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What HAVEN'T I done?


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Bit of a rhetorical question, as believe it or not, my time spent more than 15 screens from the city of Trinsic is rare (Except when mining, and I'm fairly certain the Painted Caves are within 15 screens...). What can I say, I'm a home body, and more often than not, my time is limited to a few short bursts of 20-30 minutes of gameplay before something interrupts me. Although I have been everywhere in the old world and the Second Age lands because they were there when I was much younger and had much more free time, but Ish, Tok, and Malas are completely unknown to me....

Probably why crafting appeals more to me these days, as you can do it in short bursts like that and still feel like you're making progress...But I digress.

ANYWAY, the point of the thread... There was another topic that talked about Satyr training and training pets, and a few other things I had never heard of. So that got me to thinking:

What else can you do in UO that you find fulfilling or interesting that other players may not know about? Some fun taming projects (The thread where the guy had that totally buff chicken made me want to start one..)? Planting a garden? SoS adventures? Some fun, effective, or just plain interesting tips?

Be as descriptive as possible, as others may want to know how to do it if it appeals to them!


When I used to drink and come home smashed in the early hours, I would (don't tell anyone this) I would get my swampies out of the stables and train them. Fighting skills, then put them in a pen and curse them.


I just enjoyed training them and any pets up (when off my face).


Grand Poobah
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I train up pets that aren't normally considered worth training. I have a 4xGM blue beetle for camping houses (and killing shadow wisps for bones). Sometimes I'll go kill a few blue beetles to see if I can get one with good resists to spawn.

Most of my time is spent doing vendor stuff, but other things i do here and there are library turn ins so as to get a full set of all the glasses, and very rarely zoo turn ins. One day I might get around to doing the obisidian statue quest to try to get a statue of my own character, but it's pretty time consuming as is (10 pieces for one statue, yikes).

I'm also slowly building a rune library, tho that has been on hold a few months now. Not sure where I'm going to end up putting it now that I've redone my plant vendors and there's no room there for a library anymore!

I do the naturalist to get the new white plants to sell (they sell quite well) but also so I can hoard the ones I really like - white hops and hedges. Not sure what I'll do with those, tho I always wanted to do a wedding chapel so maybe somewhere down the road that'll happen.

Collections are fun - when alacrity scrolls came out I collected them all, and now that SoTs are out I'm very slowly building a collection of .1s. Pretty much if I see a .1 cheap I will buy it and throw it in the bag.


Grand Poobah
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Oh I forgot to mention I finally got my mage (my second character ever) up to 120 magery, so I'm going to scribe a bunch of spellbooks and try to make superslayers, after I've finished the t hunter library turn in (which uses blank scrolls, so all my blanks are going towards that effort first).

Stupid Miner

Take whichever character you like to fight with most and solo all the legacy dungeons. (And for tera keep, fight through the ophidians too!)


Oh I forgot to mention I finally got my mage (my second character ever) up to 120 magery, so I'm going to scribe a bunch of spellbooks and try to make superslayers, after I've finished the t hunter library turn in (which uses blank scrolls, so all my blanks are going towards that effort first).
It may just be an urban legend, but the theory is that if you equip a +15 Magery spellbook, and a +15 (or 20 if you have Crystalline) ring & brace, that your odds of crafting 3 mod spellbooks is increased.

Tina Small

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Here are a few of the "projects" in UO that I've been working on that are perhaps a little bit off the beaten track:

  • Cross-pollinate all the older types of plants to get all of them in each possible regular color, along with a few of them in black and white. Completed this on Baja and put a pretty good dent into doing it on Great Lakes and Pacific before becoming totally burned out on plants and making potions.
  • Train up a peace tamer on every shard. Still definitely working on this one, but so far have functional peace tamers on Atlantic, Baja, Europa, Great Lakes, Lake Austin, Lake Superior, Legends, Napa, Oceania, Origin, Pacific, Sonoma, and Yamato.
  • Make a faction thief/tracker/trap remover on every North American shard. Still working on this one too, but I've almost completed six so far and quite a few others are started.
  • Train up a faction tamer/tracker/detector/thief on every North American shard. Haven't gotten quite as far on this project. They're only finished on Baja, Legends, Napa, and Sonoma.
  • Make the following types of crafting/resource gathering chars on all North American shards, as well as Oceania and Europa: miner/LJ/fisher/bard; blacksmith/tailor; carpenter/fletcher/tinker; and scribe/alchemist/cook. Still a work in progress, but my "crafting crew" is well underway (or finished, perhaps in a different combination of skills however) on Atlantic, Baja, Europa, Great Lakes, Lake Austin, Lake Superior, Legends, Oceania, Origin, Pacific, and Sonoma.
  • Train up archers and dexxers on all North American shards, as well as Oceania and Europa. Still a long way from feeling like I've begun to scratch the surface on this particular project.


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Yeah, the collection quests look interesting. Last night I finally did the Friends of the Library quest (Nice guide whoever wrote that, by the way.. Would have been COMPLETELY lost had I not found that), so I'll be starting towards A Primer or Damage Removal or whatever that talisman is with the DI increase for my sadly equiped Paladin.

How do you make supersplayer spell books? I've been focusing so much on Carpentry, Blacksmithing, and Tailoring, I never have done anything with my character with GM Inscription... Do you need 120 magery? Random creation?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh I forgot to mention I finally got my mage (my second character ever) up to 120 magery, so I'm going to scribe a bunch of spellbooks and try to make superslayers, after I've finished the t hunter library turn in (which uses blank scrolls, so all my blanks are going towards that effort first).
It may just be an urban legend, but the theory is that if you equip a +15 Magery spellbook, and a +15 (or 20 if you have Crystalline) ring & brace, that your odds of crafting 3 mod spellbooks is increased.
I have heard that, and I even looted a crystalline ring from an idoc a while back. And now it has totally vanished, I looked through everything trying to find it and it's just gone. Not sure if it would be worth it for me to bother buying one just for this particular project, bleh. I do have +15 jewelry anyways, but I think the best spellbook I have is +12 magery. My scribe talisman is pretty good I think.


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I sometimes go out collecting leather on my tailor - he has a Reptile Slayer Skinning Knife that he uses as a weapon (and can take things as tough as drakes without problems), that functions in the same manner as a Butcher's War Cleaver when wielded.

Note that a Salvage bag will cut all your bone piles into crafting bones, using the "cloth" option, and unlike the normal (one pile at a time) way, it doesn't drop the bones to the ground if you're overweight. So, I've also taken him to kill shadow wisps at Oaks (strangely, he can melee everything the spawn throws at him EXCEPT wisps, and of course the winged guys everyone ignores anyway).

My Legendary smith is also legendary Macing, and is known for his mining trips deliberately trying to dig up paragon ore elementals in Ilshenar, and occasionally going to the Doom Gauntlet.

I also have a Treasure Hunter swords paladin, though the AW changes have made level 6s a bit more difficult than before (precast sacred journey to the other side of the island works better than a pre-cast invis, as long as you don't cross a server line, and aren't on Dot Island)


What HAVEN'T I done?
I HAVEN'T changed my underwear since I started playing UO!


Babbling Loonie
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As I've mentioned in other threads, I love herding ki rin about Ilshenar. You work up the oaks spawn to the second level, herd all the ki rin to you, then lead them into battle against the other foes of the land. I event took them as far at the Humility Champ Spawn and that was epic to see. Next time I do it, I'll take screen shots.

I would like to lead the ki rin army to other places like Montor or Karnaugh's Pass. I also want to try this in Felucca Lost Lands and herd the army to one of the other champ spawns there. My stealth herder just came active for this too. :D

What else? I have a slew of quirky tamer characters. Just began my squirrel tamer. Waiting for them to bond so I can begin training them. I find that weaker pets (mongbats and slimes) wind up with more hit points than mid-level pets like scorpions. They just have those really poor resists. Now if only GM Animal Resist gave them a resist boost, then my squirrels of doom would do much much better in battle!

I also have a guild library of many player written books, including Stratics Write-Ups of events. I'll take these books around the land and scribe them into the blank books you find spawning on bookshelves. Our EMs even made some of the reports a permanent part of their secret resistance base.

I also login on two computers, one with a spellweaver who can allure meer captains or savages. These creatures can be handed items and if you hand them a com crystal and speak into the broadcaster, it makes the Meer look like it is talking. You just match the Meer's name up with the name of the character on the broadcaster and voila! Talking Meer.

I was experimenting with this today as well and found Meers can serve as something of a packhorse. You can hand them stuff and they can carry 400 stones it seems. Then when you release them, a pack of the items they are carrying is dropped onto the floor. Mind you, it's a bit dangerous with truly valuable things because of the Meer dies, it vanishes into thin air along with everything it was carrying. What's more, allures sometimes vanish on their own when crossing server boundaries or hopping through gates. Thus they make unreliable packbuddies, but still....

I'll do RP quests with hired NPCs. The storyline is the basic veteran looking after younger more inexperienced adventurers in their care. The challenge is to take them hunting and keep them alive. We'll sometimes gate a guildmate into the bottom of a dungeon and see if they can lead their charges out alive.

Those are some of the crazy ways I keep myself entertained in-game.