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What/How to Train Stealing?

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I've got my new rares thief about ready to start heading out and, um...borrowing...things from around. Stealth and Hiding are up high enough now where I'm not becoming visible very often, and have just about GM'd lockpicking. Now, where so I start on training the Stealing skill? There isn't much info on Stratics other than at the 50 skill I currently have that I should be stealing things that weigh 5 stones. So, where do I find this stuff? How often does it spawn? I've got a lot of spare time to to work a skill, so have no problem bouncing from town to town and looting them dry, er...I mean...borrowing things from everyone.


Semi and Daily rares spawn in places all over the world, but...

If you are going for skill gains, you will find that VERY few of these steal-ables are the right weight for you to gain. I'd recommend some skill training to get you farther than 50 first. Start in the blacksmith shop in Buc's den (No guards tram side for easy macroing) and drop items into the barrels there that are about the right weight. I got the best results by taking my skill level and dividing it by ten, then adding one to it to determine the best item weight to try to steal. So for your 50 skill, I'd be using 6 bottles or something else weighing 6 stones. Steal everything you dropped into the barrels and repeat as needed.

Those same barrels spawn some of the semi-rares including the horseshoes, gold wire, silver wire, backwards ingots, forged, metal, etc.

Good luck with the training!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
u need to get a pack horse tell it to guard u and put like carrots in him and steal the carrots from him (works with other things i just used carrots) plus i got shadow dancers and a ring/brac set and a burgalers bandana so i didnt have to train too much but ya u just keep increasing the amount u r trying to steal off of the horse make sure hes guarding u tho if not it wont work


I totally agree with red and wear the same gear. Just make sure SD legs are not cursed. Death is in ye future!
A lot of great info can be found at http://uothief.com/thieffaq/thieffaq.html
They are not into stealing rares, but still great reads!
Good luck and have fun!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also i started at like 109 with everything and u will gain a lot from stealing in doom



Semi and Daily rares spawn in places all over the world, but...

If you are going for skill gains, you will find that VERY few of these steal-ables are the right weight for you to gain. I'd recommend some skill training to get you farther than 50 first. Start in the blacksmith shop in Buc's den (No guards tram side for easy macroing) and drop items into the barrels there that are about the right weight. I got the best results by taking my skill level and dividing it by ten, then adding one to it to determine the best item weight to try to steal. So for your 50 skill, I'd be using 6 bottles or something else weighing 6 stones. Steal everything you dropped into the barrels and repeat as needed.

Those same barrels spawn some of the semi-rares including the horseshoes, gold wire, silver wire, backwards ingots, forged, metal, etc.

Good luck with the training!

[/ QUOTE ]

This is great info. Thanks Tazar! I'll be heading to Buc's Den for sure.

As far as gear, I'm only using the Shadow Dancer Leggings. The extra 40 skill points is more than enough for this character. The supporting skills are Magery, which I'll take to 120, Eval and Med , then still be left with more points than I quite know what to do with. I may add some Inscription for extra damage, but not sure yet.