Mage/Tamers r a BLaST to play - one of the most fun in pvm. Id like to recommend one particular template Ive had serious fun playing. 1st - go Gargoyle. I know they're ugly flying rats but theres no other way to get a greater dragon with mounted speed (gargoyles fly -whoot!) Imbue up a suit/jewls w/ 40%LMC and as much +stats and MR as u can fit. You wont be able to fit in meditation but if u can pack on around 14-16 MR & +mana stat points, with 120focus u can pretty much chain cast greater heals. By the time u cast & target ur pet u should just abt have enough mana to rinse & repeat.
120 magery (use a -20mage wep.)
120 evalint
120 mystic
120 focus
120 animal lore
105 tame (can always put on a +15 ring just for taming)
15 spellweaving (if ur account can fit the 720 skills on it)
Can put +15 mage on a 3FCR ring & use the alchemy +5 mage talisman (u get a potion bonus also)
Ur gonna use the ornament of magi of course. -20mage SC boomerang w/ +20DCI imbued.
at 105 tame and 120 lore u will control a greater dragon 99% of the time, just drop on ur +15
taming ring for when ur trying to tame that awesome greater u just found.
Folded Steel glasses for the DCI (+10 more if u go factions just for the items). Mantle of Fallen.
Dump on as much DCI as u can, sash, ring, glasses, robe (if u can afford one)
The weaving is used only for gift of renewal and attunement. If u can get a no skill focus lvl 5 or 6
you've got magery to heal, mysticism to heal, healing stones, potions (w/ EP), and spellweaving buffs.
Over all, when ur all buffed up ur damn near impossible to kill for alil over a minute.
Always carry atleast 2 fully charged/insured pet balls so in a worse case scenario u can fly like hell
to a safe spot and summon ur dragon b4 they give up the ghost (cause u cant res them).
I know this is WAY over what most new/returning players can afford but its definately something to shoot for and highly do-able within a few months if you get back into the game. Whatever template u decide to go with, Good luck & Welcome back to UO Sir