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What has 8th circle spells?

Old Wolf

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Howdy all,

Trying to be a purist and collect an entire spell book without buying it on my new character (don't ask why, I don't know...). What has the 8th circle spells that are easy(ish) to take down with a warrior of GM skills?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Howdy all,

Trying to be a purist and collect an entire spell book without buying it on my new character (don't ask why, I don't know...). What has the 8th circle spells that are easy(ish) to take down with a warrior of GM skills?
I think Lich Lords and Balrons do.


Stratics Veteran
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I'm not sure that two of the 8th actually drop; For a long time I collected the scrolls just so I could fill spell books myself, but after a few months of play I never saw Fire and Air Elemental drop. However I did not tend to fight positive karma creatures, nor did I tackle everything that exists so it's possible I just missed the mobs that might have it.

I was getting 8th Level drops from Succubi too, and I seem to recall occasionally from Greater Dragons.


Champ bosses, Tentacles of the Harrower and high level treasure chest have them.


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Many of the suggestions above are partially incorrect.

Lich Lords, Succubi, Greater Dragons and balrons don't have them.
I've never seen them in Treasure chests (unless in the new level 7s) or in champs.

Here's what does:

Meer Eternals (Ilshenar and the invasions in Trammel/Fel)
Dark Fathers (Doom)
The Slasher of the Veil (Stygian Abyss)
STATIC Dungeon chests randomly spawn level 0 (i.e. blank) to level 8 scrolls, once you open them once to get them to spawn contents (they are typically empty, until opened once, then it's a matter of waiting for respawn, then emptying them and waiting again). Of course, those are mixed with lots of junk equipment loot and bones/body parts.
Some event bosses (for example, the Crimson Dragons from a couple years ago)

Can't vouch one way or the other for the Harrower, as I've never done one.


Tentacles of the Harrower spawn in Khaldun. I have found 8th level scrolls on them. It's really hard to kill with a melee fighter. Yeah, I meant dungeon chest, not treasure chest.

Cerwin Vega

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I have a huge collection of scrolls and have only even been able to get to 62... I dont know where the last 2 scrolls are but I must not kill the monster that has them.

Lady Storm

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Long ago there was a section in a dungeon with skellies that you had to kill off or lock up out of the room. and a lockpicker had to pop the boxes. They spawned the 8th circle scrolls. Not sure if that room still does that. Its been 10 years + sence I been down there. Room was full of high stacked crates all over the place.


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Storm, nearly all empty crates/boxes/chests/barrels in the classic Tram/Fel dungeons are like that.

They spawn empty, then once a LP pops them once, they will keep refilling with normal armor & weapons, bones & body parts, and magery scrolls level 1-8 (and occasionally a blank scroll, much like an air ele), as long as someone keeps emptying out all the contents (and it occasionally re-locks). If the respawn timer passes, and no one picks it and empties it out, it will return to an empty state on the next server maintenance.

I used to do the crates in the alcove between the main bowl of Destard and the water eles in the SE for level 8 scrolls, as well as using the 3 random chest spawns in the same area for LP gains.

Cerwin Vega: Here's a quick rundown of the best scroll sources (*also includes necro scrolls of equivalent power)
Level 1-3*: Orc Mages, Rat Mages, Imps (includes 10 of the 17 Necro spell scrolls). will sometimes have a blank scroll instead of a spell scroll.
Level 1-4: NPC Mages in shops. Will randomly have only level 1, levels 1-2, levels 1-3 or levels 1-4. Be sure to check every mage in the shop, as they are usually different from each other. Only sell mage scrolls.
Level 5-7*(and 6 of the 17 necro spells): Liches, Daemons, gargoyles, Treasure Chests from T-maps and SOS.

1 Level 1-3* & 1 level 4-7*: Air Elementals (As noted above, sometimes the lower level scroll will be a blank, instead of for a spell).

See my earlier post for the list of level 8s (and the necro spell Vampiric Embrace, which is level 8 equivalent).

You should be able to go through your book by the level pages at the beginning and see exactly which levels are missing spells.


Was it really only in chest that we originally completed our spellbooks? I played UO from the moment it went public and even a little before during beta, but for the life of me can't remember how we put together those first books. Of course I'm sure I don't remember due to taking the short cut and buying mine from another player or "borrowing" [Trinsic Borrower, TB] one from some kind souls home. (I remember finding a horde of them in some LLTS house in fact but that was a long time after getting my first book.)

Does anyone still own any of the 128 spell spellbooks? At one point prior to having my account stolen during my first period of retirement, I had a large collection of them... Probably 10 or so 128 spell ones, than a bunch of varied ones. If I remember correctly, that's something else I "borrowed" :D . Although that might have been from someone making the mistake of putting them in a bag while traveling in Fel as if I remember correctly they came about after house security and maybe even after uo:r.