After what I went through I think we can definately say Customer Service is broken/nerfed/hosed (fill in your favorite adjective). What do you think it would take to fix it? Aside from a case of Fleets and the Sam's Club size bottle of tylenol..LOL
Seriously I think the GM system needs a complete over haul,IMHO. Let's here some ideas, suggestions, etc, etc. So start posting your ideas!!!
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They need
- a new management which focuses 60% on customers and 40% on shareholder value,
- a new management which actually knows what they produce and serve to their customers,
- a new management which are interested in their own products,
- a new management which has actually a brain instead of the books they got placed into their heads while they crawled in front of their teachers at university,
- a new management which has a look for the long run instead for the short period until the next shareholder's general meeting,
- an economic environment where shareholder value is not the main reason for a business,
- an economic environment where shareholders actually realize that good business sometimes needs more than just a few pennies for 3 months, but alot of investment into the future,
- an economic environment where management has grown up with the product and identify themselves with the products they produce (the same goes for the shareholders)
- a social environment where the people working in the service plants are actually getting something for their work,
- service employees who get the time to learn the product or employees who already know the product,
- customers who do not ring for service as soon as they don't have enough coffee at home,
- customers who can actually explain what their problem is and not just send a line that something is wrong and what they did and
- customers who ask/message in a normal or nicely way and not talk trash.
There is alot more, but I think that service is a thing which is very hard to make right and to fullfill customers expectations.
If UO would be a high seller, then customer service would be better, but as long as UO is a cash cow, there will not be many improvements to the service.