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What happened to the travel Lodge Tower?

DreadLord Lestat

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I understand that the rune library is now in Luna but what happened to the establishment itself? When I first started playing, The Travel Lodge was a cabin near the beach by Brit. Later they moved to a Large Tower and then when I moved to Lake Austin when it first opened, TLT had become about 5 different houses with specific vendors like an armor shop. So what happened? Seemed like most of Cats new where it was and shopped there, used the rune library and hung out. What happened to Tony and the other owners? I am very curious as it is kind of sad that it no longer exists.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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They closed down a few years back. I think the owners decided to stop playing. It's a shame, it was a great asset to the shard. I imagine they were having an even harder time competing with Luna once "the sites we won't mention here" opened.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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Stratics Legend
The buildings to the south of Aegis which once housed TLT and other shops connected to it are now a part of the Freehold of Dragon's icefll. I was sorry to see TLT go. It had been such a fond memory of my time playing.


After 3 years of not playing the TLT owners Tony and Enchantress are now playing again. I've been a member of TLT for some time and came back from a 4 year break myself. I talk with Tony and Enchant on a nightly basis as we are long time friends and hunting partners. The guild still exsists and I'm proud to be a part of it. Any vet whos been around knows the name TLT and what it represented to catskills. TLT will remain in Cats as a shadow of its former glory (mainly because owners don't have RL time to devote to stocking vendors and running a virtual business). We all want to play the game for fun now, but if u see us around feel free to say Hi, I know myself after being gone 4 years im lost with all the new expansions. =)
With Respect
Lord Raithon


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This is Light of Dead Sexy Smiths and i can tell you that running that mall had to take a toll of these people, i mean that place was none stop. I took over some of the vendors there for awhile and its was brutal. Hope you guys are able to enjoy the game in a different way and Welcome back!
