Bit of a rhetorical question, as believe it or not, my time spent more than 15 screens from the city of Trinsic is rare (Except when mining, and I'm fairly certain the Painted Caves are within 15 screens...). What can I say, I'm a home body, and more often than not, my time is limited to a few short bursts of 20-30 minutes of gameplay before something interrupts me. Although I have been everywhere in the old world and the Second Age lands because they were there when I was much younger and had much more free time, but Ish, Tok, and Malas are completely unknown to me....
Probably why crafting appeals more to me these days, as you can do it in short bursts like that and still feel like you're making progress...But I digress.
ANYWAY, the point of the thread... There was another topic that talked about Satyr training and training pets, and a few other things I had never heard of. So that got me to thinking:
What else can you do in UO that you find fulfilling or interesting that other players may not know about? Some fun taming projects (The thread where the guy had that totally buff chicken made me want to start one..)? Planting a garden? SoS adventures? Some fun, effective, or just plain interesting tips?
Be as descriptive as possible, as others may want to know how to do it if it appeals to them!
Probably why crafting appeals more to me these days, as you can do it in short bursts like that and still feel like you're making progress...But I digress.
ANYWAY, the point of the thread... There was another topic that talked about Satyr training and training pets, and a few other things I had never heard of. So that got me to thinking:
What else can you do in UO that you find fulfilling or interesting that other players may not know about? Some fun taming projects (The thread where the guy had that totally buff chicken made me want to start one..)? Planting a garden? SoS adventures? Some fun, effective, or just plain interesting tips?
Be as descriptive as possible, as others may want to know how to do it if it appeals to them!