touch those old pets, the WW and nightmare. You need to wait and let the community on here advise what to do with them. Take some pics of the lore menus and post them here. They can be worth quite a lot, but not if you mess them up with training because you didn't quite know what you were doing or that it couldn't be undone :eyes:


I'm no expert but I've read enough stratics to tell you if you're just returning, don't touch those old pets, the WW and nightmare. You need to wait and let the community on here advise what to do with them. Take some pics of the lore menus and post them here. They can be worth quite a lot, but not if you mess them up with training because you didn't quite know what you were doing or that it couldn't be undone :eyes:
Yea I haven't done the training on them lol. I was told that immediately


A good pet I would recommend based on your first comment would be a regular old blue/giant beetle. Not best-in-class, but you can't beat the utility of a 5-slot pet you can ride which can also carry your stuff. A few different choices for abilities to mix it up. I'm partial to Rune Corruption, Armor Pierce, and Frenzied Whirlwind and put all three on my beetle, Yancey. Folks will tell you that's probably not an optimal build but it's plenty good for everything I do in game and everyone will love it when you show up for group fights... the RC cuts resists in half for 5 seconds on hit, the armor pierce on hit causes a 10% damage increase from ALL sources for 3 seconds I think... and the frenzied whirlwind is just a fun aoe passive ninja ability. Pop a set of cheap 110 scrolls on there and you have a great all-around companion you can ride. You can swap out for speciality pets once you get going. Also, if you mess it up the first time it's really no big deal as beetles all basically start with very close to the same stats and are easy to replace.

That's my two cents at least. If you want to start a toon on siege, I just moved there and could help you out with training and support.


A good pet I would recommend based on your first comment would be a regular old blue/giant beetle. Not best-in-class, but you can't beat the utility of a 5-slot pet you can ride which can also carry your stuff. A few different choices for abilities to mix it up. I'm partial to Rune Corruption, Armor Pierce, and Frenzied Whirlwind and put all three on my beetle, Yancey. Folks will tell you that's probably not an optimal build but it's plenty good for everything I do in game and everyone will love it when you show up for group fights... the RC cuts resists in half for 5 seconds on hit, the armor pierce on hit causes a 10% damage increase from ALL sources for 3 seconds I think... and the frenzied whirlwind is just a fun aoe passive ninja ability. Pop a set of cheap 110 scrolls on there and you have a great all-around companion you can ride. You can swap out for speciality pets once you get going. Also, if you mess it up the first time it's really no big deal as beetles all basically start with very close to the same stats and are easy to replace.

That's my two cents at least. If you want to start a toon on siege, I just moved there and could help you out with training and support.
Appreciate that but I wont be making a new tamer I don't have that patience anymore at this point


I'm no expert but I've read enough stratics to tell you if you're just returning, don't touch those old pets, the WW and nightmare. You need to wait and let the community on here advise what to do with them. Take some pics of the lore menus and post them here. They can be worth quite a lot, but not if you mess them up with training because you didn't quite know what you were doing or that it couldn't be undone :eyes:
Here is their stats.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is their stats.
That is a Legacy Nightmare, it has 5xx STR. Current Nightmares have 3xx or less STR.
Counterintuitively, Legacy pets command higher values when untrained.
With expanded stable slot storage available, advance training pets for specific tamers and encounters is very worthwhile.
What is a decent pet will depend on the tamer template and the target prey.
Welcome back!


Stratics Veteran
I have about 7-8 different Legendary tamers. The pets they use and the skills are dependent upon what I am fighting and my character's skills.

Example being, I have an elf archer tamer that I tend to employ pets with builds that will help me stack my damage against enemies. Being I am the main damage dealer versus the pet, it opens up some room for some things for pets and templates. On the other hand, my discord tamer relies on the pet to deal the heavy damage. So, my builds tend to be a bit different for that character as it pertains to pets.

As it relates to 5 slot pets that are not rideable, I tend to use my gargoyle tamer for those ones. I have a few legacy WWs that he will use, a legacy dragon, frost drake and dragon, tritons, etc.

In closing, it all depends on what you want to fight, your character build, etc. Really no option is the wrong one. Go with what works for you and your play style. How ever you enjoy the game :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is their stats.
One important factor about WWs, is their Generation. There are currently 4 Generations of WWs in game, with Gen 4 being the current spawning and weakest, and Gen 1 being the oldest, rarest and strongest of their kind.
Gen 1 WWs do not eat gold, roar when commanded (https://uo.stratics.com/hunters/sounds/dragon1.mpg), and some have up to 825 STR at 3 slots.
Gen 2 WWs do not eat gold, grunt when commanded, and go up to 760 STR at 3 slots.
Gen 3 WWs eat gold, grunt when commanded, and go up to 760 STR at 3 slots.
Gen 4 WWs eat gold, grunt when commanded, and are between 360-760 STR, being 4 slots at the higher STR values. They also have 2 additional hues than earlier WWs. Color Charts: White Wyrm | uo-cah.com
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm certain Gen 1 WW will skip a level when taming, just as the legacy greater dragons
They don't. I have a Gen 1 WW, "Hades", and i've copied him over to TC and slot leveled him twice on there, from 3 slots to 5. There are currently only 6 Gen 1 WWs confirmed to still exist in UO.