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[Discussion] What is this bow?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This bow has been gathering dust in my bank for quite a while. It looks like a Juka bow. it is named in same boring way modern day Juka Bows always are.. but it is a double slayer? As far as I knew, only modifying bow that dropped pre-AOS gives a double slayer? ..And Pre AOS bows always have unique names (=This one would be named "a Bow of Elemental Health" were it pre AOS, not simply " Bow")
What has been done to this bow? Or is it a bug?
......Ooor maybe just some ordinary game feat I know nothing about, I havent been playing in a while. Surely Imbued bow would just say so?

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
"And Pre AOS bows always have unique names"

Thats incorrect, this is just an old spawning double slayer bow. I have, and have seen many of these of the years.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is actually the first sort of Juka Bow from years back. They were rarer drops from Juka's and they were brown to start with (i think) then you used some 'gears' on them and they turned into the grey slayer bows. A few were double slayer bows.
As you can imagine the Demon/undead bow was the most sought after as the Darkfather was the top boss back then.