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What happened to the bookcase?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few years ago (before I skilled up a carpenter) I swear I remember having a few empty looking bookcases in my home for deco that someone crafted for me.

Now that I have a somewhat skilled up carpenter, I can't seem to find the option to make one. The closest I can find is the academic bookcase:

and the broken bookcase.

Is my memory broken, or do I need to do a quest to get a recipe to build an empty looking bookcase or something?

While on the topic, since I have a heritage token, does the broken bookcase act as a container also? Or is it only deco?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it's called "wooden shelf" on the carpentry menu; and no, the broken bookcase cannot be used as a container.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it's called "wooden shelf" on the carpentry menu; and no, the broken bookcase cannot be used as a container.

Thank you sir. I did not know if the broken bookcase would be able to work as a container or not. Only seconds after posting I found the "wooden shelf" hehe. So I now feel a bit dumb.

I heard a rumor though, not long ago about a bookcase that changes appearance due to how full it is? Can anyone confirm? And or give a name/link to what it's called?


Always Present
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Actually the full bookcase is called the academic bookcase and requires the stolen (from Umbra dungeon) academic books to craft.

Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Just to clarify:

I heard a rumor though, not long ago about a bookcase that changes appearance due to how full it is? Can anyone confirm? And or give a name/link to what it's called?

The bookcase in question is the one on sale at the uostore (UO Game Code Store - Product Details ) it does change its graphics. The one Flutter mentions only displays as a full case regardless of being empty/full.

The academic books needed to craft it are a stealable spawn in the Bedlam champ spawn area under bedlam.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Flutter, and Uther Pendragon.

So then... there are a total of 4 bookcases then?

"Wooden shelf"
"Broken Bookcase"
"Academic Bookcase"
"Wooden Bookcase"

I'm trying to build a library in my home, and trying to find out all the bookcases there are.

Sadly, I could not find an academic book for sale anywhere that I could use to craft the Academic Bookcase...on any shard. I don't suppose I could ask the aid of a thief to help me procure one? :)


Always Present
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They are a hard thing to get and the people who are getting them aren't selling them.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Black Sun is correct. I was obsessed with them for a while. (Siege sometimes makes you do nutty things to stay entertained)

I collected a couple dozen of them and have since given most away.

There are three locations the academic books spawn in down in Bedlam. Just so you lnow.