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What now since the gamewide scripters are back?



Is EA going to put in a Punkbuster type program to help itleast try to freak out scripters or itleast do a mock banning of a few accounts. We need to start combating this if there is ever any hope for UO to return to half the popularity it use to possess.


Do you subscribe to scripting sites? Were you checking hourly?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not exactly unknown, even among players that don't use it.


I`m not going to let it bother me. Last time I let BS like scripters/dupes get to me....I quit for 5 years.

No intentions on quitting again over anything I can not change. Yes it sux,yes it helps to ruin the game,yes it needs attention but nothing I can do will make any of this happen.

All I`m gonna do is play and enjoy the game I returned to.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is EA going to put in a Punkbuster type program to help itleast try to freak out scripters or itleast do a mock banning of a few accounts. We need to start combating this if there is ever any hope for UO to return to half the popularity it use to possess.
Take out scripters mean take out half of the population, wich mean bye bye your hope.

Kratos Aurion

Do you subscribe to scripting sites? Were you checking hourly?
Since when has it ever been illegal to visit these 3rd party sites? Just because you check the status of a website doesn't mean you use the program.


Honestly, I'll be glad to have the search sites back. Finding stuff to outfit my new gargoyle has been a royal pain in the butt without them, and finding PSes has been nigh impossible.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly, I'll be glad to have the search sites back. Finding stuff to outfit my new gargoyle has been a royal pain in the butt without them, and finding PSes has been nigh impossible.
Well to be honest, the PS part is because they're just not for sale. 115s at least.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I`m not going to let it bother me. Last time I let BS like scripters/dupes get to me....I quit for 5 years.

No intentions on quitting again over anything I can not change. Yes it sux,yes it helps to ruin the game,yes it needs attention but nothing I can do will make any of this happen.

All I`m gonna do is play and enjoy the game I returned to.
Same here. Only I only quit for a year and a half. I'm back, I'm having fun, I no longer care about the cheaters. I'll report the hell out of them if I get a chance, but I'm not going to let them bother me. I'll find a way to beat them, in spite of their cheats, and hopefully royally annoy them in the process... :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since when has it ever been illegal to visit these 3rd party sites? Just because you check the status of a website doesn't mean you use the program.

Indeed. I've always been of the mind that the best way to protect yourself from being exploited/scammed/hacked/etc. is to stay informed and take proper precautions.


You know I have a couple of interesting question for people. Please don't get emotional just try to look at it logicaly.

1)In the past few weeks that scripters where gone did anybody even noticed?

I noticed these things no websearch and prices of items went true the roof as well as stock become rarer and the shards seem a bit more empty than usual except for that first day SA launch.
Some didn't notice at all as I was still trying to tell people really they are not in game why doesn't anybody believe me!! lol

2)Did anybody take advantage of the situation they werent around in one way or the other?
I took advantage by making a killing of my stock products now im gonna need to lower down again :(.

3)Lastly in which way did scripters not being there affected your game play either negatively or positively?

Not sure how to answer this one. My prices went up so I was able to sell what I have for more gold though my inventory was down as I couldn't find enough of the same products at cheaper cost. As well as I had less shoppers.
But gave me plenty of time to reach 120 imbuing and play with all of SA wonders even more so than I was able to do in beta.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You know I have a couple of interesting question for people. Please don't get emotional just try to look at it logicaly.

1)In the past few weeks that scripters where gone did anybody even noticed?

I noticed these things no websearch and prices of items went true the roof as well as stock become rarer and the shards seem a bit more empty than usual except for that first day SA launch.
Some didn't notice at all as I was still trying to tell people really they are not in game why doesn't anybody believe me!! lol

2)Did anybody take advantage of the situation they werent around in one way or the other?
I took advantage by making a killing of my stock products now im gonna need to lower down again :(.

3)Lastly in which way did scripters not being there affected your game play either negatively or positively?

Not sure how to answer this one. My prices went up so I was able to sell what I have for more gold though my inventory was down as I couldn't find enough of the same products at cheaper cost. As well as I had less shoppers.
But gave me plenty of time to reach 120 imbuing and play with all of SA wonders even more so than I was able to do in beta.
Sounds like the lack of scripters affected your gameplay in a huge way.

I guess you answered Hell YES to your #1 question.

Now that they are back, you just said it will affect you.

Have to save your post to record as proof that scripting does affect normal gameplay.

It does not take long to walk around Luna and see prices. So, dont blame it all on the search site.



Thanks for the heads up that it's time to go scriptor hunting again.

And silly me with no SA yet just thought that Luna was so empty because everyone was having fun in the new lands tonight.

When in reality they were actually back to pvping with their fake skills once again, getting heartwood runics on their second account whilst they pvp with their fake skills, whilst they are also mining for real dollars on their 3rd account/pc.

Well, I really enjoyed that little vacation from cheaters while it lasted.

Could I have some More Please?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take out scripters mean take out half of the population, wich mean bye bye your hope.

Either NOONE should script or EVERYONE should be allowed to script.

I find it unacceptable that only "some" script gaining an edge over the rest of players and hurting their game play.

Either the developers should eradicate this problem from the game for good once and for all OR they should let all players know that scripting is not a forbidden activity.

But as it is now, it is the WORST, IMHO.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if EA would just make unattended macroing legal, no one would complain :/

Brucie Kibbutz

Either NOONE should script or EVERYONE should be allowed to script.

I find it unacceptable that only "some" script gaining an edge over the rest of players and hurting their game play.

Either the developers should eradicate this problem from the game for good once and for all OR they should let all players know that scripting is not a forbidden activity.

But as it is now, it is the WORST, IMHO.
My vote for post of the week. The script defenders will be in here, soon as the orgasm from realizing their program is back online wears off.

Devs need to put a ****ing foot down and make a decision about what they want to do. Anyone that says the Devs aren't well aware of the severity and magnitude of the scripting is playing possum.


Sounds like the lack of scripters affected your gameplay in a huge way.

I guess you answered Hell YES to your #1 question.

Now that they are back, you just said it will affect you.

Have to save your post to record as proof that scripting does affect normal gameplay.

It does not take long to walk around Luna and see prices. So, dont blame it all on the search site.
Everything effects game play. Though I hardly consider me as casual player and more a power gamer.
I'll lower my prices and have my usual amount of supplies from the suppliers to resell. No big thing back to normal. The market adjust to everything.

Simple rule of products too many and lack of demand make item worthless.,Too little and heavy demand make item valuable, Too little and lack of demand makes item a nich market whic price can be set to anything owners wish and sell. Too many and heavy demand makes a item needed which can be sold regulary as long as you compete with others with there prices. So either way scripters or no scripters will only effects my way of handling things but the end result is the same.

Then the result is it does effect me but neither negatively or positively and my UO life continues as is.

Dupers which aint scripters effect me negatively and never positively, Griefers and script hunters also effect me negatively as many times there aint a difference. Nerfs to any character effects me negatively also.The UO servers shutting down will essentialy end such things which will happen if uo stop being profitable for EA as many other online games that have came and gone.

So my curiousity is does it effect anybody else negatively or positively?


My vote for post of the week. The script defenders will be in here, soon as the orgasm from realizing their program is back online wears off.

Devs need to put a ****ing foot down and make a decision about what they want to do. Anyone that says the Devs aren't well aware of the severity and magnitude of the scripting is playing possum.
They have already. They can't ban every user that uses it there are way too many so that ship has sail. But they can't condone it and lose the other half of the player base. So in order to keep things in balance they have to keep this stance on it and hope that the improvements they make to enhance client and so far makes it more beneficial to use them than to use any other program. It's all about the bottom line.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play the game, I don't cheat, I don't think much about the ones that do. If I come across an obvious scripter - and for me that means still spamming text while dead, cos I'm not good at recognising such stuff. I'll report them and move on.
I don't visit the sites, because to my mind cheating players with websites are likely to have cheating stuff in them and I've no intention of risking a trojan on my pc. I don't need to use their site, I'm perfectly capable of finding the things I need without them.
I don't need to know what cheats are out there, I've no intention of using them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why is it people always say there are sooo many people using scripts if they all got banned UO would close? Are there censuses I'm missing out on chiming in on? I think it's propaganda, personally.

Now on a personal note, I stopped camping IDOCs a few weeks before SA launched. I have had so much fun with SA I haven't looked for a single one. A friend of mine came back to UO from having comp problems and found a few houses for me to camp, and I was thinking of scouting fel yesterday.

Then I heard about "that program" being back, and I really don't want any of the honest regular campers to see me pop up again and think "oh that sarsmi, she must cheat", lol. So my paranoia at being suspect is going to keep me from scouting for another week or two or whatever. Which is kind of terrible, cause camping a house yesterday gave me the itch again. :p


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes scripting effects gameplay; specifically PvP & those that farm resources/craft (the legit way).

On Baja these past few weeks the PvP traffic was way down. Our guild has been doing a lot of spawns in Fel and SA, we rarely saw enemies and when we did there were only a few. Then today I hear the script program has been patched and now works. And as if I needed confirmation... our first spawn of the day gets raided by 12. The most we saw these last few weeks was 6. So twice the number today and these guys from a more notorious PK guild. We noticed their improved ability to stay alive as well.

So ironic 'some' PK/PvP guilds are inslaved to their scripts. They won't fight without them. :O To me sounds like a reference problem... these are not PK/PvP guilds, they're scripting guilds.

We also very much enjoyed the few weeks pvping without our enemies using scripts. We got to see we can beat them when they don't have their cheats to lean on.

So to those that are reading this and feel they need scripts to PvP, even though your self-doubt and lack of confidence in your own pvp skill makes you feel so thoroughly defeated that you must use scripts to pvp... what did you learn these past few weeks? I'm interested.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They have already. They can't ban every user that uses it there are way too many so that ship has sail. But they can't condone it and lose the other half of the player base. So in order to keep things in balance they have to keep this stance on it and hope that the improvements they make to enhance client and so far makes it more beneficial to use them than to use any other program. It's all about the bottom line.

Well, I do not think it is a fair stance towards all of those players NOT scripting, not duping, not hacking and not cheating in general who have suffered now FOR YEARS from others doing those activities which hurt their game play.

Way too many years have gone by without a final ending, one way or the other, to these problems.

It is time now that in a reasonable time, not in some more years, something is done for good to either get rid of these activities if possible, or if not, technically, then let all players know that these activities are not illegal.

I do not think it as right to keep players in the balance, still, for who knows how many more years to come.

Time has come to make a decision whether to eradicate them for good, or to let them be for all players to use them.

Yet, over several threads I have yet to be able to read some official view on the issue.

It is NOT reassuring to me not to see any official representative say anything one way or the other on this important issue for the future of the game.

That's my view about it.

Lucy of Kenton

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i for one would pay for a punkbuster shard!
another poster says that if ea made scripting legal, im afraid friends that it already is as no action is taken against the offenders. why was the third party site taken down does anyone know? if it was due to an ea action then maybe they can take that action again.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why is it people always say there are sooo many people using scripts if they all got banned UO would close? Are there censuses I'm missing out on chiming in on? I think it's propaganda, personally.

It is a good possibility, actually.

At least in theory, crying out loud that too many do that so that nothing changes because it would harm the revenues of the game could be a good strategy for some who may not want things to change to worry the developers not to change the current status quo......

Personally, I think stopping them for good could actually earn some returning players back to the game more than losing some for no longer being able to script, hack, dupe or cheat in general.

Over the time I played the game I have met several players who left in disgust because of the rampant scripting, hacking and so forth and I imagine that these activities over time costed more subscriptions to the game than earned....


i for one would pay for a punkbuster shard!
another poster says that if ea made scripting legal, im afraid friends that it already is as no action is taken against the offenders. why was the third party site taken down does anyone know? if it was due to an ea action then maybe they can take that action again.

Whenever UO gets a patch or a publish the scriptor website has to patch itself to match UO's latest version or something to that affect or the scripts won't work.

We have had at least 3 patches recently AND apparently the master scripter who updates the cheat site was sick as well.

A patch to UO every few days would finish this cheat website and many many scriptors once and for all.

I would really love to hear an explanation from the Devs as to why UO can not get a patch every 2-3 days to do just that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either NOONE should script or EVERYONE should be allowed to script.

I find it unacceptable that only "some" script gaining an edge over the rest of players and hurting their game play.

Either the developers should eradicate this problem from the game for good once and for all OR they should let all players know that scripting is not a forbidden activity.

But as it is now, it is the WORST, IMHO.
My vote for post of the week. The script defenders will be in here, soon as the orgasm from realizing their program is back online wears off.

Devs need to put a ****ing foot down and make a decision about what they want to do. Anyone that says the Devs aren't well aware of the severity and magnitude of the scripting is playing possum.
They have made a decision. Do nothing. To stop it, it is a simple as releasing a patch every 2nd day. But they don't because 1/2 the population will stop subscribing.


While I certainly think something should be done about cheaters,there`s one thing that keeps comming to mind. How? How do you suppose EA can stop something that ISN`T hacking the server? Something that just mimics a person pressing buttons. I don`t think there is any way out there that lets you prove someone is scripting except for the unattended scripters.Those are easy to spot. What about the PvP`r you know is scripting. How do you think EA can prove they are in fact running a 3rd party program?

To me,this is the problem. It isn`t what most think,EA doesn`t care,EA doesn`t want to lose half their playerbase or EA (insert any of the old anti EA arguement). I`d like to know......... just how do you catch someone with pure evience they are running a program that EA can not detect?

Alot confuse hacking with scripting. Scripting is not hacking since it does not interfere with the data stream. Its to easy to blame EA for doing nothing against scripting but in all seriousness..... how could they? Aside from a minor daily patch, which IMO would be easily circumvented.Only thing I can think of is allowing full screen only and a game restart required if ya alt/tab.

No way can EA pull up someones account and definatively say "Yup...heres a scripter...Be gone scum!!" Sounds great but never gonna happen.

I just think theres more to it than the old "They don`t care" crap.

How do you stop something you can not see or detect?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I`m not going to let it bother me. Last time I let BS like scripters/dupes get to me....I quit for 5 years.

No intentions on quitting again over anything I can not change. Yes it sux,yes it helps to ruin the game,yes it needs attention but nothing I can do will make any of this happen.

All I`m gonna do is play and enjoy the game I returned to.

Cheaters/dupers/hackers/scripters most certainly do sux but I am definitely not going to let them bother me or my valuable gametime. They havent bothered me at all in the past 11 years of pvp and pvm and I dont foresee that changing much in the next 11 years.

I have to say that I kinda even enjoy the fact that the whining Dudley Do-Rights on these boards get so worked up over them. Shaking with rage & frustration in their Star Wars T-shirts while popping blood pressure meds :)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Either NOONE should script or EVERYONE should be allowed to script.

I find it unacceptable that only "some" script gaining an edge over the rest of players and hurting their game play.

Either the developers should eradicate this problem from the game for good once and for all OR they should let all players know that scripting is not a forbidden activity.

But as it is now, it is the WORST, IMHO.
I completely, and totally, and absolutely, and oh ya, for sure, agree! The worst situation you can possibly have in a game is the way it is now, with the honest players playing one game, and everyone else playing another.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to say that I kinda even enjoy the fact that the whining Dudley Do-Rights on these boards get so worked up over them. Shaking with rage & frustration in their Star Wars T-shirts while popping blood pressure meds :)
News flash: You play a fantasy based MMORPG - like it or not - you are just like the rest of us - star wars shirt or not. :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Cheaters/dupers/hackers/scripters most certainly do sux but I am definitely not going to let them bother me or my valuable gametime. They havent bothered me at all in the past 11 years of pvp and pvm and I dont foresee that changing much in the next 11 years.

I have to say that I kinda even enjoy the fact that the whining Dudley Do-Rights on these boards get so worked up over them. Shaking with rage & frustration in their Star Wars T-shirts while popping blood pressure meds :)
says the guy with almost 1000 posts on a fantasy mmorpg forum. pot, meet kettle. i know, i know, irl your a buff dude with a mansion and a supermodel wife.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Either NOONE should script or EVERYONE should be allowed to script.

I find it unacceptable that only "some" script gaining an edge over the rest of players and hurting their game play.

Either the developers should eradicate this problem from the game for good once and for all OR they should let all players know that scripting is not a forbidden activity.

But as it is now, it is the WORST, IMHO.
Every single person who plays UO CAN script. There's nothing preventing you from downloading that program, loading up a script and pressing start. The difference is that scripters have spare accounts in case of bans.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just think theres more to it than the old "They don`t care" crap.

How do you stop something you can not see or detect?
I said much the same thing some time ago. I posed 2 different scenarios, and asked how EA should tell one from the other.

1. An attended scripter, running BODs, able to stop the script and respond to GMs.

2. 6 players, running BODs on the same account, doing it in shifts of 4 hours, where 1 of the 4 is always running the BOD, all day every day, stopping only at server down.

Now, imagine 1 pretending to be 2 when he's caught. Now imagine EA saying "I don't believe you," banning the account, and then he comes on here and complains.

And that, I suggested, is why EA wasn't doing more on scripting. Because it was hard to tell the difference between attended scripters and overly-dedicated, highly-"professional" players. The only chance there really is is when the scripters are unattended and are unable to adjust to changing circumstances.

When I raised this issue, I was told I was an idiot, that it was easy to detect scripting, and EA just doesn't care.

So, Mitzplik, you are an idiot, it's easy to detect scripting, and EA just doesn't care.


-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I`m not going to let it bother me. Last time I let BS like scripters/dupes get to me....I quit for 5 years.

No intentions on quitting again over anything I can not change. Yes it sux,yes it helps to ruin the game,yes it needs attention but nothing I can do will make any of this happen.

All I`m gonna do is play and enjoy the game I returned to.
Sadly, this and not overtly supporting the cheaters is really all we can do.

Welcome back, btw.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As to the broad question "what now?"

Now we sit back and see if they have any other anti-cheat measures, like we've been speculating about.

-Galen's player


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Cheaters/dupers/hackers/scripters most certainly do sux but I am definitely not going to let them bother me or my valuable gametime. They havent bothered me at all in the past 11 years of pvp and pvm and I dont foresee that changing much in the next 11 years.

I have to say that I kinda even enjoy the fact that the whining Dudley Do-Rights on these boards get so worked up over them. Shaking with rage & frustration in their Star Wars T-shirts while popping blood pressure meds :)
says the guy with almost 1000 posts on a fantasy mmorpg forum. pot, meet kettle. i know, i know, irl your a buff dude with a mansion and a supermodel wife.
I like it :) very funny.

But unfortunately I am just an average guy rl with a hot wife & a good job that enjoys playing a cool game in my spare time.

What I was referring to ofc and what I am not is a frustrated & obsessed gamer that pays $13 a month and in his own words gets 0 enjoyment out of the game due to an obsession over cheating and the "haves & have nots"
Even worse though is the above person that no longer even plays yet still comes to these boards daily/weekly whining in frustration over cheating & wealth lol.

Its nothing more then a game meant to be played & enjoyed. Enjoy it or just friggin go away.


Its this silly logic that ruined the game. Fix the script cheats and UO will not have the subscribers. Most people will just play the game normally again. It was this silly logic that allowed cheats to blossom on Everquest.

I use to do Q/A testing on a few online games including battlenet Diablo and the meetings was about cracking down on the cheaters. It was hard during that time considering the cheats to battlenet was from leaving character info on the computer end and use of Peer to Peer technology.

They developed several methods to combat the cheaters at that time and implemented a few but the people in charge of battlenet was in arguement about people would stop playing online on their services. They implemented the first round of hack detection and it temporarily stopped people but during that time more players spiked.

Only people who argue that doing something about scripting would kill half the playerbase is absurd. People will just play normally. It was that way and it will be the way here. You are just trying to defend your blatant cheating.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its nothing more then a game meant to be played & enjoyed. Enjoy it or just friggin go away.

Uhu ??

I entirely disagree........

If things never oughta change because "they are what they are" then mankind would still be living in caves.......

Trying to get things better is in the human nature, IMHO, and bettering a game by getting rid of scripting, duping, hacking and cheating in general is, in my book, bettering the game........

So I ask, why should things stay what they are, period, if they COULD be made much better for Ultima Online ??


Uhu ??

I entirely disagree........

If things never oughta change because "they are what they are" then mankind would still be living in caves.......

Trying to get things better is in the human nature, IMHO, and bettering a game by getting rid of scripting, duping, hacking and cheating in general is, in my book, bettering the game........

So I ask, why should things stay what they are, period, if they COULD be made much better for Ultima Online ??
The only change that will happen is that the whole game get shut down. I think that is worst than anything. It's still a buisness and mass banning scripters will cut 40k out of 100k users at previous count. Though am sure subscription is way down and scripting is way up making the number maybe more like 50k subscription, 30k scripters with the the most vocal being on stratics. Going by previous numbers at 10 dollars a pop it would of being a
instant 4.8mil$ a year loss and a uncertain 1mil$ gain from returning players.

These days because of non- graphics being a old game and variety of reasons especially competition and recession the total earnings could be 5mil$ a year at 10 dollars a pop and the loss could be a potential of 3mil of year leaving a 2mil a year earnings with maybe a 300k a year of returning players = final strike to end of UO and we all be seeing each other on free servers.
Of course without the exact numbers this can't be accurate but it's a estimate in percentage.


A patch to UO every few days would finish this cheat website and many many scriptors once and for all.

I would really love to hear an explanation from the Devs as to why UO can not get a patch every 2-3 days to do just that.
This forum really needs a facepalm smilie...

It would take... Maybe a month for such programs to change the way they do things, to take this into account. UOA doesn't get completely screwed up every patch, because it does things a little differently.
On the other side, the patcher sucks. I don't think I've ever had a problem patching, but plenty of people do. So you want to give those people a chance of having to reinstall the game because a patch went to ****, just to inconvenience the cheaters?

Kratos Aurion

This forum really needs a facepalm smilie...

It would take... Maybe a month for such programs to change the way they do things, to take this into account. UOA doesn't get completely screwed up every patch, because it does things a little differently.
On the other side, the patcher sucks. I don't think I've ever had a problem patching, but plenty of people do. So you want to give those people a chance of having to reinstall the game because a patch went to ****, just to inconvenience the cheaters?
Actually I don't believe it would be that dramatically impossible. The way I could see it being done is that the developers develop a second patch file that contains jibberish (random characters), it doesn't mean anything. Then they have a daily script that executes an update from the servers to the 2nd patch file which doesn't do anything to the game whatsoever. It could be a 2Kb patch file, and all it does is update this 2nd patch file which creates a meaningless client change, thus making it increasingly difficult for scripting hosts to stay updated.

In theory it sounds like a good idea, but is it possible? I believe so, but I am not a programmer so I really have no idea.


A patch every 2 - 3 days wouldn't fix it.. An app would just need to be created to automatically find the changes in memory addresses.. They haven't made an automated one because there is no need, patches are so few and far between.. Trust me , you'll never stop scripting.. Just get used to it... It's been around since beta, it's staying until they close the doors..