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[Fishing] What is a reasonable fishing rate ?

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Always Present
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When fishing, whether shallow sea, deep sea or dungeon fish, what would be a reasonable rate that one should expect to fish up in a given time ?

For example, let's take Deep Sea Fish of which there are 18 types (shallow and dungeon there are 12 types, instead...). How many of each fish on average one should expect to fish up in, say, 1 hour time of fishing ? 5 of each ? More ?


Stratics Veteran
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There's a thing called a Random Number Generater(RNG) so who knows maybe 5 maybe 0


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????? weird questions for somone who lost 1000's recently?

For somone who recently lost 1000'S of fish to an security error you are asking ALOT of questions about fishing that you had to already have gone thru.

the RNG rule fishing there are times I have fised and caught 11 dungeon fish for hours but not caught the tormentd pike, and other catch alot of one type or anohter. sorry i sisdnt see a real average.

Also now you can apply differnt hook, and i have yet to see one of these so called schools.

If you are using UO assist as you ave asked use the orgnizer to drop all fish into one bag, same can be done for shoes.

But since you already fished up THOUSANDS you should know this.


Always Present
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There's a thing called a Random Number Generater(RNG) so who knows maybe 5 maybe 0

Well, yes and no. I noticed that over time numbers tend to even up.

Like, for example, I may fish up 3 shads and 0 Bluefish in one location but over a span of time, for example 1 or 2 hours, done at various locations, numbers tend to even up and in the end I get, give or take a few differences, moreless the same numbers of each type.

That is why I was asking what is the reasonable average expectation over a span of time, because eventually all 18 types of Deep Sea fish, for example, would be fished up moreless in the same numbers.......

Question is, what would be an acceptable rate one would expect to fish up for each of the 18 types there are of Deep Sea fish, say, in 10 hours ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, yes and no. I noticed that over time numbers tend to even up.

Like, for example, I may fish up 3 shads and 0 Bluefish in one location but over a span of time, for example 1 or 2 hours, done at various locations, numbers tend to even up and in the end I get, give or take a few differences, moreless the same numbers of each type.

That is why I was asking what is the reasonable average expectation over a span of time, because eventually all 18 types of Deep Sea fish, for example, would be fished up moreless in the same numbers.......

Question is, what would be an acceptable rate one would expect to fish up for each of the 18 types there are of Deep Sea fish, say, in 10 hours ?
Well i say get a pen an paper go fish for 10 HOURS an tally up what you got


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok again simple math I know it hard

You catch a fish every 10 second?

fish for 1 hour - 3600 second therefore = 360 fish Tada now
say 1 out of every 6 is junk = 60 junk

leaving you 300 fish per hour straight fishing divide that by 18
wait for it wait for it

Ta da ta DA


So over time and a very good average you should get 16 of each type of fish per hour.
Thats Ideal no other factors.

:party: I know how hard that was to figure out.


Always Present
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Re: ????? weird questions for somone who lost 1000's recently?

For somone who recently lost 1000'S of fish to an security error you are asking ALOT of questions about fishing that you had to already have gone thru.

the RNG rule fishing there are times I have fised and caught 11 dungeon fish for hours but not caught the tormentd pike, and other catch alot of one type or anohter. sorry i sisdnt see a real average.

Also now you can apply differnt hook, and i have yet to see one of these so called schools.

If you are using UO assist as you ave asked use the orgnizer to drop all fish into one bag, same can be done for shoes.

But since you already fished up THOUSANDS you should know this.

Actually no, because when I fished them up I did them on ease, over time and without much worrying about efficiency. I had time handy back then so I did not need to worry about being efficient. I just fished relaxedly.

Things are different now, my time has severely diminished and I need to crank the best out of the whatever little time I can put into UO.

That's why I am asking questions to how I can make the little time I have for the game more efficient.

As in regards using UOAssist Organizer Agent, I have tried making it work for external containers (like the Hold, for example) but I have been unable to make it work. I was able to only make it work for "internal" containers, that is, for containers inside my Main Backpack.

My need is different, I am trying to set up a macro for fish to go to the "external" Hold and for shoes to go to an "external" backpack laying on the Ship.....


Always Present
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Well i say get a pen an paper go fish for 10 HOURS an tally up what you got
I am in the process of doing that though, with the little time I can spend in UO these days it will take me a while....... Nonetheless, in order to verify my progress, I need to have comparison data to which I can meter "my" progress....... That is, I need other fishermen similar data to see whether I am doing well or bad....... That is the reason for asking fellow fishermen findings......


Stratics Veteran
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As you already staded over time it will average out

I did the math for you - deep water about 16 each per hour


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
External container for organizer does not work for one very good reason

:stir: I am assuming your post about fishing with EASEA, LMAO.

:stretcher:The organizer are designed that way to prevent someone from just sitting there and not doing anything, or even watching, can you say unattended.


Always Present
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Re: Ok again simple math I know it hard

You catch a fish every 10 second?
I timed my catches and they turn out 1 in every 7 seconds. Problem is, that includes footware and the other items along with fish. Furthermore, there is the necessary pauses for fighting the occasional serpent, to move fish, footware and stuff out of main pack and into storage, to change location when fish dries out and so forth. All that takes time and a whole lot.

So, the "theoretical" 7 seconds per catch in reality, adding up all of the other needed tasks and pauses becomes more like 1 fish in 20-25 seconds.

So that makes it 3 fish per minute or about 180 fish per hour. Moreless 10 each for all the 18 types of Deep Sea fish, for example...... To build up a stock a 100 each for all 18 types, for example, it would take 10 hours of fishing, for example.

I am trying to compare my findings with other fishermen and see whether they are equal, worse or better and figure out if there is any process that might be improved somehow.


Always Present
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Re: External container for organizer does not work for one very good reason

:stir: I am assuming your post about fishing with EASEA, LMAO.

Fishing at ease means to me fishing relaxedly without worrying how many catches I fish in X time....... that's it. I had plenty of time back then and so I just took my ship, went out and fished, fished and fished some more manually, attended and just using my mouse and keyboard. Nowadays I have a fraction of that time, if at even, and so I cannot afford the luxury to fish at ease, relaxedly. Now I need to make my fishing more efficient to crank the best I can out of the little time I can put into the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no matter what it will average out over time, as you know


you have the number and know the math you have your answer.

No other fisherman will get any different results fishing continuously.

And sad to say allot don't even look at your posts, I am just a moth drawn to the fire.

Will stop looking at this one now, have fun fishing.


Always Present
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Re: no matter what it will average out over time, as you know

you have the number and know the math you have your answer.

It is not just a matter of math, IMHO, some processes might be more streamlined and made more efficient to reduce dead times, for example, and so increase the fishing time over the pausing times... What I am trying to say, is that depending how the entire fishing process is organized, I think that the results might differ quite conisderably from fisherman to fisherman.

That is, depending how their fishing is organized, what macros they may use, what client they may use, some fishermen might end up fishing up more or less fish in the same time as other fellow fishermen. So math won't be the same for all fishermen, as I see it........


Purple Pony Princess
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Re: no matter what it will average out over time, as you know

If you take a pet Vollem and tell it to guard you, it will attack anything that attacks you, so you wouldn't have to stop fishing to fight the serpents (especially if you use cat/dog/horrific beast form for health regeneration).
Or, if you're not at all interested in the maps/mibs/nets then you can just use a UOA "target relative" macro to fish on the move, and your ship will outrun any serpents you fish up (except perhaps if it's a Britannian Ship, because they're slow:().
Other than that, you can also not stop fishing to unload your pack. Cast your line then move a few stacks to your hold.


Slightly Crazed
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If you are really desperate to increase your fish/hour, do multiple boxing. With a second account and a second pc you can nearly double your rate of fished up goodies.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
If you are really desperate to increase your fish/hour, do multiple boxing. With a second account and a second pc you can nearly double your rate of fished up goodies.

Well, I still consider UO a game for me so, while I would like to crank the best out of the (little) time I can spend in UO these days as it comes to fishing, setting up a second computer with a second account and all that seems, at least for me, too much.

I'd be happy to just streamline better and more efficiently the process with the one fisherman that I got........

As of now my biggest time sink for the whole process is getting rid of the footware and the fish appearing in my pack. If I can find a way to macro them out of my backpack into where they are needed to go, with the pressing of 1 macro key, I'd save up quite a few seconds to make overall resulrs significantly better.


reasonable rate:yell:

Who cares? Sometimes you fish and get nothing. Sometimes more. Sometimes less.

After 1000 attempts... oh wait what is the point to answering this? How would you like it to be Popps? Just tell us. Spare the bogus discussion.


Re: no matter what it will average out over time, as you know

It is not just a matter of math, IMHO, some processes might be more streamlined and made more efficient to reduce dead times, for example, and so increase the fishing time over the pausing times... What I am trying to say, is that depending how the entire fishing process is organized, I think that the results might differ quite conisderably from fisherman to fisherman.

That is, depending how their fishing is organized, what macros they may use, what client they may use, some fishermen might end up fishing up more or less fish in the same time as other fellow fishermen. So math won't be the same for all fishermen, as I see it........
Why in the name of all that is mighty do you labor over things you cant control or change? For someone playing a game for fun, you sure do seem to worry about silly things. Just fish.

I really don't understand any of your issues with fishing. If you dont like fishing, do some other stuff and swap for the commodity deed of 100 fish th at other guy has on his vendor.

You dont need to fish to get fish.


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Re: no matter what it will average out over time, as you know

As noted before:

Given the 1 fish attempt every 10 seconds.... some modifications...

360 fishing attempts/hour

The number of non-usable fishing results, IMO, is higher in water that can spawn serpents, especially when you factor in time lost dealing with serpents (including skinning/looting them), even if your pet/summons does the fighting. Dungeon Fishing doesn't have the serpents, so would probably be slightly better for successful casts per hour. We'll assume the 1 in 6 being bad as a general number.

The biggest hassle in all locations is getting a special fish, that you got to dump on the deck or in your hold, to keep you from going overweight. If you're not using a "target relative" macro (or one for a specific target, if you go the casting into 4 specific resource squares every trip route) for the fishing part, cutting the big fish/rare fish up can screw with your targeting for fishing.

Even so, with no special fish, you're still going to have to unload (into a hold, beetle or other pack animal) every 4-7 minutes, ESPECIALLY to get rid of the accumulating footwear - even the UOAssist organizer agent takes a second or more per item to move into a bag on you, then you manually have to drop the bag), which takes a minute or so if you're not using illegal software, since the new fish don't auto-stack on deck (unless Tugg's done something in the last few weeks I've not heard of to rectify the situation with UOAssist).

Assuming that you lose the equivalent of 5 casts with every stoppage to unload, that would average the loss of 60 casts per hour.

As we noted above, there would be another 60 casts an hour lost to the actual "catching" of footwear, serpents, big fish and messes of small fish
Of all these, only the fish steaks off Big Fish & normal sea serpents, and the horned leather off serpents, auto-stacks when cut with a proper tool. While the Harvester's Blade, while it loots the scales, the scales DON'T STACK with existing piles, and you get 10% or more extra leather, scales PLUS the unwanted meat (for deeps - the fish steaks might be considered unwanted by some), and still have to manually loot the gold and/or special loot inside the serpent corpse.

The actual number of fish caught, therefore, is probably closer to 240 to 270 an hour, or (if evenly distributed, which almost never happens)
20 of each shallow water or dungeon fish an hour;
13 to 15 of each deep water fish each hour.

HOWEVER, even these numbers are misleading, for Dungeon fishing has load issues.

If you're dungeon fishing, you don't have a ship hold to drop into. This means that you are either dropping into containers as a sorting method (then using a Bag of Sending to send each type to the bank, in batches of 40-50 at most), or have a trained giant beetle with you for storage. The latter only holds 160 fish, unless you play with the fish types that resemble the old "a fish" (3 of the dungeon types, 4 each of shallow and deep) to deliberately get those fish stacking at 1 stone (not gonna say how to do that - you can figure it out yourself).

This means that, unless you're one of the following special cases, you'll have to leave the dungeon at least once an hour to unload, assuming you are bringing out ALL of your quest-related fish intact.

1. Fisher, alone: will get full in less than 8 minutes. figure 6 unload trips an hour.

2. Necro Fisher: Gets an additional 7 minutes from using a horde minion. so, figure 4 unload trips an hour IF you can gate, or have someone that gates to you (not possible in Ilshenar or Fel dungeons, as well as a few elsewhere). Without the ability to gate out, you lose a quarter of each hour going back and forth (most no-gate dungeons take about 2-3 minutes each way to get to where one can gate out, be it a cast gate or taking a permanent ilshenar gate to a different facet)

3. Typical Fisher with beetle: Beetle only holds 160 fish if you don't trigger the bug that causes certain fish types to default to 1 stone weight like their pre-HS visual counterparts. I'm not gonna say how it's done, but you can probably figure it out if you don't know already. even so, that only allows 1/4 of your fish to get down to 1/10 normal weight, so you're STILL going to have to go unload at about the 50 minute to 1 hour mark.

Special cases:
4. #2+#3 above: Gets you an extra 40 fish over and above your pack and the beetle, so you MIGHT be about to go 10-15 minutes past the 1-hour mark.
5. Fisher/Vet: You take 5 bonded packies in, not caring if they die. You sort on the ground/bags as you fish. When you leave, you clear out the spawn (if any) that's wandered in, rez your pack animals, load each up with 160 fish (more or less - you might catch other fish to keep, or get the fish to stack at the lower weight), without the containers you sorted into, then recall out. You can get about 3-4 hours fishing in this way.
6. multi-packies: A non-vet can try something similar to #5 by leaving the bonded packies at home, logging out in the dungeon then logging back in, to get them to the loading spot. Yes, you can have 5 bonded packies with only 4 stable slots, by leaving one in your house when you log out. Typically only recommended for resource gatherers, and even then you occasionally lose the one logged out from forgetting to completely unload it, or logging out too close to backups prior to scheduled shard drops or unplanned crashes.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Most fishermen fish the way you did at first, with no thought to 'efficiency', this is after all a game, not a job.
Since all there is no relevant answer to your question, merely mounting speculation on why you asked it, leaning towards less tolerance and more trolling I'm going to take the decision to lock it.
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