What is the Glue that binds your guild?

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What keeps your guild together? Is it the people or is it the mission, or perhaps its just a place to hang while in the game?
Let us know what the glue that binds, is in your guild.
(Absolutely no guild or faction rivalry PLEASE!!)
This thread is intended to give everyone an idea of what it is that makes us stick with our particular guild, and maybe to help recruit a new player or two. (no open recruiting in this thread pls)

I will get you started,
I have been in the Elven Lemiear Fellowship (ELV) since our inception as a guild. Just four people with a idea of doing a bit of RP as elves (at that time we only had the human or human choice).
Over time, and alot of guild leader changes, we had gathered a nice little group of people.
As for the RP idea....... well we weren't very good at that, but we were good at sticking together and doing guild hunting (99% of the time in destard).
I would like to say that everything was great and that the paths were paved with gold, but that not the way it happened.
We almost collapsed the guild due to our ever changing guild leader, problem. (I left the guild for a couple months just to get away from the drama. our current motto is "NO DRAMA!!")
But like the pheonix, we rose from our own ashes, and forged not one of the strongest guilds, not the most powerful, but the greatest of friends. People who, I, would gladly count among my greatest friends. Some of them have become as Brothers and Sisters too me.
As time has went on we have forged very strong alliances, with a great many friends added to our expanding family. Even though I do not get a chance to see them as much as I used too, there is not a day that goes by that I do not have them all in my thoughts and my heart.
Long live ELV and the Owners of Peerless Alliance!!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 26, 2008
My guild is bound together by blood :)

But for roleplaying purposes, the high council of MAPL are a group of commoners swept through a moongate from another fantasy world having a sort of Narnia-like experience in Sosaria. The rest of the guild are students and orphans rescued from various invasions and raised by the guild.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 26, 2008
*chuckles at Maplestone*

An excellent thread, should provide some interesting and fun insight into what keeps us all together. Hopefully it will stay on topic :eyes:

For me, most know I came here with another guild from Atlantic, and when they moved back I stayed, and was in the process of giving everything away prior to quitting. I laid out 3 accounts worth of stuff at brit bank and luna bank, and we had the "Find Dev" event for a week or longer.
But as I got to know everyone, DevilsOwn, Cru, Nog, Maplestone, and a host of others, changed my mind and stayed. Was accepted into guild, we joined the alliance. I have had the pleasure of playing with some real good people in the course of my gaming, and do not mean to take anything away from them, but the group on Legends, is the most mature, honest, friendly group I have ever been with. No hassle, no drama, no conflict, no meetings:lol:
we are comfortable as a group, a splinter of the group, or solo.
Semper Fi, when one member of the group needs help, there's usually more than one that shows up to assist, no matter what or where.
That's teamwork and friendship at its best.


The Mystic Circle

TMC is the kind of guild that binds a player to Ultima Online. Over the past year I had planned on leaving UO, but every time I would log in I found myself being drawn closer and closer to my guildmates. When our guild-leader was banned (for warning us about the new UO code of conduct and rules lol holy crap) and our GH dropped, I was on the verge of quitting after sending letters of protest to EA (which went ignored, duh!). But how could I quit though when Damia didn't even seem to be phased by it all? I was impressed by how she handled the situation - and she set an example to follow.

Despite the fact that TMC is now the largest on Legends, I would have to say we're really not that different than when Caden/Sheera founded the alliance years ago. We still have weekly meetings, and we welcome all new-comers with open arms. We pretty much have had the same code of laws since our inception, and our hunts and events have grown but have not changed all that much. Though I think we stopped rolling dice for loot!

Our leadership is very experienced, and very helpful, as I learn quite a lot from them even to this day. One such leader would be Marie/Opal who is perhaps one of the most unknown and coolest of all players in Legends. He's been a good friend these years, and playing with him and Caden has definitely provided me with my money's worth of enjoyment in UO.

So what exactly is the glue that binds us all? I would have to say it's the fact we were founded on the principle to have fun - we've been very lucky to have had such great leadership since day one and that has prevented any and all forms of power struggling. After every guild meeting I find myself feeling like I owe the guild so much, I never feel like I've wasted my time, and I always feel like the leadership is always giving - be it information, tips, help, love, friendship, items - I've never even considered wanting more from a game.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 26, 2008
the greatest of friends. People who, I, would gladly count among my greatest friends. Some of them have become as Brothers and Sisters too me.
Had to come back to this point, couldn't let it go. This is what keep UO going, when you have the right people, you don't need the new graphics, a new client, 3d stuff. Logging into UO for a lot of us, is as welcome as coming home.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well said all. All guilds are an evolution of sorts but the strongest are loyal to their founding values and to each other. What binds me to ELV is the devotion to fun and the lack of drama. When there is a problem we deal and move on, together. Most of us have been together for a long time and like any family have lots of memories both in game and rl to chuckle over. Another piece of glue is our Alliance which is drawn together by the same values. Building a strong house takes a strong foundation and a strong foundation honors us all.

Trust is also key. You can never know what is going on behind the screen and you need to trust the kindness and loyalty of others. There is not a member of my guild that I would not hand all of my gold to with complete confidence. If someone doesn't speak..I can safely assume that they are busy...(or watching tv)....or getting a coke.

We have all of the same benefits and responsibilities as any family and we also need to conduct ourselves in a functional way by balancing the realness of the players with the fun of the game. Remember Tov's christmas party parody?

**I do have to say that Damia handled that whole silly banning event with supreme grace.

Kudos to the strength of Legends.


I have to completely agree, and I shouldn't limit it to the guild of TMC, since Legends as a whole is full of great people and wonderful guilds that provide tons of services for the community. I've never even had a thought of x-sharding because of what guilds like T*T and ELV have brought to Legends.


Oh, and Maplestone is probably the most awesome solo'ing RP'er of any shard!

Damia TMC

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
The very things that bind a guild together is the very thing that makes uo special, and that's the people. Legends has been my only home, and the people here welcomed me with open arms. I have traveled far and wide, and no where are the people more loving, more giving and more welcoming than Legends.

Though we did not set out to be the biggest, it just happened. We had good solid principals to live by, and a good strong foundation. We also have a no drama policy and deal with things as quickly as possible. We're here to have fun afterall. We have rules in place to deal with most issues. We try to provide an environment that promotes having fun. The last thing you want when you come home from work is to put up with drama.

I have a wonderful council made up of the most intellegent people I have ever met without whom the guild wouldn't run as smoothly as it does. One of the main reasons it runs so smoothly is because of our members. For the most part we are all adults, and we're all friends. Behind the pixils are real people, and these people are very good friends. Many I have met in real life, and many I talk to on the phone or text everyday. This is not just a game to us, this is a chance for real life friends who live all over the country and in some cases, other countries, to get together and talk while killing the monster of the day. :) For us a hunt is a chance to go do something together, it's not about the loot. Point in case.... the shadowlord event.... those crystals were selling for 20 million gold and yet my guild mates who got more than one, shared with those who didn't get any. This is not a guild requirement, this is just the kind of people I have in my guild. Their kindness and generosity is amazing, and I'm so very proud of each and every one of them.

We are there for eachother whether it's a game problem or a real life problem. We celebrate new births, and grieve with our friends when someone has lost a loved one. A new house, a new car, a new hot tub for Don, we make Kryptman go do his homework so he passes his college classes. I lost both my parents in one year, and I couldn't have gotten through it without the love and support of my guild family.

So what glues a guild together? A good foundation, a code of conduct, no drama, good friends, a lot of laughter, a few tears and a lot of love.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sadly the glue that held O/s together has dissolved when Dar our Guildmistress passed on, but fortunately I have found many in the Alliance to be guildmates in spirit if not name:)

I will continue to wear the O/s guild tag (as I see Bam and Tori doing as well)in memory of Lady Phoenix on my primary characters, but seek a Guild for my newly "hatched" ones (yes, I'm addicted - i bought two of those 7th char slot/inc storage combos). I believe that when SA finally comes out, it will be extremely hard if not impossible for a single player to make and train a 120 Gargoyle Artificer, for the ingredients needed it will "take a village" to provide...


Ok, Money. I'm here. :p
Nice to read the details behind the scenes u may not otherwise know, as with TMC. I dont know of anything I can add. I think yall said it real clear. For me its def friendship, respect and real love. I'm sure the ppl Im around all day IRL would say I show waay more concern for u guys than them. (but theyre just kinda irritatin rolleyes:) Truth is I really do care about yall, and I know u care for me and my family IRL. Hell, Id even give ya a kidney. Not cus u NEEDED one, u see- just cus thats how highly I regard u. U can set it on the mantel and call it a UO Oscar. :D


gotta love how Synclaire can just put it out there, LMAO!
Anyone who knows her, knows that she is the spice of our life, never more than ya can handle :D


So what glues a guild together? A good foundation, a code of conduct, no drama, good friends, a lot of laughter, a few tears and a lot of love.[/QUOTE]

Damia's Cookies!!!


I have been in, I think, a total of 4 maybe 5 guilds my entire game life...all but this one on another shard...I love the people here. It is why I am staying!

Everyone has made me feel like this is home. This is sanctuary from the drama of RL. HUGS!

Darri Lien

Very well said! Not much anyone could add I dont think. T*T is not a large guild, by far, just a few of us. But, we're very close, very like minded etc. It's the friendships, companionship, the late night chats (or phone calls) tears, laughter, all those things that keeps us going. For the past year we've not been ingame nearly as much as we'd like to, and truly miss everyone, but because of all those reasons, we're never really that far away, and never actually 'gone' from Legends.

In T*T, its not about the gold and items, its having fun with others, hosting events when we can, and just really enjoying the company of our friends. We do try to raise gold, collect tons of items, but its not greed, at all. As most of those that know us know, its about turning those into prizes, helping fallen friends, new players, preserving some of the Legends history, and just helping folks in general, that's our fun :) It would be difficult for me to sit here and name off all the other wonderful guilds of Legends. I have a char in TMC, and love it! But, also friends with so many other folks, from soooo many other guilds...JAG, ELV, O/S, WRR, KoJ, N^M, omg and so many more lol Legends is just an excellent example, from most the guilds here, of a wonderful community, and bonds that go well beyond guilds, or factions or any of that.


Very well said!!
I don't think there is a better community out there in all of UO.
Legends and her guilds/players, have kept the original concept of community and chartibility that was the original ideas of the creators of UO.
It shines through everytime I log in on Legends!
No matter if your guild is 2 strong or 500 strong, tell us what is the glue that binds you together!

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 26, 2008
tell us what is the glue that binds you together
*whispers to Moneymaker*
I don't think that's glue, I think we just stepped in some bubblegum



*whispers back to Uriah*
Down here in the south its duct tape and J.B. weld, Its what works that counts hehe.