You know I have a couple of interesting question for people. Please don't get emotional just try to look at it logicaly.
1)In the past few weeks that scripters where gone did anybody even noticed?
I noticed these things no websearch and prices of items went true the roof as well as stock become rarer and the shards seem a bit more empty than usual except for that first day SA launch.
Some didn't notice at all as I was still trying to tell people really they are not in game why doesn't anybody believe me!! lol
2)Did anybody take advantage of the situation they werent around in one way or the other?
I took advantage by making a killing of my stock products now im gonna need to lower down again

3)Lastly in which way did scripters not being there affected your game play either negatively or positively?
Not sure how to answer this one. My prices went up so I was able to sell what I have for more gold though my inventory was down as I couldn't find enough of the same products at cheaper cost. As well as I had less shoppers.
But gave me plenty of time to reach 120 imbuing and play with all of SA wonders even more so than I was able to do in beta.