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What is the Tear of Sacrifice and Thorvald's Medallion?



Tear of sacrifice is one of the quest items from the candle of love quest. The only way to keep the item would have been to quit the quest before reaching the part where it was handed in.


Aye, or for them thar daft numpty devs ta terminate th' event while some o us wot dinna have a stableful o mangy mutts an' beetles ta do oor killin' fer u woz still clobberin' wotsits in th' dungeons. Tha's a good way ta end up wit' leftover event stuff, too.

'course, wit do ah want wit a candle o lurve event? Ah've got me own candle o lurve under me kilt! Drives yon lassies wild, it do! Doesna burn oot, either!

Azural Kane


No doubt, but is it blessed?

[/ QUOTE ]
